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Topical vocabulary

Princess Diana (1961-1997) the Woman We Loved | A new-born baby | Violent quick-tempered clever | Secrets of the Oldest Man in the World | Sweet Childhood | Keep Anger under Control | Rebels without a Pause | He is a giant (of a man) | From the Neck up |

Читайте также:
  1. Academic Vocabulary
  2. Active Vocabulary
  4. Active Vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary



a family


a mother (mum)

a father (dad)

a son

a daughter

a sister

a brother

a sibling

a grandfather

a grandmother

a great-grandfather

a great-grandmother

a grandson

a granddaughter



an uncle

an aunt

a great-aunt

a great-uncle

a nephew

a niece

a (first) cousin

a second cousin


one’s flesh and blood

blood relatives

distant relatives

a descendant

a direct descendant

an heir




a husband

a wife

a father-in-law

a mother-in-law

a daughter-in-law

a brother-in-law

a sister-in-law


a stepfather

a stepmother

an adopted child

a foster child

an orphan

a widow

a widower




to be married to smb.

to get married

to divorce


a bachelor

a confirmed bachelor

a spinster / old maid

Exercise 1

Look at the family tree and complete the sentences below.


  Albert & Mary Dodds  
John = Susan Jill = Paul Barry = Sheila
      (died 1995)    
Eve Ann     Timothy Tom


1 John is Jill's..........................................

2 Timothy is Jill's..........................................

3 Eve and Ana are Timothy's..........................................

4 Eve is Sheila's.........................................

5 Albert Dodds is Tom's..........................................

6 Barry is Eve's..........................................

7 Susan is Timothy's.........................................

8 As Paul died in 1995, Jill is a..........................................

9 Tom is Mary's..........................................

10 The only two people who are not related are......................................... and …………………………..


Exercise 2

Try this little brain-teaser. Each of the fourteen people below is married to one of the others. From the information you are given, find out who is married to whom. Note there are three generations here.

Alan is Caroline’s nephew and Larry’s cousin.

Barbara is Larry’s mother and Maggie’s sister-in-law.

Caroline is Edward’s daughter and Maggie’s sister-in-law.

David is Gordon’s brother-in-law and Alan’s uncle.

Edward is Ingrid’s grandfather and Maggie’s father-in-law.

Fanny is Caroline’s mother and Alan’s grandmother.

Gordon is Helen’s son-in-law and Nigel’s brother-in-law.

Helen is Barbara’s mother-in-law and Larry’s grandmother.

Ingrid is Gordon’s niece and David’s daughter-in-law.

John is David’s father and Gordon’s father-in-law.

Karren is Gordon’s daughter-in-law and Maggie’s daughter-in-law.

Larry is John’s grandson and David’s son.

Maggie is Larry’s aunt and Fanny’s daughter-in-law.

Nigel is Ingrid’s father and Fanny’s son-in-law.


Exercise 3

Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentences below.

1. Mrs Jones had……

a. a trio b. a treble c. triplets

2. Mrs Vine had had ……. the week before.

a. quarts b. quads c. a quartet

3. Twins often seem to……. a generation.

a. hop b. skip c. jump

4. There was a case of …….. twins in our town recently.

a. Japanese b. Chinese c. Siamese

5. There’s a …….. of twins in our family – on my father’s…….

a. story b. geography c. history

d. tree e. side f. line

6. I was ……child, though.

a. an only b. a missing c. a single

7. All the members of our football team are related …….. marriage.

a. by b. to c. on

8. When mother remarried her second husband, my………, gave me a new bicycle.

a. a forefather b. stepfather c. grandfather

9. He said to me, “Look, I know you’re not my own……., but let’s be friends”.

a. flesh and blood b. blood and guts c. skin and bones

10. My…….. originated from a tribe of Red Indians.

a. ancestors b. ancients c. antiques

11. Not many of my own………relatives are still alive.

a. blood b. skin c. heart

12. My ……..-grandfather fought at the Battle of Waterloo.

a. grand grand grand b. great grand grand c. great-great-great

13. My brother-in law inherited $500.000 in his uncle’s……...

a. will b. testament c. wishes

14. I was left $50 and a cat by……… relative; I believe it was a ……… cousin – perhaps it was a ………- aunt.

a. a distant b. an unclear c. a long-distance

d. double e. second f. dual

g. grand h. great i. large

15. Peter is an orphan; he was ……. at the age of two.

a. adjusted b. adapted c. adopted

16. Paul comes from a broken home; he has lived with a number of…….. parents.

a. loan b. foster c. second-hand

17. Mary was from a single-parent family; now she is looked after by her…….

a. keeper b. warden c. guardian

18. I’m off to have Sunday lunch with my……….. now.

a. outlaws b. by-laws c. in-laws.



Exercise 4

Take a few minutes to look at the pictures and the new words. Then, listen to the tape and write a word under each picture.


extended family in-laws nephew niece generation nuclear family divorce single-parent family blended family


_________________________ ________________________


Exercise 5

Draw your Family Tree and find out as much as possible about your group-mates’ relatives using such phrases as:

Would you be so kind to tell me …….

Would you like to tell me……..

I wonder if you could tell me……

What about…….

Do you mind if I ask you some questions…….


Exercise 6

Complete the sentences:

1. My brother was just born. He is a ……..

2. They don’t have their own children. He is their……

3. She is still in her teens. She is a ……

4. This is my husband’s mother. She is my……

5. These are my parents’ parents. They are my………

6. He lost his wife two years ago. He is a ……….

7. They can’t live together any. They have to …..

8. Mrs Smith gave birth to three children at once. She’s got……..

9. This poor child has no parents. He is an ……..

10. Mary hasn’t got a father. She comes from a ………


Exercise 7

Circle the word that is least related in meaning:

a) descendant child toddler

b) teenager adolescent embrace

c) scold educate nurture

d) custody spanking responsibility

e) grandson grandfather descendant

f) spank scold hit

g) brother sibling orphan


Exercise 8

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Кожен день люди успадковують великі суми грошей від своїх кровних та далеких родичів.

2. Коли Олена виходила заміж за Тома, вона познайомилась зі всіма його родичами, які пізніше стали її родичами також.

3. Я доглядала свою тітку і, згідно з її заповітом, успадкувала все її майно.

4. Сестра Теда народила трійню, і тому в нього з‘явилось одразу троє двоюрідних братів.

5. Подивись на цього бідного хлопчика. Він, напевно, сирота. Було б добре, якби хтось усиновив його.

6. Він пишався своїм прийомним сином, хоча той не був його кров‘ю та плоттю.

7. Хто з ваших родичів походить з індійців?

8. Я пам‘ятаю всіх своїх родичів по лінії матері.

9. Така хвороба переходить через покоління, тому діти Ганни боялись народжувати їй нуків.

10. Я знаю історію про Сіамських близнюків, які нещодавно народилися.

11. Вони далекі родичі, тому не часто бачать один одного.

12. Олена моя старша троюрідна сестра, але в нас спільні інтереси, почуття гумору і ми повністю одержимі тваринами.

13. Батько Девіда вдівець, але він вирішив одружитися, тому у Девіда буде мачуха.

14. Ви не повинні вичитувати свою дочку перед усіма її друзями.

15. Батьки хочуть щастя своїм дітям, вони завжди готові залучити таємні зв’язки, щоб допомогти сину чи дочці, але іноді це не спрацьовує.

16. Ці близнюки абсолютно різні, хоча в них однакові смаки щодо книг і музики.

17. Вони розлучилися п’ять років тому і обоє досі не одружені.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 123 | Нарушение авторских прав

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