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Chernobyl and other.

Power from water. | Power of the Sun | Installed capacity of wind turbines in other countries of the world, MW | Energy from the soil, air and waters too. Thermal pumps. | Whether many power resources are necessary for us? | How we live today? | Renewable sources: wind power, power of the small rivers and channels, solar heat and electric power should play not the last role in ensuring Republic by power | In a few words. | Introduction. | That all was clear |

Читайте также:
  1. Alternate, alternative Alternatemeans one after the other; alternativemeans one or the other.
  2. Carriages, and one soul is as good as another.
  3. Chernobyl and other.
  4. Ex.2. The person who typed this book has got some of the phrases and idioms opposite mixed up with one another. Correct them.
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We do not advise you to waste time on searching in diplomas something concrete about consequences of this catastrophe. Authorities and official services use the best efforts and even impossible to confuse people, to not give them to feel actual measures of this catastrophe. All those who disagrees with official assessments, “ certainly are not right, and their conclusions are not recognized”.

On our assessments the following numbers can map consequence of Chernobyl accident:

The death-roll - not less than 20.000 person;

Number of hardly ill

And invalids - not less than 200.000 people;

Economic damage - not less than 1 billion US dollars.

Comparing numbers named by us with calculated for the American NPPs, we, first of all, discover, that the death-roll on the American assessments appears considerably bigger, than Chernobyl assessments give (not present anything even close to “Linge” or “Bebeshko” values). With allowance for higher population density in territories, close to the American NPPs, their assessments are quite verisimilar. On number falling ill, our assessments are close to American. \

Attempt has been made to define the general damage already put by all NPPs for all time of their work. On the estimated data, this damage compounds about 600 billion US dollars.


And what there in Japan?

The impression can be made, that atomic lobbyists in Japan persistently try to play a role of burying beetles of the country. However, similar, people of Japan have already understood it.

It is impossible to say, that Japan is very much dependent on nuclear energy. At recent times growth of this branch have fallen sharply (it is possible to tell, disastrously). The cause of it has become intensifying after few accidents on nuclear objects of counteraction of the population of country to construction of the nuclear power plants

Under the information in the article [77] reconfirmed by Japanese Embassy in Minsk, company Tokyo Electric Power which provides the most intense power locality – Tokyo area, has been constrained to close by April, 15 2003 «for the check» all of 17 reactors under its management (two of them have been stopped earlier). It almost one third of all of “atomic park” of Japan (on that moment there were 52 reactors). And on stopped reactors compounded 38 % from general power of all nuclear reactors of Japan. The reason was «series of scandals and increasing no confidence in society to atomic energy». Moreover, the given example is not unique. So, has appeared, that from 11 reactors of other company Kansai Electric Power after incident on one of reactors at enterprise Michama as for 24.08.2004 seven reactors are stopped for “check” too. Moreover, in fact that is interesting: these mass disconnecting of reactors did not call any serious nuisances in power supply. About what it speaks? It only reconfirms the fact that the economy of Japan weakly depends on nuclear power system.

It is rather interesting, that for the term from 1973 on 2001, power consumption by an industry of country practically remained at the same level. And it at healthy growth of production. It is possible to draw very important conclusion: growth of production not necessarily demands growth of energy consumption.

Some words about prognosis calculation of damage, which could arise at accidents at nuclear power plants. By an example of Americans, Japanese experts have done the same calculation for the nuclear power plants. Nevertheless, have made results secret. Interesting is the statement of Japanese experts: «Any of the Japanese nuclear power plants would be never constructed, if Japanese people has found out about these calculations before the beginning of construction».

It would be necessary to listen to opinion of not atomic lobbyists, but those honest and responsible scientists and experts who try to make the truth about atomic energy clear to people and about what dirty and hazardous trace is abandoned by it to the future generations of the planet Earth.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 33 | Нарушение авторских прав

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