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VI. Розвиток навичок читання.

Читайте также:
  1. IV. Розвиток лексичних навичок
  2. V. Інформаційний простір, освіта і наука. Збереження ідентичності та розвиток культури
  3. VII. Розвиток навичок читання.
  4. Виховання навичок професійної уваги педагога
  5. Внутрішньополітичний розвиток до 1648 р.
  6. Вплив на розвиток політичних подій в Україні

Teacher. Read the dialogue (Ex. 1, p.60, О. Карпюк, 6 клас) and answer the questions. Work in a group of three.

Terry. It’s getting frosty, isn’t it?

John. Yes, it is. I think winter’s on the way.

Terry. It usually gets dark soon after school in December, doesn’t it?

Lilly. Yes, it does. But I am really looking forward to playing with snow, skating, skiing…

John. We are going to have a New Year party at school, aren’t we?

Terry. Of course, we are. I hope this year it will be more interesting and funnier. And…

John. … and girls will boast with their new fancy dresses, won’t they?

Terry. As for the girls, they will.

Lilly. So, what about it? It is normal for girls, isn’t it?

Answer the questions.

1) Is it cold?

2) What season is coming?

3) Are the days long?

4) What activities do you have in winter?

5) Where are they going to have a New Year Party?

6) What are the girls going to wear?

7) Why aren't the children surprised about it?


VII. Активізація граматичних навичок.

- Пояснення правил.

Teacher. In the text we have read there are some questions. Let’s read them again. They consist of two parts: the sentence and the small part which is called tag. For example,

You are feeling better, aren’t you? You are not feeling good, are you?

John looks fine, doesn’t he? Mary doesn’t like fish, does she?

They came yesterday, didn’t they? She didn’t come yesterday, did she?

You will visit me tomorrow, won’t you? We shan’t do this, shall we?

(приклади написані на дошці, діти читають хором та індивідуально)

Teacher. Who can guess how we can translate them into Ukrainian? Let’s practise making up these questions.

- Виконання граматичних завдань

Match the two halves.

1) She is famous, a) is it?

2) They are happy, b) do they?

3) Your father's name isn't Andrew, c) isn't it?

4) You can swim, d) doesn't he?

5) They don't have a car, e) did you?

6) You have worked here since June, f) aren't I?

7) The weather is changeable here, g) isn't she?

8) You didn't do your homework, h) haven't you?

9) I'm good at sailing, i) can't you?

10) He likes pizza, J) aren't they?


- Робота в парах

Teacher. Guess your classmate using tag-questions.


This is a boy, isn't it?

He is 12, isn't he?

He plays football, doesn't he?

He likes swimming, doesn't he?

He can't speak English well, can he?

He's wearing black jeans today, isn't he?

He doesn't usually wear shoes, does he?


VIII. Підсумок уроку.

Teacher. Our lesson is coming to the end. And to make its finish more interesting I want you to solve the riddles.


1. What year lasts only one day? (New Year)

2. A little old woman with twelve children: some long, some short, some cold, some hot. (A year and twelve months)

3. What month of the year is the shortest? (May)

4. What man cannot live inside the house? (A snowman)

5. In what month of the year do we work, eat and sleep least? (In February)

6. Why did the man throw his watch out of the window? (He wanted to see time fly).

7. Why do people go to bed? (Because the bed won't come to them)

8. What do sea monsters eat? (Fish and ships)

9. What often falls but never gets hurt? (Snow)

10. Who is he?

He comes at night

(or so they say!)

Then does his job

and goes away. (Santa Claus)


IX. Домашнє завдання

Write a short paragraph about the weather during your last travelling.



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