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VIII. Читання

Читайте также:
  1. VI. Розвиток навичок читання.
  2. VII. Розвиток навичок читання.
  3. VIII. "Герой" сна
  4. VIII. Escribe las expresiones con los verbos tomar e ir que ron conozcas y haz frases con ellas.
  5. VIII. Антихрист
  6. VIII. Величие в сравнении с высокомерием
  7. VIII. Видение безгреховности

Teacher. Read the story and do the task.

Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else! Everything is topsy-turvy since December is one of the hottest months of the year. But the Australians have a great time anyway. Those who live near the coast go to beach on Christmas day. They have a swim, play cricket or volleyball, surf or just sit around with family and friends enjoying Christmas dinner. Santa Claus arrives at Australian beaches on a surfboard – quite a change from sliding down the chimney! And since the weather is hot he often wears a swimsuit or funny baggy shorts.

Christmas is a great time for kids and students – it’s the beginning of their summer holidays and this means FUN, SUN and SURF!

Many Christmas decorations and symbols are the same as in Great Britain or the USA: Christmas tree (usually plastic), turkeys and plum puddings, snow scenes… But among the decorations you can also see toy kangaroos and koala bears.

Christmas in Australia is also celebrated in a fun way on the 25th of July. This “cold Christmas” is usually just another excuse for a get-together with friends and family, but it’s becoming more and more popular.

New words:

topsy-turvy – перевернутий догори ногами

excuse – привід

get-together – вечірка

True or False:

1) It is hot in Australia on Christmas.

2) Santa Claus usually appears from a chimney.

3) Santa Claus wears a funny fur coat.

4) School summer holidays start on Christmas.

5) Christmas decorations in Australia, Great Britain and the USA are different.

6) People also celebrate Christmas on the 25th of July.

Complete the sentences.

surfboard kangaroos surf koala bears swimsuit beach  

1) On Christmas day people go to the ________.

2) They swim, play cricket and ______________.

3) Santa Claus arrives on a ________________.

4) Santa Claus wears _____________________.

5) The decorations which you can’t see in America are toy ________ and ________.


IX. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. Представлення учнівських проектів.

Teacher. At home you were to prepare projects about celebrating Christmas in different countries. So let’s represent them.

(Діти представляють проектні роботи)


X. Підсумок уроку. Домашнє завдання.

Teacher. Our lesson is coming to the end. We have learned a lot about holidays and traditions. Your home task is to make up your personal list of holidays



Додаток до уроку 3



1. The surname of American Father Frost.

2. A plant that has shiny dark-green leaves with prickles and red berries in winter. It is often used as X-mas decoration.

3. The colour of Santa Claus suit.

4. What great book does the X-mas story come from?

5. What is put into the children's stockings or under the X-mas tree?

6. What is placed at the top of the X-mas tree?

7. What place is X-mas traditionally celebrated at?

8. What is the other name of the USA?

9. Small, soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather. (What phenomenon is X-mas impossible without?)






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