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Speech within speech is shown by (GB usage) double quotation marks inside single marks, or (US usage) single quotation marks within double marks:

'When the judge said, "Not guilty," I could have hugged him.' (GB)

"When the judge said, 'Not guilty,' I could have hugged him." (US)


1. A business letter is set out as shown below. The punctuation marks are optional. The address of the person who is writing the letter is in the top right-hand corner; the address of the person to whom the letter is being written is in the top left-hand corner, but below the address of the sender:

3 Willow Street, Frambleton, Suffolk. SF5 9PK. 6th June, 1984.

Mr D. В. Taylor. Metalwork Ltd, Booth Street, Ormton, Lancashire. LC14 3JQ.

Dear Mr Taylor, Thank you for...

Yours faithfully /sincerely/ (US) truly, [signature] Mary Burton.

2. In US usage, a colon is substituted for the comma in the salutation, except informally:

Dear Ms Burton: but Dear Mary.

3. In an informal letter, only the address of the sender is necessary, the optional punctuation is more likely to be omitted, and Yours sincerely, etc. is replaced by a more friendly or personal phrase, e.g. Yours, Yours affectionately, With best/warm wishes, With love.


1. The quotation is separated from its introduction by a colon and is enclosed by quotation marks:

It was Disraeli who said: 'Little things affect little minds.'

2. If a word or phrase is omitted from the quotation, this is indicated by a row of three dots (...):

'The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.' (Thomas Hobbes) Also Conversation above.


Alexander L.G. "Longman English Grammar for intermediate students'VLongman, 1992/ 296 p.

English Grammar Through Practice (Morphology)/Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1976/208 p.

Krutikov Y.A., Kuzmina I.S., Rabinovich Kh.V. "Exercises in Modern English Grammar"/ Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1971/247 p.

Krylova I.P. "An English Grammar Practice Book"/Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1978/235 p.

Lapidus В., Shevtsova S. "A Practical Giude to Better English"/lnternational Relations Institute Publishing House Moscow, 1962/174 p.

Matyushkina-GuerkeT.I., KuzmichyovaT.N., Ivanova L.I. "Practical Grammar in Patterns (For laboratory work)"/Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1974/192 p.

Murphy R. "English Grammar In Use (A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students)"/Cambridge University Press, 1992/328 p.

Natanson E.A. "Practical English Grammar by Correspondence"/Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1973/304 p.

Волкова Е.И. "Английский артикль в речевых ситуациях"/М., "Просвещение", 1974/ 158 с.

Гордон Е.М., Крылова И.П. "Употребление артиклей в английском языке"/М., "Международные отношения", 1964/82 с.

Дроздова Т.Ю., Зайцева И.К. и др. "Лабораторные работы по грамматике английского языка для студентов 1 курса"/Л., 1989/62 с.

Дроздова Т.Ю., Степанова Н.В. и др. "Учебные задания по обучению лексико- грамматическим структурам английского языка"/Л., 1989/50 с.

Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л. "Грамматика английского языка (на английском языке)"/Л., "Просвещение", 1973/319 с.

Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л. и др. "Сборникупражнений по грамматике английского языка'УЛ., "Просвещение", 1968/200 с.

Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. "Практическая грамматика английского языка"/М., Внешторгиздат, 1959/720 с.

Лебедева А.Я. "Времена английского глагола (сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка)"/Л., "Просвещение", 1979/79 с.

Мальчевская Т.Н. "Сборник упражений по переводу гуманитарных текстов с английского языка на русский"/Практическое пособие/Издательство «Наука» Ленинградское отделение Ленинград, 1970/213 с.

Натанзон Е.А. "Косвенные наклонения и модальные глаголы в английском языке"/ М., "Международные отношения", 1968/160 с.


S содержит 15 тематических разделов, состояших из обших сведений по теме и особых случаев употребления

S построена по приниипу сопоставления моделей родного и изучаемого языков

S таблицы, схемы и модели

систематизируют материал разделов

s упражнения построены по приниипу нарастания языковых трудностей

отдельными книгами изданы:


(ответы-ключи к упражнениям)


и... -_____.....

(тесты для проверки усвоения материала)

isbn 5 94962 075 5 Издательство «Антология»

199053, Санкт-Петербург, В.О., Средний пр., 4, лит. Б тел.: (812) 326-0127, 326-0128. 323-7301 sales@anthology.spb.ru В Интернете: www.anthology.spb.ru

3. (I...angry)___________________________________________________________

4. (It...cold today)_______________.______________________________________

5. (The Hague...in Switzerland)___________________________________________

6. (I...afraid of dogs) ____________________________________________________

7. (My hands...dirty)____________________________________________________

8. (Russia...a very big country)___________________________________________

9. (The Amur...in Europe)________________________________________________

10. (Diamonds...cheap)_____________________________________________ _____

11. (Motor-racing...a dangerous sport) ___________________________________ _

12. (Squirrels...big animals)_______________________________________________

Ex. 5. Write questions with What/Who/How/Where/Why...? Use am/is/are.

1. (What colour your house?) What colour is vour house?

2. (Where my key?)____________________,_______________________________

3. (Where my trousers?)________________________________________________

5. (What colour his hair?)________________________________________________

6. (How much these shoes?)_____________________________________________

7. (Who your favourite actor?)____________________________________________

8. (Why you always late?)_______________________________________________

Ex. 6. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first.)

1. (his name?) What's his name?

2. (single or married?) Are you single or married?

3. (British?)

4. (where / from?)

5. (how old?)

6. (a student?)

7. (your mother a teacher?)

8. (where / from?)

9. (her name?)

10. (how old?)

was not = wasn't were not = weren't

□ I was tired last night.

□ The weather was good when we were on holiday.

□ The hotel wasn't very expensive.

□ Where were you at 5 o'clock yesterday?

EXERCISES (A)____________________________________________________

Ex. 9. Put in am/is/are/was/were. Some sentences are present and some are past.

1. Last year their son was 26, so he J§_ 27 now.

2. Today the weather___________ nice, but yesterday it____________ cold.

3. I______ cold. Can I have something hot to drink?

4. I______ hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

5. Where________ you at 10 o'clock last Sunday morning?

6. Don't buy those shoes. They___________ too expensive.

* Flu - short for influenza

[1] (How old your grandmother?)___________________________________________

[2] It is used only with countable nouns in the singular.

[3] Here's Health 184

[4] leap-year - високосный год

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