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► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Mafia: a) its origins and its members; b) its moral code; c) its activities; d) its relation with Mussolini and the American occupation authorities. Retell the text Mafia.




► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to question the text and to give answers.

AI Capone (1899-1947) - the most famous American gangster, who dominated organized crime in Chicago from 1925 to 1931. (apone’s parents immigrated to the United States from Naples in 1893; Al, the fourth of nine children, quit school in Brooklyn alter the sixth grade and joined Johnny Torrio’s gang. In a silly quarrel in a brothel-saloon, a young hoodlum slashed Capone with a knife or razor across his left cheek, prompting the later nickname “Scarface.” Torrio moved from New York to Chicago in 1909 to help run the brothel business there and, in 1919, sent for Capone. It was either Capone or Frankie Yale who assassi- alal Torrio’s boss, Big Jim Colosimo, in 1920, making way for orrio's rule. As Prohibition began, new bootlegging operationsopened up and brought a lot of money. [Prohibition is the pe­riod from 1919 to 1933 in the US when the production and sale of alcoholic drinks was forbidden by law. Bootlegging is ille­gally making or selling alcohol.] In 1925 Torrio retired, and Capone became crime czar of Chicago, running gambling, pros­titution, and bootlegging. He expanded his territories by the gunning down of rivals and rival gangs. His wealth in 1927 was. estimated at close to $100,000,000. The most notorious of the' bloodlettings was the St. Valentine's Day Massacre on Feb. 14, 1929. Disguising themselves as policemen, members of the A1 Capone gang entered a garage at 2122 North Clark Street, lined their opponents up against a wall, and machine-gunned them in cold blood. In June 1931 Capone was indicted for income-tax evasion and in October was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to

11 years in prison and $80,000 in fines and court costs. He en­tered Atlanta penitentiary in May 1932 but was transferred to the new Alcatraz prison in August 1934. In November 1939, suffering from the late stage of syphilis, he was released and entered a Baltimore hospital. Later he retired to his Florida es­tate, where he died in 1947, a powerless recluse.

Dominate ['dumineit] - господствовать; organized crime –организованнаяпреступность; quit [kwit] - бросать(quit / quitted; quitting); grade [greid] - класс; quarrel ['к\логэ1] - ссора; brothel ['bnOI] –публичныйдом; saloon [sa'lum] - салон; hoodlum ['hudlam] - хулиган; slash [slaej] - исполосовать; razor [’reiza] - бритва; prompt - подска­зывать; scar [ska:] - шрам; open up - сделатьсядоступным; retire [ri'taia] - уходитьвотставку; удаляться; czar Jza:] - царь; run - руководить; gun [длп] - стрелять; rival [’raival] - соперник; notorious –печальноизвестный; пресловутый; bloodletting - кровопролитие; massacre ['maesska] - резня; disguise [dis'gaiz] - переодевать; garage ['дэ'га:з] - гараж; cold blood - хладнокровие; indict [in'dait] –предъявлятьобвинение; evasion [iVeigan] - уклонение; try - судить,

find guilty –признатьвиновным; sentence - приговорить; fine - штраф; court costs –судебныеиздержки; peni­tentiary [peni'tenjari] - тюрьма; transfer [traens'fa:] - переводить; suffer from –страдатьот; syphilis [’sifilis] - сифилис; release [ri'li:s] -освобождать; powerless [’paualis] - бессильный; recluse [ri'klu:s] - затворник.

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Capone was the most famous American actor. 2) Capone dominated organized crime in Palermo. 3) Capone's parents immigrated to England in 1931. 4) Capone was the first of nine children. 5) A young hooligan cut Capone with a sword across his right cheek. 6) Capone ran a loan business in Chicago in 1919. 7) In 1920 Capone murdered one of his bosses acciden­tally. 8) In 1921 Capone became crime czar of Chicago. 9) Ca­pone didn’t run gambling arid bootlegging. 10) Capone kept company with his rival gangs. 11) Capone became bankrupt in 1927. 12) Capone used to kill his rivals in cold blood. 13) Ca­pone was tried and sentenced to 19 years in prison. 14) Capone suffered from megalomania. 15) Capone died of starvation.

► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Capone the most famous American gangster was. 2) Capone organized crime in Chicago dominated. 3) Capone's parents to the US from Naples immigrated. 4) Capone became school and quit a member of a criminal gang. 5) A young hoodlum Capone with a knife across his left cheek slashed. 6) Capone crime czar of Chicago became. 7) Capone gambling and bootlegging ran. X) Capone his territories by the gunning down of rivals and rival j’.angs expanded. 9) Capone for income-tax evasion was in­dicted. 10) Capone tried was and found guilty. 11) Capone to 11 years in prison was sentenced.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Подсказывать; шрам; сделаться доступным; уходить в от­ставку; удаляться; руководить; стрелять; господствовать; организованная преступность; бросать; класс; ссора; хули­ган; исполосовать; бритва; уклонение; судить; признать ви­новным; приговорить; штраф; судебные издержки; тюрьма; соперник; пресловутый; кровопролитие; резня; переоде­вать; хладнокровие; предъявлять обвинение; затворник.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) A1 Capone was... 2) Capone dominated... 3) Capone's par­ents immigrated to... 4) Capone quit... and joined... 5)... slashed Capone with... 6) Capone assassinated... making way for... 7) Capone became... and ran... 8) Capone expanded...

9) Capone's wealth was estimated... 10) Capone was indicted for... and sentenced to... 11) Capone suffered from...

12) Capone retired to... 13) Capone died in...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Al Capone: a) his family and his youth; b) his help to his boss; c) his activities and his crimi­nal status in Chicago; d) his life since June 1931. Retell the textAl Capone.


► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to question the text and to give answers.

Lucky Luciano (1896-1962) - the most powerful chief of American organized crime in the early 1930s and a major infill ence even from prison, 1936-45, and after deportation to Italy in 1946. [To deport means to make someone who is not a citi zen of a particular country leave that country, especially be­cause they do not have a legal right to stay.] Luciano immi­grated with-his parents from Sicily to New York City in 1906 and, at the age of 10, was already involved in mugging, shop­lifting, and extortion. [Mugging is an attack on someone in which they are robbed in a public place. Shoplifting is the crime of stealing things from shops, for example by hiding them in your bag, or under your clothes. To extort means to illegally force someone to give you money by threatening them.] In 1916 he spent six months in jail for selling heroin. He earned his nickname “Lucky” for success at eVading arrest and winning craps games. In 1920 he directed bootlegging, prostitution, nar­cotics distribution, and protection racket. [Bootlegging is ille­gally making or selling alcohol. Protection racket is a system in which criminals demand money from you to stop them from damaging your property.] In October 1929 he was abducted by four men in a car, beaten, stabbed repeatedly with an ice pick, had his throat slit from ear to ear, and was left for dead on a beach—but survived. Lucky Luciano never named his abduc­tors. He took an active part in the bloody gang war of 1930-31. By 1934 Luciano had become capo di tutti capi (“boss of all the bosses”). Then, in 1935, New York special prosecutor Thomas E. Dewey bore down on Luciano, gathering evidence of his brothel and call-girl empire. In 1936 he was indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced for a 50-year term. From his prison c ell Luciano continued to rule and issue orders. In 1946 his sen­tence was commuted and he was deported to Italy, where he settled in Rome. In Naples, Lucky Luciano continued to direct the drug traffic into the United States and. the smuggling of for­eigners to America. [Smuggling is the crime of taking things illegally from one country to another.] Lucky Luciano died of a heart attack in Naples in 1962.

Iп11 uence –факторвлияния; mug –грабитьнаулице; •.hoplifting –кражавмагазине; extortion [iks'tD:/эп] - вымогательство; extort [iks'tDit] –совершитьвымогательство; iail [d^eill - тюрьма; roin ['herauin] - героин; earn[э:п] - заработать; lucky - счастливчик; evade [i'veid] arrest –ускользнутьиз-подареста; craps [krseps] –азартнаяигравкости; bootlegging - бутлегерство; abduct [seb'dAkt] –насильноувозить; ice pick - a sharp tool used for cutting or breaking ice; slit –разрезатьвдлину; leave for dead - оставить, принявзамертвого; abductor [aeb'dAkta] похититель; bear down - нападать; brothel [Ъп01] –публичныйдом; indict [in'dait] –предъявлятьобвинение; try - судить; convict [ksn'vikt] –признатьвиновным; sen- tence - приговорить; commute [ka'mjuit] –смягчатьнаказание.

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

I) Luciano was the most powerful chief of French organized crime. 2) Luciano immigrated with his friends from Palermo to Chicago in 1910. 3) At the age of 6 Luciano participated in ex­tortion. 4) Luciano ^spent ten months in jail for selling mor­phine. 5) Luciano deserved his alias for success at evading ar­rest. 6) Luciano was good at craps games. 7) Luciano made and sold alcohol illegally. 8) Luciano didn’t take an active part in bloody gang wars. 9) Luciano was sentenced for a 10-year term. 10) From his prison cell Luciano wrote letters to his parents.

II) In 1946 his punishment was mitigated. 12) Luciano was deported to France, where he settled in Paris. 13) Luciano died of tuberculosis in Paris in 1972.

► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Luciano the most powerful chief of American organized crime was. 2) Luciano with his parents from Sicily to New York City immigrated. 3) Luciano was in mugging and extortion in­volved. 4) Luciano six months in jail for selling heroin spent.

5) Luciano bootlegging and protection racket directed.

6) Luciano an active part in the bloody gang war of 1930-31 took. 7) Luciano was for a 50-year term sentenced. 8) From his prison cell Luciano to rule and issue orders continued. 9) Lu ciano of a heart attack in 1962 died.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Шеф; иммигрировать; вовлекать; красть; преступление; прятать; проводить время; продавать героин; прозвище; успех; одержать победу; сбыт наркотиков; требовать; при­чинять повреждения собственности; нанести удар колю­щим оружием; остаться в живых; кровавый; война гангсте­ров; обвинитель; собирать свидетельские показания; фак­тор влияния; грабить на улице; кража в магазине; вымога­тельство; тюрьма; заработать; счастливчик; ускользнуть из- под ареста;бутлегерство; насильно увозить; оставить, при­няв за мертвого; похититель; нападать; предъявлять обви­нение; судить; признать виновным; организованная пре­ступность; приговорить; высылка; смягчать наказание.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Lucky Luciano was... 2) Luciano immigrated... 3) At the age of 10, Luciano was involved in... 4) In 1916 Luciano spent...5) Luciano earned his nickname for... 6) In 1920 Luciano directed... 7) In 1929 Luciano was abducted... but survived.

8) Luciano never named... 9) Luciano took an active part in... 10) By 1934 Luciano had become... 11) In 1936 Luciano was... and sentenced for... 12) From his prison cell Luciano con­tinued... 13) In 1946 his sentence was... and he was deported id... 14)... continued to direct the drug traffic into the United States and the smuggling of foreigners to America. 15) Luciano died of...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Lucky Luciano: a) his youth; b) his nickname; c) his criminal activities in the US; d) his induction; e) his life since 1936 and his death. Retell the text l ucky Luciano.




► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to question the text and to give answers.

Joseph Valachi (1903-1971) - American gangster, member of Lucky Luciano's mob family, who turned informer in 1962. [In­former is someone who is involved in a criminal organization, but who secretly tells the police about its activities in return for money.] Valachi held a rank in the Mafia equivalent to that of a sergeant. In 1959 Valachi was convicted of narcotics violations and sentenced to 20 years in prison. In June 1962, in the federal prison at Atlanta, crime boss Vito Genovese, a fellow inmate, suspecting him (incorrectly) of having become an informer, gave him the kiss of death (a sign that he was to be killed). Valachi panicked, killed a fellow prisoner who he mistakenly thought was his assassin, and, in revenge against the death threat, told all to the U.S. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, the FBI, and the Justice Department. [Federal Bureau of Investigation is the police department in the US that is con­trolled by the central government, and is concerned with crimes in more than one state.] Valachi was the first Mafia's member ever to describe its history, membership, and inner workings. Robert Kennedy called his testimony the “biggest breakthrough in fighting against organized crime and racketeering in the United States.” [Robert Kennedy is the then U.S. attorney gen­eral and adviser during the administration of his brother Presi­dent John Kennedy. Attorney general is the chief lawyer of the government in the US.] Investigations, indictments, and convic­tions followed Valachi's testimony. His memoirs were pub­lished as The Valachi Papers in 1968.

The Mob = the mafia; sergeant [’savant] - сержант; convict [kan'vikt] - признатьвиновным; narcotics - наркотики; drug violation - нарушениезаконодательстваонаркотиках; sentence - приговорить; crime boss - боссгангстеров; fel­low inmate [’inmeit] - сокамерник; suspect [sss’pekt] - подозревать; incorrectly [inka'rektli] - неправильно; panic- panicked-panicked (panicking) - паниковать; fellow pri­soner - созаключенный; mistakenly [mis'teikanli] -оши­бочно; assassin fe'saesin] - наемныйубийца; in revenue [ri'vend3] - вотместку; threat [0ret] - угроза; dangerous drug - опасныйнаркотик; the FBI = Federal Bureau of Inves­tigation; Department of Justice - министерствоюстиции; testimony ['testimani] - свидетельскиепоказания; break­through ['breik'Gru:] - крупноедостижение, прорыв; rack­eteering [raeki'tiarir)] - вымогательство; investigation - расследование, дознание; indictment [in'daitmant] - обвинительныйакт; conviction [kan'vikjan] - осуждение, признаниевиновным; memoirs [’memwa:z] - мемуары.

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Valachi was born in 1905. 2) Valachi died of the pricks of conscience in 1969. 3) Valachi served the Mafia, but secretly told the police about its activities in return for money.

4) Valachi held a rank in the Mafia equivalent to that of a crime boss. 5) Valachi was convicted of traffic offence and sentenced to 20 years in prison. 6) In June 1962, Valachi broke the federal jail in Atlanta. 7) His fellow inmate suspected Valachi of hav­ing become an informer. 8) Valachi was given the kiss of death.

9) Valachi was given a sign that he was to be disincarcenated.

10) Valachi was calm in the presence of danger. 11) Valachi forgave his fellow prisoner who he thought was his assassin.

12) In revenge, Valachi told nothing to the FBI. 13) Valachi was the first Mafia's member ever to conceal its history, mem­bership, and inner workings. 14) Investigations, indictments, and convictions preceded Valachi's testimony. 15)Valachi's testimony failed to help in fighting against organized crime and racketeering in the United States. 16) Valachi's memoirs were published in 1986.

► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Valachi a rank in the Mafia equivalent to that of a sergeant held. 2) Valachi of narcotics violations was convicted. 3) Vala­chi to 20 years in prison was sentenced. 4) Valachi of having become an informer was suspected. 5) Valachi panicked and his fellow prisoner killed. 6) Valachi mistakenly that his fellow inmate was his assassin thought. 7) Valachi all about the Mafia to the FBI in revenge against the death threat told. 8) Valachi the first Mafia’s member ever to describe its history and mem­bership was.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Следовать за; дознание; обвинительный акт; признание ви­новным; босс гангстеров; сокамерник; подозревать; непра­вильно; созаключенный; ошибочно; наемный убийца; в от­местку; угроза; признать виновным; нарушение законода­тельства о наркотиках; приговорить; опасный наркотик; министерство юстиции; свидетельские показания; прорыв; вымогательство; мемуары.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Joseph Valachi was... 2) Valachi turned... 3) Valachi held... 4) Valachi was convicted of... and sentenced to... 5) Vala­chi was suspected of... 6) Valachi was given a sign... 7) Vala­chi mistakenly thought... 8) Valachi panicked and killed...

9) Valachi told all to... 10) Valachi was the first... 11) Vala­chi's testimony was called... 12)... followed Valachi's testi mony. 13) Valachi's memoirs were published as...

► Ex.VI. Choose one topic to speak about Joseph Valachi: a) his status and criminal activities in the Mafia; b) his deeds in the fedeml prison at Atlanta; c) his testimony. Retell the text Joseph Valachi.


►Задание: восстановить порядок слов в английской версии Декларации.


Все люди рождаются свободными и равными в своем достоинстве и правах. Они наделены разумом и совестью и должны поступать в отношении друг друга в духе братства.


Humanbeings- люди; endow [in'dau] - наделять; manisendowedwithreason - человек, одаренный разумом; ['кэп Jans] - совесть; [’brASahud] - братство.

1) All, and, human, equal, beings, dignity, are, born, free, and, in, rights. 2) They, spirit, of, are, reason, with, and, conscience, and, should, act, towards, one, another, in, a, endowed, brother­hood.

Статья 2.,

Каждый человек должен обладать всеми правами и все­ми свободами, провозглашенными настоящей Декларацией, без какого бы то ни было различия, как-то в отношении pa­ri, |, цвета кожи, пола, языка, религии, политических или иных убеждений, национального или социального происхож­дения, имущественного, сословного или иного положения.

Кроме того, не должно проводиться никакого различия на основе политического, правового или международного ста­тута страны или территории, к которой человек принадле-

жит, независимо от того, является ли эта территория неза­висимой, подопечной, несамоуправляющейся, или как-либо иначе ограниченной в своем суверенитете.

Entitle [in'taitl] - дать право; setforth[Ь:9] - излагать; [dis'tirjk/an] - различие; [’steitas] - статус, общественное положение; [Тэ:бэ'тэ:] - к тому же, кроме того; [’weba] - ли; [trAst] - доверенный (кому-либо или кем-либо); [d3U9ris'dikJ~9nal ’steitas] - подведомственный статус.___________

1) Everyone, religion, is, birth, entitled, sex, to, all, the, rights, and, as, freedoms, set, forth, property, in, this, Declaration, without, distinction, of, any, kind, such, race, colour, language, political, or, other, opinion, national, or, social, origin, or, other, status.

2) Furthermore, of, no, distinction, shall, be, made, on, basis, the, status, of, the, political, independent, jurisdictional, or, in­ternational, of, country, the, or, territory, to, which, a, person, belongs, whether, it, be, trust, non-self-governing, or, under, any, other, limitation, sovereignty.

Статья 3.

Каждый человек имеет право на жизнь, на свободу и на личную неприкосновенность.

[si'kjueriti] ofperson- личная безопасность; [Mibati] - свобода.

Everyone, life, security, of, has, the, right, to, liberty, and, the, person.

Статья 4.

Никто не должен содержаться в рабстве или в подис- вольном состоянии; рабство и работорговля запрещаются во всех их видах.

[’sleivari] - рабство; ['ss:vitju:d] - рабство, порабощение; prohibit [pra'hibit] - запрещать; shall - должен быть._____

No, held, or, be, one, shall, in, slavery, servitude; slavery, all, their, and, the, slave, trade, prohibited, in, shall, be, forms.

Статья 5.

Никто не должен подвергаться пыткам или жестоким, бесчеловечным или унижающим его достоинство обраще­нию и наказанию.

Subject [sab'd3ekt] - подвергнуть; ['tD:tJэ] - пытка; [кгиэ1] - жестокий; [in'hju:man] - бесчеловечный; degrade [di'greid] - унижать; ['trrtmsnt] - обращение; [’pAni/mant] - наказание.

No, cruel, inhuman, or, degrading, subjected, torture, or, to, treatment, or, one, shall, be, to, punishment.

Статья 6.

Каждый человек, где бы он ни находился, имеет право па признание его правосубъектности.

[гекэд'ш/эп] - признание; ['pa:sn] - личность, юридиче-ское лицо; [Ь:] - закон.

I 'Iveryone, as, a, person, before, the, has, the, right, to, recognition, everywhere, law.

Статья 7.

Все люди равны перед законом и имеют право, без вся­кого различия, на равную защиту закона. Все люди имеют ирпио на равную защиту от какой бы то ни было дискрими- ||.ниш, нарушающей настоящую Декларацию, и от какого «■и к) пн было подстрекательства к такой дискриминации.[’i:kwal] - равный; entitle [in'taitl] - дать право; [diskrimi'nei/an] - дискриминация; неодинаковое отношение; [vaia'lei/an] - нарушение; [in'saitmant] - подстрекательство.

All, without, any, discrimination, to, equal, protection, against, any, discrimination, in, violation, of, this, Declaration, and, against, any, incitement, to, are, equal, before, the, law, and, are, entitled, such, discrimination.

Статья 8.

Каждый человек имеет право па эффективное восста­новление в правах компетентными национальными судами в случаях нарушения его основных прав, предоставленных ему конституцией или законом.

[’remidi] - мера; tribunal [trai'bju:nl]; violate ['vaialeit] - на­рушать; ['кэтpitant] - знающий; grant [gra:nt] - предо­ставить; [i'fektiv] - эффективный; [fAnda'mentl] - основной.

Everyone, the, to, national, tribunals, for, acts, violating, the, fundamental, rights, granted, him, by, the, constitution, or, by, remedy, effective, by, the, an, competent, has, right, law.

Статья 9.

Никто не может быть подвергнут произвольному аресту, задержанию или изгнанию.

Subject [s9b'd3ekt] - подвергнуть; shall be - долженбыть;

['а:bitrsri] - произвольный; [di'ten/an] - задержание; ['eksail] - изгнание; ссылка; [a'rest] - задержание, арест.

No, detention, one, shall, be, subjected, arbitrary, arrest, to, or, exile.

Статья 10.

Каждый человек, для определения его прав и обязанно­стей и для установления обоснованности предъявленного ему уголовного обвинения, имеет право, на основе полного равенства, на то, чтобы его дело было рассмотрено гласно и с соблюдением всех требований справедливости независи­мым и беспристрастным судом.

Entitle [in'taitl] - дать право; [i:'kwDliti] - равенство; [fea] - справедливый; [im’pa:/al] - беспристрастный; [ditaimi'nei/an] - установление; [Dbli’gei/ans] - обязанности; [tja:d3l- обви­нение; [’kriminl] - уголовный.

Everyone, independent, and, impartial, tribunal, in, the, deter­mination, of, his, rights, and, obligations, and, of, any, criminal, charge, against, is, entitled, in, full, equality, to, a, fair, and, public, hearing, by, an, him.

Статья 11.

I. Каждый человек, обвиняемый в совершении преступ­ления, имеет право считаться невиновным до тех пор, пока его виновность не будет установлена законным порядком путем гласного судебного разбирательства, при котором ему обеспечиваются все возможности для защиты.

П. Никто не может быть осужден за преступление на ос­новании совершения какого-либо деяния или за бездейст- шк\ которые во время их совершения не составляли пре- * I\'11 пения по национальным законам или по международ­ному праву. Не может также налагаться наказание более

I чккое, нежелито, котороемоглобытьпримененоигоиромя, когдапреступлениебылосовершено.Charge [t/a:d3] - обвинять; ['pi:nl] - уголовно наказуемый; [’penlti] - наказание; [a'fens] -правонарушение; преступ­ление; presume [pri'zju:m] - допускать; ['inasant] - неви­новный; prove [pru:v] - доказать; [’gilti] - виновный; ['pAblik ’traial] - открытый судебный процесс, hold [hauld] (held, held) - полагать, считать;on account of - из-за; [a'mi/an] - бездействие; ['k3nstitju:t] - составлять; heavy ['hevi] - суровый; impose [im'pauz] - налагать; [’asplikabl] - подходящий; commit [ka'mit] - совершить.

I. Everyone, in, a, public, trial, at, which, he, has, had, all, the, guarantees, necessary, for, until, proven, guilty, according, to, law, his, charged, with, a, the, right, to, be, presumed, innocent, penal, offence, has, defence.

II. 1) No, under, national, or, international, offence, on, account, of, any, act, or, which, did, not, constitute, a, penal, offence, omission, law, at, the, time, when, it, was, one, shall, be, held, guilty, of, any, penal, committed. 2) Nor, applicable, at, the, time, the, penal, offence, was, shall, a, heavier, penalty, be, im­posed, than, the, one, that, was, committed.

Статья 12.

Никто не может подвергаться произвольному вмеша­тельству в его личную и семейную жизнь, произвольным посягательствам на неприкосновенность его жилища, тайну его корреспонденции или на его честь и репутацию. Каж­дый человек имеет право на защиту закона от такого вме­шательства или таких посягательств.

Subject [sab'd3ekt] - подвергнуть; ['a:bitrari] - произвол!, ный; [inta'fierans] - вмешательство; [’privasi] - уединение.1) No, interference, his, with, privacy, family, home, or, corre­spondence, nor, to, upon, attacks, his, honour, and, one, shall, be, to, subjected, arbitrary, reputation. 2) Everyone, protection, against, such, interference, has, of, the, law, the, right, to, the, or, attacks.

Статья 13.

I. Каждый человек имеет право свободно передвигаться и выбирать себе местожительство в пределах своей страны.

П. Каждый человек имеет право покидать любую стра­ну, включая свою собственную, и возвращаться в свою страну.

[’rezidsns] - местожительство; ['mirvmant] - передвиже­ние; border ['bDide] - граница.

I. Everyone, movement, borders, of, each, has, the, right, and, residence, within, the, to, freedom, of, State.

II. Everyone, including, his, has, the, right, his, own, and, to, return, to, to, leave, any, country, country.

Статья 14.

I. Каждый человек имеет право искать убежище от пре- еиедования в других странах и пользоваться этим убежищем.

II. Это право не может быть использовано в случае пре- гисдования, в действительности основанного на соверше­нии неполитического преступления, или деяния, противо­речащего целям и принципам ООН.[si:k] - искать; [a'sailam] - убежище; [in'd3Di] - пользовать­ся; [psisi'kju:/an] - преследование, гонение; delusion [di'lu^an] / illusion [1'1и:зэп] (иллюзия) ofpersecution - ма­ния преследования; invoke [in'vsuk] - обращаться к; [pnsi'kjui/an] - судебное преследование; [^enjuinli] - искренне; arise - проистекать.__________________________

I. Everyone, in, other, countries, the, right, to, seek, asylum, from, has, and, to, enjoy, persecution.

II. This, prosecutions, genuinely, arising, from, non-political, crimes, or, from, acts, contrary, to, the, purposes, and, princi­ples, of, the, United, right, may, not, be, invoked, in, the, case, of, Nations.

Статья 15.

I. Каждый человек имеет право на гражданство.

И. Никто не может быть произвольно лишен своего гра­жданства или права изменить свое гражданство.

[пае/a'naeliti] - гражданство; ['а:bitrarili] - произвольно; deprive [di'praiv] - лишить; deny [di'nai] - отказывать._____________

I. Everyone, to, a, has, the, right, nationality. •

II. No, nationality, one, shall, be, arbitrarily, nor, denied, the, right, to, change, deprived, of, his, his, nationality.

Статья 16.

I. Мужчины и женщины, достигшие совершеннолетия, имеют право без всяких ограничений по признаку расы, национальности или религии, вступать в брак и основывап. семью. Они пользуются одинаковыми правами в отношс нии вступления в брак, во время состояния в браке и мо время его расторжения.

II. Брак может быть заключен только при свободном и полном согласии обеих вступающих в брак сторон.

III. Семья является естественной и основной ячейкой общества и имеет право на защиту со стороны общества и государства.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 140 | Нарушение авторских прав

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