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Reading and Vocabulary

ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА | Reading and Vocabulary | Structure of the processor | Hints on writing business letters | Technical Toys for the Busy IT Exec. | Bethesda, MD (3) 20812 | Error Messages | Computer networks | The OSI Reference Model | Transport and insurance costs |

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  1. A) time your reading. It is good if you can read it for four minutes (80 words per minute).
  2. A) While Reading activities (p. 47, chapters 5, 6)
  3. Academic Vocabulary
  4. Active reading
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary

1) apply (V) – применять; application (N) – приложение

2) coin (V) – создавать (новые слова или выражения)

3) comprise (V) – включать, охватывать, состоять из

4) consequence (N) – следствие, заключение

5) feature (N) – отличительная черта, свойство

6) firmware (N) – встроенные («зашитые») программы

7) implement (V) – реализовывать; implementation (N) – реализация

8) inventory (N) – запасы (на складе и т.п.)

9) maintain (V) – поддерживать, обслуживать; maintenance (N) – уход, обслуживание; maintainability (N) – ремонтопригодность

10) payroll (N) – платежная ведомость

11) perceive (V) – понимать, ощущать

12) permanent (A) – постоянный

13) rely on (V) – полагаться на; reliable (A) – надежный; reliability (N) – надежность

14) require (V) – требовать; requirement (N) – требование

15) routine (N) – стандартная программа

16) spreadsheet (N) – электронная таблица

17) succession (N) – последовательность; successive (A) – последовательный

18) temporary (A) – временный

19) word processor – текстовый процессор

Task 1. Match the descriptions on the left with these well-known applications.

1. word processor A. Adobe Photoshop

2. spreadsheet B. Internet Explorer

3. virus protection C. Microsoft Word

4. browser D. Microsoft Excel

5. image editor E. Microsoft PowerPoint

6. media player F. Dr. Web

7. e-mail software G. The Bat

8. presentation software H. Adobe PageMaker

9. graphic design software I. RealPlayer


Task 2. Read the text and write out the definitions of the following terms.

1) hardware

2) software program

3) system software

4) application software

5) network software

6) running (executing) a program

7) firmware


1) The term software is generally used for instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software comprises the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a computer system. The term was coined to differentiate these instructions from hardware – i.e., the physical components of a computer system. A set of instructions that directs a computer's hardware to perform a task is called a program, or software program.

2) The two main types of software are system software and application software. System software controls a computer's internal functioning, chiefly through an operating system, and also controls such peripherals as monitors, printers, and storage devices. Application software, by contrast, directs the computer to execute commands given by the user and may be said to include any program that processes data for a user. Application software thus includes word processors, spreadsheets, database management, inventory and payroll programs, and many other applications. A third software category is that of network software, which coordinates communication between the computers linked in a network.

3) Software is typically stored on an external long-term memory device, such as a hard drive or magnetic diskette. When the program is in use, the computer reads it from the storage device and temporarily places the instructions in random access memory (RAM). The process of storing and then performing the instructions is called running, or executing, a program. By contrast, software programs and procedures that are permanently stored in a computer's memory using a read-only memory (ROM) technology are called firmware, or hard software.

4) Computer programs, the software that is becoming an ever-larger part of the computer system, are growing more and more complicated, requiring teams of programmers and years of effort to develop. As a consequence, a new subdiscipline, software engineering, has arisen. The development of a large piece of software is perceived as an engineering task, to be approached with the same care as the construction of a skyscraper, for example, and with the same attention to cost, reliability, and maintainability of the final product.

The software-engineering process usually consists of several phases:

(1) identification and analysis of user requirements,

(2) development of system specifications (both hardware and software),

(3) software design (perhaps at several successively more detailed levels),

(4) implementation (actual coding),

(5) testing,

(6) maintenance.


Task 3. Answer these questions about the text.

1) What types of software do you know? Give examples of each type.

2) Where is software typically stored?

3) What are the phases of the software-engineering process?

Task 4. Decide if the statement is true, false or there is no information

in the text.

1) Software consists of programs, procedures, and the physical components of a computer system.

2) Network software is produced by multiple software houses.

3) Computer programs are getting simpler and quicker to develop.

4) Software engineering is a complicated, multiphase process.


Task 5. Using the paragraph number references given, look back in the text and find words that have a similar meaning to.

1) invented (1) 2) execute (1) 3) comprises (2) 4) kept (3) 5) concern (4)


Task 6. Using the paragraph number references given, look back in the text and find words that have an opposite meaning to.

1) integrate (1) 2) for a long term (3) 3) appeared (4) 4) simple (4)


Task 7. Choose the correct words.

1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to __________.

A. boot itself B. boot up C. get booted

2. Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are __________.

A. operating systems B. operating tools C. operators

3. On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.

A. desktop background B. desktop picture C. desktop scene

4. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or ________.

A. applicators B. appliers C. applications

5. I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called "Photos".

A. folder B. packet C. box

6. Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________ it.

A. wash B. empty C. clean

7. If I leave my computer on without using it, after a while it goes into __________ mode.

A. passive B. waiting C. standby

Task 8. Fill in the gaps using the words below.

1. I couldn't open the document you e-mailed me. I don't have Microsoft Word ____________ on my computer.

2. Click on that icon to ____________ Internet Explorer.

3. I ____________ an important document, and now I can't find it.

4. You can access all the applications on your computer from the _________.

5. It's easy to move files into a folder. You can just ____________.

6. I asked the computer to ____________ for files with "English" in the name, but it didn't find any.

7. This is a shared computer. Each user has their own ____________.

8. You can free up space on your hard drive by ____________ applications you never use.

9. If you ____________ your photos as JPEGs instead of TIFFs, you'll use a lot less memory.

drag and drop installed launch

password renamed save

search uninstalling start menu


Task 9. Choose the correct English equivalents for the Microsoft Word

menu items.

1. сохранить как

A) keep as B) protect as C) save like D) save as

2. править

A) edit B) correct C) check D) insert

3. вставить

A) include B) paste C) add D) fill

4. параметры страницы

A) page setup B) page parameters C) page outline D) page view

5. расстановка переносов

A) splitting B) division C) hyphenation D) spelling

6. орфография

A) writing rules B) hyphenation C) grammar D) spelling

7. вырезать

A) delete B) cut C) clear D) cancel

8. курсив

A) bold B) italic C) font D) script

9. выделить все

A) choose all B) outline all C) select all D) focus all

10. строка

A) sentence B) line C) phrase D) passage

11. верхний индекс

A) top index B) superscript C) top mark D) high index

12. поля (страницы)

A) fields B) areas C) boundaries D) margins

13. оглавление

A) contents B) chapters C) summary D) list

14. нижний индекс

A) bottom index B) subscript C) bottom mark D) low index

15. полужирный

A) bold B) italic C) font D) script


Task 10. Choose the correct preposition. Then match the problem with

the solution.

1. The operating system in / on A. You can download one for

my computer doesn't support the free to / from the internet.

latest version of / from this



2. These files are too big. B. Perhaps you could get an

older version – or buy a new


3. My computer says it C. What about uninstalling the

hasn't got enough memory for / driver for your old printer?

to run this program.


4. I can't understand this D. Have you checked to see if

program. It's too complicated. there are any updates available in / on the Internet?


5. I think there's a bug in / E. Why don't you close off / down

inside this software. all those other applications you've opened?


6. There doesn't seem to be an F. You can get a manual. I've seen icon for the program in / on the one in the local bookshop.



7. I can't use this program. It's all G. How about compressing

in / with French! them with / by WinZip?


8. I can't get the driver for my H. Go to / on the "start" menu, and

new printer to / at work. click at / on "All Programs".


9. I haven't got a media player in I. Change the language

/ on my computer. setting.

Task 11. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. You may change some words if necessary.

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