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The diplomatic notes or other documents of international significance determine the fate of whole nations or even the whole planet. That's why this kind of texts feel acute responsibility for what they undertake, for every word or expression that may be interpreted.
Of course, in private talks, their speeches are most probably not quite devoid of emotions and deviations from diplomatic protocol. But all the decisions are known to the public from documents: parliamentary minutes, treaties, declarations, credentials and they are characterized as highly traditional, stereotyped, elaborate, exacting, even a shade of ambiguity is to be avoided here. Especially when words in English and American English have different meanings:
1) to table a proposal - в английской парламентской практике это „предложить,
поставить на обсуждение" = to submit - в американской практике это „положить в долгий ящик"
2) to enjoin - в США - „ запретить"
в Англии - „ приказать"
3) government - в Англии - „ правительство, кабинет министров"
в Америке - это система управления вообще и всё, что с ней связано. (Суды - это тоже,, government". Федеральное, штатное, муниципальное управление тоже
„government". А вот сказать,, Clinton government" нельзя, это лишь часть того, что американцы называют „ administration" (министры - Secretaries).
4),,policy" and „politics"
Politics - политическая борьба (политиканство).
(нередко относится к политической сфере) Policy - это политическая линия, стратегия.
This sphere is connected with Law as the practice of social intercourse and as knowledge of how it is regulated. It includes International Law, Civil Law and Criminal Law. The last two laws (civil and criminal) concern every citizen more than international affairs because the people deal with them „from the cradle to the grave" (from birth certificate to death certificate).In this sphere it is used legal terminology, employed the traditionally accepted formulas.
Thus, in the USA, the prosecutor represents the people of the State in which the session is held. He speaks in the name of people. In Britain, it is the Queen in whose name the defendant is accused of the crime committed (not the People of Britain). In the name of the Queen.
The language of the Law is peculiar and archaic in many cases:
- breach of promise;
- manslaughter (= causing death by chance or without intending to);
first degree murder (= premeditated murder - преднамеренное убийство);
- hereby / whereof.
In Great Britain the death sentence ended for centuries in the words: to be hanged by his neck till he is dead.
After the Second World War capital punishment was abolished in England and in many European countries. In the USA, in some states it exists. (People are usually electrocuted or hanged or die in special gas chambers. But it is usually a rare case and it is widely known, it is watched by TV-cameramen).
Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 63 | Нарушение авторских прав
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