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VII. Розвиток навичок читання.

Читайте также:
  1. IV. Розвиток лексичних навичок
  2. V. Інформаційний простір, освіта і наука. Збереження ідентичності та розвиток культури
  3. VI. Розвиток навичок читання.
  4. Виховання навичок професійної уваги педагога
  5. Внутрішньополітичний розвиток до 1648 р.
  6. Вплив на розвиток політичних подій в Україні

Teacher. Let’s read the text which is called “Winter Holidays”

There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winter is the coldest season. Spring is colder than summer. Summer is warmer than autumn. The temperature in winter is often 15-20 degrees below zero. It often snows and the strong wind usually blows. People are wearing warm clothes. Children like to sledge, to skate, to ski, to play snowballs in this season. Some of them like to make funny snowmen.

There are a lot of holidays which people celebrate in winter: New Year’s Day, St. Nicholas, Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, Father’s Day and others. There are many holidays in Ukraine and in England which are common, but there are holidays which are3 celebrated only by the British. British people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. In Ukraine we celebrate it in the 7th of January. A few weeks before Christmas people are very busy. They go shopping to buy presents for their friends and relatives.

The traditional food on Christmas in Britain is pudding and Christmas turkey. In Ukraine we cook kutia. Christmas is a family holiday and people celebrate it at home with all the family. At the next day after Christmas British people celebrate Boxing Day. They go to their friends or invite them to their own homes, but Ukrainian people do not celebrate this holiday. On the New Year’s Eve children like to decorate the fir-tree with toys, coloured lights, sometimes sweets and nuts. English children believe that Santa Claus brings presents at Christmas night. That is why they write letters to Santa and say what they want to get. As a rule, children hang their stockings near the bed or above fireplaces. It is the merriest holiday for people all over the world.




1) Match.



to celebrate holidays прикрашати ялинку
to wear warm clothes святкувати свята
to be busy вішати шкарпетки
to invite friends носити теплий одяг
to decorate fir-tree бути зайнятим
to hang stockings запрошувати друзів


2) Complete the sentences

1. There are ________ seasons in a year.

a) four;

b) three;

c) five.

2. In winter people are wearing _______.

a) raincoats;

b) coats and boots;

c) warm clothes.

3. In winter we celebrate __________.

a) Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, St. Nicholas;

b) Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, St. Nicholas;

c) Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine’s Day, Father’s Days, St. Nicholas;

4. At Boxing Day the British ________.

a) go to the their friends or invite them;

b) stay at home with their family;

c) go shopping.

5. The traditional food on Christmas in England is _______.

a) kutia and turkey;

b) pudding and turkey;

c) cake and turkey.

6. On the New Year Eve children like to decorate fir-tree with _______.

a) sweets, toys and coloured lights;

b) toys and co;oured lights;

c) sweets, toys, coloured lights and nuts.

7. The coldest season in a year is_____.

a) winter;

b) spring;

c) autumn.

8. British people celebrate Christmas ______.

a) on the 25th of January;

b) on the 7th of January;

c) on the 25th of December.

9. Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas _____.

a) on the 25th of January;

b) on the 7th of January;

c) on the 25th of December.

10. Children wait at Christmas night for_______.

a) presents;

b) sweets;

c) stockings.

3) Render the text into Ukrainian. What winter holidays do you know? What holidays do Ukrainian people have? What English holidays do you know?


VIII. Розвиток граматичних здібностей.


Teacher. Children, tell me please who is the very important person at Christmas. Yes, you are right. It’s Santa Claus. Now let me introduce you seven serious Santas who like to sing silly songs. Tell, please, that they:

- do it every Christmas;

- are doing it now;

- did it yesterday;

- will do it tomorrow;

- were doing it when you saw them yesterday;

- have already done it.



IX. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. Презентація учнівських проектів.

X. Підсумок уроку. Домашнє завдання.

Teacher. Make up your personal list of holidays.


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