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Word combinations


Читайте также:
  1. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  2. B. Word Combinations
  3. c) Make up your own dialogues on choosing a career. Use the word combinations in bold type in them.
  4. Combinations with down, away and over PEG chapter 38
  5. Combinations with off and on
  6. Combinations with off and on PEG chapter 38
  7. Combinations with up

on shipboard = on board a (the) ship на пароходе (на борту паро­хода)

on deck на палубе

talk smb into/out of (doing) smth уговорить кого-л сделать что-л/отгово-рить от чего-л

talk art (business, politics, sports, shop, etc.) говорить, беседовать об искусстве (делах, политике, спорте, на профессиональные темы и т.п.)

put off = postpone откладывать, отсрочивать

now and then время от времени

have paint (mud, snow, etc.) all over быть в краске (грязи, снегу и т.п.)

know a thing or two about smth разбираться в чем-л

in one's turn в свою очередь

get in touch with smb связаться, установить связь с кем-л

get (catch) hold of smb/smth (lit. & fig.) ухватиться за кого-л/что-л

take pictures of smb/smth делать снимки, фотографировать (кого-л/что-л)

keep from doing smth удержаться от чего-л

keep smb from doing smth удержать кого-л от чего-л

get a good laugh out of smth посмеяться, позабавиться над чем-л

get down to work (business, etc.) приняться, взяться за работу (дело и т.п.)




Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.


1. How did Mr. Gregg happen to meet Lautisse? 2. What was their first meeting like? 3. Why did Lautisse invite Mr. Gregg to his cabin the following day? 4. Why did Lautisse first introduce himself as Mon­sieur Roland? 5. Why wasn't Mr. Gregg in the least impressed when he heard his new friend's real name? 6. What did the Greggs learn about Lautisse from the ship's librarian? 7. How did it happen that Lautisse spent a weekend with the Greggs? 8. Why did Lautisse enjoy his stay at the Greggs' so much? 9. What explained the Greggs' sudden popular­ity? 10. Why couldn't Mr. Gregg at first understand what all the noise was about? 11. What happened as a result of all this publicity? 12. At what exact moment did Gerston appear on the scene? 13. What was Gerston's advice to Mr. Gregg? 14. What gave Lautisse the idea to have the fence] cut up into sections and to sign each of the thirty pieces? 15. Why did Lautisse think the incident with the fence to be a great joke? 16. Why is the story called "One Coat of White"?


Ex. 2. Find in the text the English for:


а) 1. вначале; 2. не иметь представления; 3. посмотреть с непри­язнью на кого-л; 4. попятиться; 5. пробормотать извинения; 6. ре­шить кроссворд; 7. хранить секрет; 8. задать невинный вопрос; 9. упомянуть между прочим чье-л имя; 10. бросить живопись; 11. при­ехать с двенадцатичасовым поездом; 12. говорить на темы искусства; 13. смотреть по телевизору игру в бейсбол; 14. построить своими ру­ками; 15. свежий слой краски; 16. полведра краски; 17. время от времени; 18. соседний город; 19. сфотографировать; 20. со всех концов страны; 21. не удержаться от смеха; 22. разрезать что-л на части; 23. в течение месяца; 24. по настоящему хорошо относиться к кому-л; 25. вызвать шум (сенсацию);

б) 1. на борту парохода; 2. возвращаться из поездки; 3. на палубе; 4. список пассажиров; 5. салон; 6. каюта первого класса; 7. каюта.

Ex. 3. Give the four forms of the following verbs:


hold; win; keep; find; plan; try; show; argue; shake; lead; cut; sell; hang; get; turn.

Ex. 4. Open the brackets using the gerund of the given verb.


1. The incident was not worth... (to mention). 2. We didn't have to talk her into... a course in driving (to take). 3. He apologized for... late (to be). 4. Do stop... shop (to talk)! We have come here to enjoy ourselves. 5. The scientist had to give up... of another expedition to the North Pole (to think). 6. We must keep her from... on the trip (to go). She is not fit for it yet. 7. It's no use... to get in touch with him now, he is not in town (to try). 8. You are running the risk of... cold if you go out without warm clothes (to catch). 9. Somebody suggested... for a couple of days in Leningrad on our way back from Riga (to stay). 10. She didn't mind... there alone (to go). 11. He had a nasty habit of... at the wrong moment (to laugh). 12. He was used to... with such situations (to deal). 13. We are looking forward to... you soon(to see). 14. She got much pleasure out of... art with him (to talk). 15. The building was impressive and we couldn't help... it (to admire).


Ex. 5. Use constructions with emphatic "it" in the following sentences.


M o d e l: 1) I ran into him on the second day.

It was on the second day that I ran into him.

2) The doctors do not allow him to go to the South.

It is the doctors who (that) do not allow him to go to the South.


1. They invited him to their place for a week-end. 2. The tourists were greatly impressed by the beauty of the Baikal. 3. Picasso's pictures on exhibition at the Pushkin Museum attract crowds of visitors. 4. We failed to get in touch with the expedition because of the bad connection. 5 Londoners are very proud of their parks and gardens. 6. He was worried about his son. 7. She attends an art school evenings. 8. She introduced him to her parents. 9. They had to put off the experiment for that single reason.


Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences using constructions with empha­tic "it".


1. Как раз к профессору Иванову вам и следовало бы обратиться. Он занимается интересующей вас проблемой. 2. Именно картина молодого художника и привлекла на выставке всеобщее внимание. 3. О детях-то в первую очередь им и надо было позаботиться. 4. Как раз последний пункт и не стоит обсуждать. В нем нет ничего нового. 5. Как раз на прошлой неделе и произошел этот неприятный разго­вор. 6. Именно с ним-то и будет трудно договориться. 7. Как раз эту проблему и трудно разрешить. 8. Как раз из-за плохой пого­ды им и пришлось отложить поездку.


Ex. 7. Use emphatic"do" ("did") according to the model.


M о d e 1: I got a shock when we walked into the room where my fence was exhibited.

I did get a shock when we walked in.


1. I had asked him not to tell her the truth yet, but he told her every­thing. 2. How did it happen that he failed at the examination? He knew the subject well. 3. You won't believe me, but I want to become a doctor. 4. Read the book, it is well worth reading. 5. He said he would give up smoking and he gave it up. 6. Stop arguing.


Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences using the construction with emphatic "do".


1. Почему его еще нет? Ведь он обещал прийти рано. 2. Хотя он и был очень занят, он все же сдержал свое слово и пришел проводить нас. 3. Непременно посетите Британский Музей, когда будете в Лондоне. Я знаю, что он произведет на вас огромное впечатление. 4. Пожалуйста, расскажите нам все подробно. 5. Почему они обижа­ются на него? Он же предлагал им свою помощь.


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