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The Subjunctive Mood

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Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 40. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood.
  2. Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form o! the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (conditional sentences).
  3. Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (conditional sentences).
  4. Exercise 11. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian.
  5. Exercise 14. Comment on the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs. Translate into Russian.
  6. Exercise 16. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs where required.
  7. Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).

Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive Mood) выражает желаемые или предполагаемые действия, которые проблематично, маловероятно или вообще нереально выполнить. Глагол в сослага­тельном наклонении переводится на русский язык формой прошед­шего времени с частицей «бы». Типичный пример употребления сослагательного наклонения в речи – это условные предложения 2-го и 3-го типов (см. урок № 18):

например, If I were Captain of a ship, I would take you on a voyage round the world. Если бы я был капитаном корабля, я взял бы Вас в кругосветное путешествие.

Сослагательное наклонение также употребляется в ряде других структур.


Выражение желаний после WISH / IF ONLY

Структура Ситуация Пример
wish +   Past Simple Past Continuous Одновременность дейст­вий; желание изменить что-либо в настоящем времени. I wish I had a car. Мне бы хотелось иметь машину.
wish + Past Perfect Предшествование дей­ствия; сожаление по по­воду того, что случилось или не случилось в про­шлом. I wishI hadn’t spent all that money. Как жаль, что я потратил все деньги.


Структура Ситуация Пример
wish + would could + do sth. вежливаяпросьбаилиприказ желаниеизменитьситуациюиличьёлибоповедениевызывающеераздражение Действиепридаточногопредложенияследуетзадействиемглавногопредложения МнебыхотелосьчтобыВыпересталименяпрерывать Мнебыхотелосьчтобыдождьпрекратился
NB! После местоимений I и we ставится could вместо would: e.g. I wish I could help you. NOT: I wish I would help you.
Примечание. Ø1 Фраза if only (Если бы только …, Ах, если бы …) эмоционально более выразительна, чем глагол wish: e.g. If only I had a lot of money. (But I don’t have a lot of money.) = Ах, если бы у меня было много денег! Ø2 Were может использоваться вместо was в официальном стиле: e.g. I wish I weretaller. (formal English) = I wish I wastaller. (everyday English) Ø3 Предложения с глаголом wish на русский язык часто переводятся: Как жаль, что …; Мне жаль, что … и т.п. При этом действие в русском варианте становится отрицательным, если в английском языке оно было утвердительным, и наоборот: e.g.I wish I had spent all that money. Мне жаль, что я не потратил все деньги. I wish my car wasn’tso old. Как жаль, что у меня такая старая машина.

1. Read and translate the following sentences. Explain the use of “wish-clauses”:

1. I wish I could play a musical instrument.

2. I wish I had studied more when I was at school.

3. If only the wind would stop blowing.

4. Paul, I wish you would stop making so much noise.

5. A: If only I hadn’t spoken to Jane like that!

B: Don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll forgive you. I wish you could make it up.

6. I wish it was summer now.

7. I wish I had known how to drive a car.

8. I wish I could travel round the world.

9. I wish she were more sensitive.

10. If only I had a room of my own.

11. If only she had talked to him, the situation could have been quite different.

12. If only our boss would stop insulting his subordinates.

13. He wished he could find a well-paid job.

14. If only I hadn’t parked my car here. I wish I hadn’t been fined.

15. I wish I could understand what the teacher is saying.

16. I wish you would stop being idle.


2. Rewrite the sentences using the correct “wish-clause” subjunctive type (the words in brackets make their meaning clear):

1. I wish today (to be) a holiday. (But today isn’t a holiday).

2. I wish I (to have) more time to read. (At the time of speaking the speaker hasn’t got much time to read).

3. I wish I (can travel) round the world. I wish I (to have) enough money to travel. (At the time of speaking the speaker hasn’t got enough money to travel).

4. The father told his children, “I wish you (not to make) so much noise. (When the father says this, his children are making a lot of noise. The father is annoyed).

5. If only I (to listen) to your advice (But I didn’t listen to your advice.)

6. If only Susan (to stop) playing the music so loud. (Wish for a change in her behaviour).

7. I wish I (to get) your message earlier. (But I didn’t get it earlier).


3. Read what people say below and make different types of “wish-clauses” as in the examples:

A: Michael has just started university. It isn’t what he expected. He is missing his family badly.

e.g. I wish I were at home with my family.


·1 My room is so small. ·2 I have to share the room with another boy. ·3 The kitchen is such a mess. ·4 My tutors are strict. ·5 The classes are so hard to understand. ·6 The people are not friendly. ·7 I have difficulty in making friends. ·8 I can’t visit my family and friends because they are so far away. ·9 I feel unhappy and lonely.

B: Philip has been for an interview, but he didn’t get the job.

e.g. I wish I had got the job.

    ·1 I didn’t know much about the company. ·2 I was too nervous. ·3 I didn’t shake hands with my interviewer. ·4 I forgot what I wanted to say. ·5 I didn’t answer the interviewer’s questions properly. ·6 My letter of application was badly typed. ·7 I spilt the cup of tea I was given. ·8 I am a failure.

C: Elise is a film star. There are some things she finds annoying:

e.g. I wish I would be less famous.

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