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Make a list of all the places where you come across advertisements. Compare your list with your groupmates’. Can you offer any new and innovative ways to advertise?

Читайте также:
  1. A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered
  2. A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.
  3. A suggestion or offer
  4. Across Antarctica
  5. After that, I rarely wanted to be anywhere else.
  6. And they also help you on selling the items you bought from them. They offer ship-drop, this means you sell the items,
  7. Answer the questions. Write the number of the paragraph where you found the answer.

Write down the words you associate with banks. Compare your words with your groupmates.

12. Agree or disagree:

1. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.

2. A bank connects customers that have capital deficits to customers with capital surpluses.

3. Banks don't provide any financial services.

4. Most banks are profit-making state enterprises.

5. The definition of a bank varies from country to country.

6. Bank account is considered indispensable by most businesses and individuals.

7. A bank can generate revenue in a variety of different ways including interest, transaction fees and financial advice.

8. Banks don’t face a number of risks in order to conduct their business.

13. Read and translate the text. Use dictionaries to find the meanings of unknown words:


A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets. A bank connects customers that have capital deficits to customers with capital surpluses.

Due to their critical status within the financial system and the economy generally, banks are highly regulated in most countries. Most banks operate under a system known as fractional reserve banking where they hold only a small reserve of the funds deposited and lend out the rest for profit.

The oldest bank still in existence is Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has been operating continuously since 1472.

Banks act as payment agents by conducting checking or current accounts for customers, paying cheques drawn by customers on the bank, and collecting cheques deposited to customers' current accounts. Banks also enable customer payments via other payment methods such as Automated Clearing House (ACH), Wire transfers, EFTPOS, and automated teller machine (ATM).

Banks borrow money by accepting funds deposited on current accounts, by accepting term deposits, and by issuing debt securities such as banknotes and bonds. Banks lend money by making advances to customers on current accounts, by making installment loans, and by investing in marketable debt securities and other forms of money lending.


14. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form:

1. With the new computer system, customers can ___ (to consult) their accounts to see how much money they have available.

2. For the second year running, the results of your bank ___ (to be) very disappointing.

3. The advantage of this account is that you ___ (to receive) a percentage on the money that you deposit.

4. Nowadays it is possible ___ (to transfer) money between different accounts using on-line banking.

5. Banking Representative ___ (to have) the authority to give you on-the-spot decisions and advice.

6. I would like ___ (to arrange) to have a copy of all transactions on my account for the month of September this year.

7. With the new card you can take out up to £ 100 pounds whenever you ___ (to need) it.

8. My bank (to agree) to give me the money I need, repayable over three years, to help me get the business started.

9. Banks borrow money by accepting funds ___ (to deposit) on current accounts.

10. A bank ___ (to connect) customers that have capital deficits to customers with capital surpluses.


15. Debate:

Student A thinks banks are good and necessary; student B thinks banks are greedy and inefficient.


16. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Деньги – особый товар, являющийся универсальным эквивалентом стоимости других товаров и услуг.

2. В различных регионах мира использовали в качестве денег различные вещи.

3. В России первые бумажные деньги были введены при Екатерине II (1769 г.).

4. Как свидетельствует статистика, всё большее число россиян копит деньги.

5. Бартер – это непосредственному обмену товаров и услуг на другие товары и услуги.

6. Выражение стоимости товара в деньгах – это его цена.

7. Практически каждая страна имеет свою основную денежную единицу.

8. Бартер был неудобен и слишком сложен, поэтому появились единицы для обмена – деньги.

9. Банк – финансовое учреждение, производящее разнообразные виды операций с деньгами и ценными бумагами.

10. Первой функцией банков было безопасное хранение денег клиентов.


17. Search the Internet and find information. Talk what you discover:

· about inflation

· about the major currencies

· about the World Bank and its functions





1. advertisement (ad) – реклама, рекламное объявление

2. advertiser – рекламодатель

3. brand – торговая марка

4. consumer – потребитель

5. customer – покупатель

6. (to) exert – оказывать давление, влиять

7. experience – опыт

8. fickle – непостоянный, переменчивый

9. (to) force on – продвигать с сопротивлением

10. glamorous – эффектный, чарующий

11. (to) highlight – подчёркивать, выдвигать на первый план

12. hype – чрезмерная или интенсивная реклама

13. influence – влияние, воздействие

14. omnipresent – повсеместный

15. persuasive – убедительный, навязчивый

16. (to) please – радовать, доставлять удовольствие

17. preference – предпочтение

18. pros and cons – достоинства и недостатки

19. recognizable – запоминающийся

20. rhyme – рифма, стих

21. susceptible – восприимчивый

22. trustworthy – заслуживающий доверия; надёжный

1. Read and translate the text:

Advertising Influence

Advertising has a tremendous influence on society. Advertising plays an important part in making modern goods and services available to the general public. It popularizes new products of modern industry by presenting them in recognizable phrases and glamorous illustrations. In its total effect, advertising builds up a concept of splendid living that was impossible before getting to know this or that product.

Advertisers know from practical experience that products, old or new, cannot be forced on people. In the modern economy «the consumer is the king». Customers are free to buy what they want. An obvious reason for advertising is simply informing people of the existence of products they might be interested in buying. No one will buy something that they don't know exists. When more people know about a product, more of it will be sold. It is not only specific products that advertisers want us to feel as familiar. They particularly want to familiarize us with brands. This is why brand logos are everywhere. Not only on the products themselves, but on trucks, pens, shirts, caps, and so on.

In every walk of life we can find advertisement. We listen to the radio, watch television, read a newspaper or electronic mail and see advertisement. Advertisement creates needs. It can be possible that without seeing it, we do not have that need but after seeing or hearing, we get urge to purchase that particular thing. For example, you have mobile. It is working properly but after seeing ad of another mobile with more features, you want a new model. Advertisements are the best way to create needs among the consumers.

Much money is spent on research in an effort to understand the consumer's desires and to please the public. But customers are often fickle. They switch their preference from one brand to another or from one type of product to another. In many instances clever or persuasive advertising can keep people from making such changes. While you may be taking advertising for granted, it seeks to influence what you spend your money on. Many people don't believe that they're susceptible to being influenced by advertising. However, it wouldn't be so omnipresent if it didn't work.

Does advertising exert good or bad influence on people and society? This question has no simple answer. Advertising helps businessmen seeking profits, nonprofit groups seeking to spread their ideas, and government organizations seeking to perform their various functions. Advertising simplifies the work of the salesmen and helps to stimulate sales. It gives information of the new products. But аdvertising is not a source of objective information. The bright side of a company's products is highlighted exclusively. No ad will list both the pros and cons of a product. It is also not a source of complete information, as the amount of actual information in ads is usually very minimal. So, ads are not particularly trustworthy as information. Every coin has two sides.

2. Answer the questions:

1. Why has advertisement become the part of our life?

2. What is the usual basic task of advertisement?

3. What must advertisement do in order to justify itself?

4. How does advertisement create needs?

5. Does successful advertisement necessarily mean a rise in sales?

6. How can advertisement influence you?

7. Are ads trustworthy? Why?


3. Complete the sentences:

1. Advertising plays an important part in …

2. Advertising builds up a concept of …

3. An obvious reason for advertising is …

4. Much money is spent on research in an effort to …

5. Clever or persuasive advertising can keep people from …

6. Many people don't believe that …

7. No ad will list …


4. Complete the sentences with appropriate words or phrases from the box:

advertising, longed, effective, persuading, development, numerous, standard of living, developed, influence, regulation


1. Modern advertising (1) ___ with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

2. Advertising is a powerful force, and all countries have different ways of (2) ___ people to buy something.

3. The (3) ___ ads exploit our wish to be as good as others.

4. With the Internet came many new (4) ___ opportunities.

5. Advertising has gone through five major stages of (5) ___: domestic, export, international, multi-national, and global.

6. The advertisements of controversial products, such as cigarettes, are subject to government (6) ___ in many countries.

7. Advertising is the fine art of making you think you have (7) ___ for something all your life that you never heard of before.

8. Advertising helps raise the (8) ___ by raising the standard of longing.

9. The advertising is (9) ___ with children due to the fact they don't have the same critical thinking/judgement as an adult.

10. The (10) ___ of advertising on our lives, for both children and adults, has changed over the years.


5. Match the words with their definitions:

1. advertising agency a. item of publicity for a product or service

2. commercial b. part of a printed ad used for ordering goods, samples etc

3. coupon c. a number of copies of a magazine sold in a certain period

4. poster d. paid advertisement on radio or TV

5. prime time e. place, usually outdoors, for advertising posters

6. advertisement f. hours on radio and TV with the largest audience

7. circulation g. large sheet of paper, usually illustrated, used as ad

8. billboard h. name, symbol that identifies seller's good

9. advertising campaign i. a series of ad messages that share a single idea

10. brand j. company specializing in producing and placing advertisements for clients


6. Find the Russian equivalents for the following words and word - combinations:

1. direct mail a. продвигать товар, услуги

2. to launch b. рекламная кампания

3. advertising campaign c. реклама на развороте газетной полосы

4. hype d. рекламное агентство

5. double-page spread e. особенности какого-либо продукта

6. to promote f. заказчик рекламы

7. features g. выпускать на рынок товар

8. spam h. чрезмерная или интенсивная реклама

9. advertising agency i. реклама, рассылаемая по почте

10. advertising customer j. нежелательная реклама, рассылаемая по электронной почте


Make a list of all the places where you come across advertisements. Compare your list with your groupmates’. Can you offer any new and innovative ways to advertise?

8. Read the text, discuss and give examples of successful advertisements:

In a TV commercial the advertiser is trying to persuade you to go out and buy something. He wants to make you feel that you really must have it. There are a number of different ways of doing this:

· The snob effect. You are told that the product is most exclusive and of course rather expensive. Only the very best people use it.

· The scientific effect. A serious-looking man with glasses and a white coat, possibly a doctor or a professor, tells you about the advantages of the product.

· The words-and-music effect. The name of the product is repeated over and over again, put into a rhyme and sung several times, in the hope that you won’t forget it. The sung rhyme is called a «jingle».

· The ha-ha effect. The advertiser tries to make you laugh and have pleasant emotions by showing people or cartoon figures in funny situations.

· The VIP (Very Important Person) effect. Well known people, like actors or football-players, are shown using this product.

· The supermodern effect. The advertiser tries to persuade you that this product is a sensation or something really new.

· The go-go effect. This is suitable for the teenage market. It shows young people having a party, singing, laughing, having a wonderful time, and, of course, using the product.


9. Translate and comment on the quotations:

· You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements. Norman Douglas.

· Advertising is the first, second and the third elements of success. P. T. Barnum.

· Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising, and they wouldn’t have to advertise it. Will Rogers.

· Advertising without research is like shooting an arrow into the air and then looking for a target to catch it with. Author Unknown.

· It's a short road that has no advertising signs. Author Unknown.


10. Choose the right answer:

1. Advertising

a. is a means of existence.

b. is a guarantee of success.

c. doesn’t play any role.

d. is a powerful force.

2. The message of advertising is

a. to show the right way of life.

b. to be true to life.

c. to teach people to choose the best and the cheapest.

d. to make people buy things.

3. The ads that people respect are the ones that

a. show expensive good.

b. offer something extraordinary.

c. persuade people to buy goods.

d. give complete information.


11. Fill the gaps with prepositions from the box. Translate the sentences:

with; on; for; to; of; in; for; of; from


1. An obvious reason (1) ___ advertising is simply informing people of the existence of products they might be interested (2) ___ buying.

2. Advertising may be described as the science (3) ___ arresting human intelligence.

3. Modern advertising developed (4) ___ the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

4. Advertising plays an important part in making modern goods and services available (5) ___ the general public.

5. Advertising agency is a company specializing in producing and placing advertisements (6) ___ clients

6. Advertising is the fine art (7) ___ making you think you have longed for something all your life that you never heard of before.

7. Advertisers know (8) ___ practical experience that products, old or new, cannot be forced (9) ___ people.


12. Read and translate the text. Use dictionaries to find the meanings of unknown words:

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