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Humanistic theories

Philosophical assumptions | VOCABULARY – 3 | VOCABULARY – 4 | VOCABULARY – 5 |

Читайте также:
  1. Application of Personality and Traits theories in Kazakhstani organizations
  2. Ashkenazi-Khazar theories
  3. Chapter 5. Question and Answer on Freud's Theories
  4. Chapter 6. Controversies and Criticisms on Freud's Theories
  5. Commonalities Among Theories
  6. I. The Nature of Word Stress. Word Stress Theories

In humanistic psychology it is emphasized people have free will and that they play an active role in determining how they behave. Accordingly, humanistic psychology focuses on subjective experiences of persons as opposed to forced, definitive factors that determine behaviour. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, who were proponents of this opinion, emphasized a view of the person as an active, creative, experiencing human being who lives in the present and subjectively responds to current perceptions, relationships, and encounters. They disagree with the dark, pessimistic outlook of those in the Freudian psychoanalysis ranks, but rather view humanistic theories as positive and optimistic proposals which stress the tendency of the human personality toward growth and self-actualization. This progressing self will remain the center of its constantly changing world; a world that will help mold the self but not necessarily confine it. Humanistic therapy typically relies on the client for information of the past and its effect on the present, therefore the client dictates the type of guidance the therapist may initiate. This allows for an individualized approach to therapy. Rogers found that patients differ in how they respond to other people. Rogers tried to model a particular approach to therapy – he stressed the response. These responses came in a variety of fashions:

A. Evaluative Response – places a value judgment on person’s feelings

B. Interpretive Response – tells the person what they’re really thinking or feeling.

C. Reflective Response – captures how someone is feeling right now about the situation.


Exercise 13. Work in pairs. Study the Vocabulary below (see the Introduction for details)and then translate Text 10 into English.



потужні засоби для дослідження мозку powerful brain analysis tools мигдалевидна залоза amygdala
чорнильна пляма ink blot проективні тести projective tests
позитронне випромінювання (ТПВ) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
функціональна магнітно-резонансна томографія (ФМРТ) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI)
розлад засвоєння невербальної інформації non-verbal learning disorder
асиметрія діяльності півкуль мозку hemispheric asymmetry
префронтальна кора головного мозку prefrontal cortex (PFC)
електроенцефалографія (ЕЕГ) Electroencephalography (EEG)
опитувальники типу самозвіту self-report questionnaires


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 57 | Нарушение авторских прав

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VOCABULARY – 6| Commentary. Article 1. Personality.

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