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The conclusion.

Halva-halva…” or “As the thief has stolen cudgel from the other thief”. | The Moment of truth” or severe truth | And to steal not difficultly | Not catastrophe, not accident, and simply a fire? | Whether have grown wiser IAEA and the World Health Organization for three years? | Touching care“ of people | State-of-the-art of construction of the nuclear power plant in the world. | Whether nuclear power plant strengthens the power of Belarus? | The attitude of the population of Belarus to construction of the nuclear power plant. | Energy from the soil, air and waters too. Thermal pumps. |

Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 5. Read the introduction and the conclusion. Then answer the question.


Our talk, our dear readers come to the end. Whether you completely have read this book or have viewed only its most important places, we hope that you have paid attention to the list of the basic affirmations of atomic lobbyists, given right at the beginning of the book. And their affirmations are following:

1. The nuclear electric power is the cheapest.

2. Nuclear power plants are completely safe.

3. Nuclear reactors do not bring any harm to us, the nature; they will rescue mankind from greenhouse effect and will conserve oxygen for people.

4. Nuclear fuel will suffice for humankind for ages.

5. All over the world nuclear plants are actively built.

6. We cannot live without atomic energy.

7. The majority of our fellow citizens support the construction of NPPs in our country.

How we can answer on these affirmations? We shall bring some total to that we found out.

1. The impartial assessment of specific costs of production of the electric power by NPPs with correcting of only abundantly clear “errors” of atomic lobbyists and even disregarding of some difficultly estimated costs results in a conclusion that the electric power produced by the nuclear power plant, appears, at least, in 5 times more expensive than the electric power produced on steam-gaseous installations.

2. The extensive actual material results in an abundantly clear conclusion: nuclear power installations are most hazardous of the systems used for production of the electric power, both on frequency of descending accidents, and on scales of consequences of these accidents.

Nuclear power plants are not only very hazardous in themselves, but they also are very vulnerable for any internal or external interference. They are capable to blow up on own initiative, but, even more probably, because of irresponsible service or because of casual or deliberate external action. In essence, the nuclear power plant is the atomic mine, mine-strewn by own hands in own territory.

3. The damage put by all nuclear power plants for all time of their work, on the estimated data compounds about 600 billion US dollars. It once again reconfirms an incorrectness of any reassuring of reliability of atomic energy, and the uttermost unpredictability in conduct of atomic reactors.


Even in an event of realization of dream of atomic lobbyists about “completely safety” reactors they will not cease to bring to Humankind, flora and fauna indisputable and rather serious harm.

4. Declared security of the nuclear fuel has no establishments under itself. Its stores (under the acceptable prices) will suffice only on 40 years. Perspectives of power ensuring of Humankind are not connected to atomic energy at all. Thereupon, utilization of a natural gas remains outside of any doubts the most safe.

5. In the advanced countries or, more precisely, in the countries for a long time having atomic weapons, not only construction of the new nuclear power plants is terminated, but also many of the existing NPPs which have not worked for assigned time, are decommissioned, because of their technical imperfection. It testifies that the atomic energy to the present time is in serious recession.

6. Talks about necessity of “strengthening of energy of Belarus by NPPs” appear false and are directed on everything, but not for the good of our country and our people. Tendency to impose to Belarus the program of building of atomic energy in it, not only does not decide a problem of so-called “power safety” of the country, but also is capable to drive it in dead spot of irresistible economic, ecological and demographic problems. What energy crisis predict to us atomic lobbyists if we simply thrown out the large part of used power? So what for to us new power capacities, and especially nuclear?!

7. Sociological researches have shown, that near to “risky” sites agree to live only 5,7 percents from number of the respondents, 68 percents have shown “concern to the similar perspective”. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the respondents have no desire to see in the country atomic energy sites.

Alas, the carried out assessment of all seven rather categorical affirmations of atomic lobbyists has unambiguously resulted us in negative outcomes. To enforce on necessity for us (and for all Humankind) of development of atomic energy can or the one who has not complicated himself on acquaintance with actual danger of this disastrous for all alive on the Earth perspective, or for whom personal, mercenary interests are connected to it.

On these examples you can be convinced once again how “honest” are our homebred atomic lobbyists and how far they are capable to go in distortion of the facts and in the roughest juggling and impudent lie.

Whether we have the right to create with our actions today hardest problems to our descendants? In fact, it will be necessary to our children to live in this irreclaimable contaminated world, to struggle with these problems and to overcome them. That is our responsibility between the Futures! Those who does not understand it or does not want to understand, commits the greatest Crime before Humankind!

In summary we shall result, three interesting quotes from the book of well-known ecologist A.V.Yablokov [65].

“Fifteen years back on one of General meetings of the Academy of sciences of the USSR I heard, how academician Z.Alferov spoke, that if 15 % of the means thrown on development of atomic energy have been spent for development of alternate energy sources, the nuclear power plant would not be required for production of the electric power in the USSR at all.”

The second quotation, but about the same.

«…It is possible, the most disappointing aspect of the history of atomic industry is missed possibility. The huge sums of public money have been spent for support of researches, waste management and decommission, which could be spent with the greater benefit to meet demands of the new millennium” (Bunyard P., Roche P., [91]).

The third, final thought from the article of the same authors.

«But one thing should be clear to ecologists at the dawn of twenty first century – now it is time to bury this industry before it will accept a new appearance, and will poison our hopes and dreams for the following hundred years as it made for the last 50 years” [91].

The title of this work, chosen by authors of work sounds typical [91]:

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