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► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Magistrates' court the lowest court of law is. 2) Magistrates' court with less serious crimes deals. 3) Magistrates are for their experience chosen. 4) Magistrates are by the central govern­ment appointed. 5) Magistrates cannot be professionals consi­dered. 6) Stipendiary are magistrates legally qualified. 7) Law clerk responsible for the administrative functions of the court is.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Мировой судья; главный мировой судья графства; консуль­тативный комитет; оплачиваемый; обслуживать; нападе­ние; непрофессиональный; судебное разбирательство; на­рушение; мелкая кража; полицейское расследование; пре­вышать; несовершеннолетний; мелкий; нарушение покоя; не получающий платы; назначать; жизненный опыт; секре­тарь суда; приговор; налагать; суд по делам несовершенно­летних; убийство.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

I) All criminal cases begin... 2) Magistrates' court is... deals with... 3) The police investigation is completed... 4) The magistrates themselves are... 5) Magistrates are appointed... 6) Magistrates are required to sit... 7) Magistrates develop... but they cannot... 8) Stipendiary magistrates are... 9) The sti­pendiary magistrate can sit... 10) Lay magistrates may sit...

II) Lay magistrates are attended... 12)... is responsible for the administrative functions of the court. 13) The limit of sentence imposed by a magistrates' court is... 14) Appeals from a magis­trates' court go... 15) The magistrates' court also sits as...UNIT 25 I

► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them.

Criminal procedure in the United States follows a pattern derived from English traditions and principles, but with many variations. The lay magistrates play an insignificant role, if any, in the U.S. system, and the prosecutor (the district attorney) is a key courtroom figure. He determines the charges, which in turn may well determine whether the accused appears before a lower court (dealing with misdemeanours) or a higher court (dealing with felonies). The accused is offered bail in almost every case, but he is not released unless he is able to deposit with the court a certain sum, often posted on his behalf by a bailsman who charges a proportion of the amount of the bail. [Bail is money left with a court of law to prove that a prisoner will return when their trial.]-The role of the examining magistrates in English criminal procedure may be played in the United States by the grand jury whose task it is to examine the evidence produced by the prosecutor and, if warranted, to return an indictment. [In­dictment is an official written statement charging someone with a, criminal offence.] The deliberations and proceedings before the grand jury are normally conducted in private. When the case is brought before the trial court, it is often settled on the basis of a plea bargain made between the prosecutor and the defense lawyer, by which the accused pleads guilty to some of the charges and the prosecutor recommends a sentence that has been agreed upon beforehand. [Plea bargaining is the practice of agreeing to admit in a court that one is guilty of a small crime, in exchange for not being charged with a more serious crime.]

Procedure [ргэ'БЫзэ] - процедура; misdemeanour [misdi'mi:na] –судебнонаказуемыйпроступок; felony ['felani] - фелония (категориятяжкихпреступлений, постепениопасностинаходящаясямеждугосударственнойизменойимисди­минором); bail [beil] –передачанапоруки; залог; on behalf of –отименикого-либо; bailsman ['beilzman] -поручитель; charge [t/a:d3] - назначать; grand jury –большоеследствен­ноежюри (коллегияиз 12-23 присяжных, решающаявопросопреданииобвиняемогосуду); examine [ig'zaBmin] - расследовать (всуде); warrant [\логэт] - подтверждать; return an indictment [in'daitmant] –выноситьобвинительныйакт; deliberations - обсуждения; proceedings [pra'shdiqz] –процессуальныедействия; in private –призакрытыхдверях; settle - урегулировать; plea bargain [pli: ’ba:gin] –сделкаопризнаниивины (внаименеетяжкомизвменяемыхобвинениемпреступлений); plead guilty [pli:d ’gilti] –признатьсебявиновным.

1) What role the lay magistrates do play in the U.S. system?

2) Who a key courtroom figure in the U.S. system is? 3) What the prosecutor does determine? 4) What whether the accused appears before a lower court or a higher court determines?

2) What the accused is offered? 6) What meant is by the term “bail”? 7) What the task of the grand jury is? 8) What meant is by the term “indictment”? 9) What normally conducted in pri­vate is? 10) On the basis of what the case often settled when it is is brought before the trial court? 11) What meant by the term is “plea bargain”?

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The lay magistrates play a significant role in the U.S. system.

2) The prosecutor is a figure of fun in the U.S. system. 3) The prosecutor does not determine the charges. 4) The prosecutor determines whether the accused appears before a lower court or a higher court. 5) Lower court deals with felonies. 6) Higher court deals with misdemeanours. 7) The accused is never of­fered bail. 8) The accused is released when he deposits with the court a certain sum. 9) Bail is money left with a court of law to prove that a prisoner will not return when their trial starts. 10) The task of the grand jury is to accord with prosecution.

11) The grand jury returns an indictment if the evidence pro­duced by the prosecutor is not warranted. 12) Indictment is an official written statement charging someone with a civil of­fence. 13) The deliberations and proceedings before the prose­cutor are conducted in private. 14) The case is often settled on the basis of a plea bargain made between the grand jury and the defense lawyer. 15) Plea bargain is the practice of agreeing to admit in a court that one is guilty of a serious crime, in ex­change for not being charged with a small crime.

► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) The lay magistrates an insignificant role play. 2) The prose­cutor a key courtroom figure is. 3) The prosecutor the charges determines. 4) The charges whether the accused appears before a lower court or a higher court determine. 5) Lower court with misdemeanours deals. 6) Higher court with felonies deals. 7) The accused is bail in every case offered. 8) The accused isn’t unless he is able to deposit with the court a certain sum re­leased. 9) Bail money is left with a court of law to prove that a prisoner will return when their trial starts. 10) The task of the grand jury to examine the evidence produced by the is prosecu­tor. 11) The grand jury an indictment if the evidence produced by the prosecutor is returns warranted. 12) Indictment an offi­cial written statement charging someone with a criminal is of­fence. 13) The deliberations and proceedings before the grand jury are in private conducted. 14) The case is often on the basis of a plea bargain made between the prosecutor and the defense lawyer settled. 15) Plea bargain the practice of agreeing to ad­mit in a court that one is is guilty of a small crime, in exchange for not being charged with a more serious crime.Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Нижестоящий суд; мисдиминор; фелония; передача на по­руки; залог; большое следственное жюри; расследовать в суде; подтверждать; выносить обвинительный акт; обсуж­дения; процессуальные действия; при закрытых дверях; урегулировать; сделка о признании вины; признать себя виновным; предмет насмешек; вышестоящий суд; поручи­тель; процедура; согласиться с доводами обвинения.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The lay magistrates play... 2) The prosecutor is... 3) The prosecutor determines... 4) The charges determine... 5) Lower court deals with... 6) Higher court deals with... 7) The ac­cused is offered... 8) The accused isn’t released unless...

6) Bail is... 10) The task of the grand jury is... 11) The grand jury returns... 12) Indictment is... 13) The deliberations and proceedings before the grand jury are conducted in... 14) The case is often settled on the basis of... 15) Plea bargain is t...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about a) prosecutor's role; b) the accused and his bail; c) grand jury’s functions; d) plea bargain. Re­tell the text Criminal procedure in the United States.





► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them.

* *

Court and its people.Court is a building or room where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged. A court is a complex institution whose functioning depends upon many people: not only the judge but also the parties, their lawyers, witnesses, clerks, bailiffs, probation officers, adminis-' trators, and many others, including, in certain types of cases, jurors. jParty is one of the persons or sides in a legal dispute. Lawyer is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court. Witness.is someone who sees a Crime and can describe what happened. Clerk is an official in charge of the records of a court. Bailiff is an official of the legal system who watches prisoners and keeps order in a court of law.<Probation officer is someone whose job is to watch, advise, and help people who have broken the law and are on probation.\Probation is a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison, if they behave well and see a pro­bation officer regularly, for a fixed period of time. Juror is a member of a jury. Jury is a group of 12 ordinary people who listen tO'details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or 110ЦNevertheless, the central figure in any court is the judge. Judge is the official with authority to hear and decide how criminals should be punished. Judges vary enormously, not only from nation to nation but often within a single nation. For

example,;a rural justice of the peace in the United States— untrained in the law, serving part-time, sitting alone in work clothes in a makeshift (made for temporary use) courtroom, col­lecting small fees or receiving a pittance for salary: iHe bears little resemblance to a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States—^ full-time, well-paid, black-robed professional, assisted by law clerks and secretaries, sitting in a marble palace with eight colleagues and deciding at the highest appellate level only questions of national importance. Yet both persons are judges.

Clerk [kla:k / к1з:гк] –секретарьсуда; bailiff [’beilif] - су­дебныйпристав: probationofficer - чиновник, надзираю­щийзалицами, направленнымисудомнапробацию; pro­bation - пробация, опека (видусловногоосуждения); nev-


ertheless [neva5a'les] –темнеменее; publicofficer - пуб­личноедолжностноелицо; rural ['ruaral] justiceofthepeace –сельскиймировойсудья; part-time –занятыйне­полныйрабочийдень; makeshift ['meik/ift] - временный; fee [fi:l - гонорар; pittance ['pitsns] forsalary - скудноежалованье/; appellate [a'pelit] - апелляционный.

1) What ic; by the term “court” meant? 2) A court a complex institution is, isn’t it? 3) Whose functioning upon judges, law­yers and jurors depends? 4) What meant is by the term “party”?

5) What is by the meant term “lawyer”? 6) Who a crime and can describe what happened sees? 7) Who in charge of the re­cords of a court is? 8) Who prisoners and keeps order in a court of law/ watches? 9) Whose job to watch, advise, is and help peoplei who have broken the law and are on probation? 10)\\fhat system criminals not to go to prison if they behave well plows? 11) Who to details of a case in court and decides whetmer someone is guilty or not listens. 12) What the central figure in any court is? 13) Whose authority to is hear and decide how, criminals should be punished? 14) What the difference be­tween a rural justice of the peace and a justice of the Supreme Coiirt jzff the United States is?

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Court is a room where all the information concerning an of­fence is given so that it can be judged. 2) Lawyer is one of the persons or sides in a legal dispute. 3) Party is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court. 4) Clerk is someone who sees a crime and can describe what happened. 5) Witness is an official in charge of the records of a court. 6) Probation officer is an offi­cial of the legal system who watches prisoners and keeps order in a court of law. 7) Bailiff is someone whose job is to watch, advise, and help people who have broken the law and are on probation. 8) Judge is a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison, if they behave well and see a probation officer regularly, for a fixed period of time. 9) Jury is a member of a jury. 10) Juror is a group of 12 ordinary people who listen to details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not. 11) Probation is the official with authority to hear and decide how criminals should be punished.

► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Court is a a crime is given so that it can be judged building or room where all the information concerning. 2) Party is one in a legal dispute of the persons or sides. 3) Lawyer i's acVise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court someone whose job is to. 4) Witness is and can describe what happened someone who sees a crime. 5) Clerk is of a court an official in charge of the records. 6) Bailiff is an official of prisoners and keeps order in a court of law the legal system who watches. 7) Probation officer is someone whose job is have broken the law and are on probation to watch, advise, and help people who. 8) Probation is a not to go to prison, if they behave well and see a probation officer regularly, for a fixed per:od of time system that allows some criminals. 9) Juror of a jury is a member. 10) Jury is a group of 12 ordinary people who listen to and decide whether someone is guilty or not details of a case in court. 11) Judge is the official decide how criminals shoulid be punished with authority to hear and.Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Секретарь суда; свидетель; присяжный; сфера компетен­ции; судебный пристав; чиновник, надзирающий за лицами, направленными судом на пробацию; опека; публичное должностное лицо; сельский мировой судья; занятый не­полный рабочий день; необученный; наказывать; вознагра­ждение; скудное жалованье; временный; зал судебного за­седания; важность; мантия; апелляционный; иметь сходст­во; содействовать; варьировать; чрезвычайно.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Court is... 2) A court is a complex institution whose func­tioning depends upon... 3) Party is... 4) Lawyer is... 5) Wit­ness is... 6) Clerk is... 7) Bailiff is... 8) Probation officer is... 9) Probation is a system that... 10) Juror is... 11) Jury is...

12) The central figure in any court is... 13) Judge is... 14) A rural justice of the peace in the United States is... 15) A justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about a) people a court depends upon; b) a rural justice of the peace in the United States; c) a jus­tice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Retell the text Court and its people.


UNIT 27  


► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them.

Solicitor is a type of practicing lawyer in Britain who gives ad­vice, does the necessary work when property is bought and sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law. In general, a barrister undertakes no work except through a solici­tor, who prepares and delivers the client's instructions to a bar­rister. Solicitors confer with clients, draft documents, conduct negotiations, prepare cases for trial, and retain barristers for ad­vice on special matters or for advocacy before the higher courts.,They have a right to act in all courts as the agents for litigation or representatives of their clients, but they may appear as advo­cates only in the lower courts. If one wants to make a will the b^st man to advise him is a solicitor. If one gets into trouble with the police one can ask a solicitor to help prepare his de­fence. The official organization of solicitors is the Law Society, a voluntary group, incorporated by Parliament. The Law Soci­ety has extensive authority in setting and enforcing standards for solicitors. The Law Society maintains a client-compensation fund to reduce and relieve losses sustained from dishonesty by solicitors.. The education required of a solicitor includes a law school course. Furthermore, To qualify as a solicitor one is to join a practicing solicitor as a “clerk” and to work for him (ap­prenticeship) for a period of five years (three years for univer­sity graduates) in order to pass the Law Society exams. Solici­tors must be British Commonwealth citizens, although there is no such requirement for the barrister. [The Commonwealth is an organization of about 50 countries that were once part of the British Empire.]

Solicitor [sa'lisita] - стряпчий; undertake –братьнасебяобязанность; confer [kan'fa:] - совещаться; draft - состав­лять; conduct negotiations –вестипереговоры; prepare a case for trial –подготовитьделокслушаниювсуде; retain - нанимать (адвоката); advocacy [’aedvakasi] - защита; higher court –вышестоящийсуд; agent [’eid3ant] –доверенноелицо; litigation - тяжба, судебныйпроцесс; advocate [’aedvekit] - адвокат; voluntarily [\olantari] - добровольно; incorporate [in’kp.pareit] - регистрировать; extensive [iks'tensiv] - обширный; setting - учреждение; enforce –проводитьвжизнь; sustain [sas'tein] - понести (ущерб, убыток); law school –юридическийфакультет; furthermore [’fa:6a'iTD:] –крометого; apprenticeship [a'prentijip] - ученичество; graduate ['graed^uit] - выпускник. ______________________________________


1) Who people in the lower courts of law in Britain defends?

2) Who and delivers the client's instructions to a barrister pre­pares? 3) Do confer solicitors with clients? 4) Solicitors don’t advice and draft documents give, do they? 5) Who negotiations and prepares cases for conducts trial? 6) Who barristers for ad­vice on special matters or for advocacy before the higher courts retains? 7) What right solicitors do have? 8) Where may appear solicitors as advocates? 9) Who the best man to make a will is? 10) What one can do if he gets into trouble with the police? 11) What about the official organization of solicitors is known? 12) Why the Law Society does maintain a client-compensation fund? 13) What one should do to be qualified as a solicitor? 14) Must be solicitors British Commonwealth citizens?

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

9 Solicitor misadvises. 2*) Solicitor does the unnecessary work when property is bought and sold. >) Solicitor defends people in the higher courts of law. 4) A barrister undertakes work except through a solicitor. 5) Solicitor prepares and delivers the client's instructions to a judge. 6) Solicitors hold a consultation with clients. 7) Solicitors compose documents. 8) Solicitors carry on negotiations. 9) Solicitors prepare cases for lawsuit. 10) Barris­ters retain solicitors for advice on special matters. 11) Solicitors retain barristers for advocacy before the lower courts. 12) So­licitors act in all courts as the agents for litigation. 13) Solicitors don’t act in all courts as representatives of their clients. 14) So­licitors may appear as advocates only in the higher courts. 15) If one wants to make a will the best man to advise him is a barris­ter. 16) If one gets into trouble with the police one can ask a barrister to help prepare his defence.

► Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Solicitor advice gives. 2) Solicitor the necessary work when property is bought and sold does. 3) Solicitor people in the lower courts of law defends. 4) A barrister no work except through a solicitor undertakes. 5) Solicitor and delivers the cli­ent's instructions to a barrister prepares. 6) Solicitors with cli­ents confer. 7) Solicitors documents draft. 8) Solicitors negotia­tions conduct. 9) Solicitors cases for trial prepare. 10) Solicitors barristers for advice on special matters retain. 11) Solicitors barristers for advocacy before the higher courts retain. 12) So­licitors a right to act in all courts as the agents for litigation have. 13) Solicitors a right to act in all courts as representatives of their clients have. 14) Solicitors may as advocates only in the lower courts appear. 15) If one to make a will the best man to advise him is a solicitor wants. 16) If one into trouble with the police one can ask a solicitor to help prepare his defence gets.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Стряпчий; советовать; доверенное лицо; собственность; тяжба; адвокат; покупать; регистрировать; обширный; уч­реждение; брать на себя обязанность; совещаться; состав­лять документ; вести переговоры; защищать; подготовить дело к слушанию в суде; нанимать адвоката; защита; выше­стоящий суд; проводить в жизнь; понести ущерб; судебный процесс; юридический факультет; ученичество; доставлять инструкции; составить завещание; попасть в беду; давать плохой совет.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Solicitors give... 2) Solicitors do... 3) Solicitors defend... 4) Solicitors prepare and deliver... 5) Solicitors confer...

6) Solicitors draft... 7) Solicitors conduct... 8) Solicitors pre­pare cases... 9) Solicitors retain... 10) Solicitors have a right to act... 11) Solicitors may appear as... 12) If one wants to make a will... 13) If one gets into trouble with the police...

14) The official organization of solicitors is... 15) The Law Society has... 16) The Law Society maintains... 17) The edu­cation required of a solicitor includes... 18) To qualify as a solicitor one is... 19) Solicitors must be...


► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them.

Barrister is one of the two types of practicing lawyers in Eng­land, the other being the solicitor. In general, barristers engage in advocacy (trial work) and solicitors in office work. Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the Law; Barristers are called in to advise on really difficult points. Only barristers (not solici­tors) may appear as advocates before the High Court. High Court is a court of law in Britain that is at a higher level than ordinary courts and that can be asked to change the decisions of a lower court. Barristers are rather untouchable figures. If you need one, you never see him without your solicitor being with him. To be a barrister it is necessary to be a member of one of the four Inns of Court in London. Inns of Court are four institu­tions of high antiquity that have historically been responsible for legal education. Inns of Court include Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray’s Inn. A prospective barrister must pass some examinations established for the inns by the Council of Legal Education and must read law and serve his apprenticeship with a practicing barrister for not less than a year. A barrister is required to accept any case for a proper pro­fessional fee, regardless of his personal feelings. Barristers can­not carry 011 any other profession or business.

Barrister ['baerista] - барристер (адвокат, имеющийправовыступатьввысшихсудах); untouchable [лп'ш/эЫ] - не­доступный, недосягаемый; Inns of Court - СудебныеИнны (четыреанглийскиешколыподготовкибарристеров); Inner Temple - ВнутреннийТемпл; Middle Temple - Средний

Темпл; Lincoln's Inn - ЛинкольновскийИнн; Cray's Inn - Греев-скийИнн; high antiquity –глубокаядревность; legal educa­tion –юридическоеобразование; prospective [pras'pektiv] - бу­дущий; inn –постоялыйдвор; инн, школаподготовкибар­ристеров; read law –изучатьправо; serve one's apprentice­ship [a'prenti/ip] –проходитькурсученичества; proper - надлежащий; fee - гонорар.__________

1) What barristers do engage in generally? 2) What barristers experts in are? 3) What barristers are called in to advise on?

4) May appear barristers or solicitors as advocates before the High Court? 5) Barristers are rather untouchable, aren’t they figures? 6) What it is necessary to be a barrister? 7) What a pro­spective must barrister do? 8) What a barrister is required? 9) Can carry barristers on any other profession or business?


► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Solicitors engage in advocacy. 2) Solicitors engage in trial work. 3) Barristers engage in office work. 4) Solicitors are ex­perts in the interpretation of the Law. 5) Barristers are called in to advise on really easy points. 6) Barristers must not appear as advocates before the High Court. 7) Solicitors can appear as advocates before the High Court. 8) High Court cannot change the decisions of a lower court. 9) Barristers are rather remote figures.,10) A prospective barrister must pass his examinations with honours. 11) A prospective barrister must scrutinize law.

12) A prospective barrister must serve his apprenticeship with a practicing solicitor. 13) Barristers can carry on any other pro­fession or business.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Barristers in advocacy engage. 2) Barristers in trial work en­gage. 3) Solicitors in office work engage. 4) Barristers experts in the interpretation of the Law are. 5) Barristers in to advise on really difficult points are called. 6) Barristers may as advocates before the High Court appear. 7) Solicitors as advocates before the High Court cannot appear. 8) High Court to change the deci­sions of a lower court can be asked. 9) Barristers rather untouch­able figures are. 10) A prospective barrister some examinations must pass. 11) A prospective barrister read law must. 12) A prospective serve barrister must his apprenticeship with a prac­ticing barrister. 13) Barristers cannot on any other profession or business carry.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах; прак­тикующий юрист; стряпчий; недосягаемый; выдержать эк­замен; юридическое образование; изучать право; проходить курс ученичества; гонорар; деятельность адвоката; судеб­ное разбирательство; эксперт; толкование; консультиро­вать; являться в суд; решение суда; школа подготовки бар­ристеров; действующий на расстоянии; отлично сдать эк­замены; внимательно изучать закон.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Barrister is... 2) Barristers engage in... 3) Solicitors engage in... 4) Barristers are experts in... 5) Barristers are called in...

3) Barristers may appear as advocates before... 7>Solicitors cannot appear as advocates before... 8) High Court is...

9) Barristers are rather... 10) Without your solicitor you never see... 11) To be a barrister it is necessary to be... 12) A pro­spective barrister must pass... 13) A prospective barrister must read... 14) A prospective barrister must serve... 15) A barrister is required to accept... 16) Banisters cannot carry on...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about barrister: a) his functions; b) his Inns of Court. Retell the text Barrister.

_ UNIT 29 I

► Ex. I. Scan through the text. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them.

Jury is a group of laymen who participate in deciding cases brought to trial. These laymen are'recruited at random from the widest population for the trial of a particular case. They are al­lowed to deliberate in secrecy, to reach a'decision, and to make it public without giving reasons. Throughout its history, it has been both overpraised as a charter of liberty and overcriticized as a reliance on incompetent amateurs in the administration of justice. Most jurisdictions exempt some groups from jury ser­vice: police officers, lawyers and doctors. All jurisdictions ex­cuse jurors if the service imposes undue hardship. The com­mitment of important decisions to a random group of laypersons are moderated by an elaborate screening, voir dire, which is conducted by trial counsel before a triaMThe law permits coun­sel to challenge prospective jurors either for cause (challenge for cause), if there is specific likelihood of bias or, for a limited number, to challenge them without having to give a reason (peremptory challenge). ^Criminal cases are brought by the state against a person or persons accused of having committed a crime. The state is called the plaintiff; the accused person is ' called the defendant. The charge against the defendant is called a complaint. The defendant pleads not guilty and the jury should presume the defendant's innocence throughout the entire trial unless the plaintiff proves that the defendant is guilty. In criminal cases the Y^rdict must be unanimous, that is, all jurors (traditionally 12) must agree that the defendant is guilty in order to overcome the presumption of innocence. When they cannot agree on a verdict (termed a hung jury in the United States), the judge declares a mistrial, which means the case must be tried anew.

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