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Принцесса Марса 44 страница

Принцесса Марса 33 страница | Принцесса Марса 34 страница | Принцесса Марса 35 страница | Принцесса Марса 36 страница | Принцесса Марса 37 страница | Принцесса Марса 38 страница | Принцесса Марса 39 страница | Принцесса Марса 40 страница | Принцесса Марса 41 страница | Принцесса Марса 42 страница |

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At first the two forces circled at the same altitude (вначале обе воздушные армии кружили на одной высоте), pouring broadside after broadside into each other (обрушивая друг на друга один бортовой залп за другим; broadside — бортовой залп; to pour — лить, выливать). Presently a great hole was torn in the hull of one of the immense battle craft from the Zodangan camp (вскоре большущая дыра была проделана в корпусе одного из громадных боевых кораблей зодангианской стороны; camp — лагерь, сторона); with a lurch she turned completely over (накренившись, он полностью перевернулся; lurch — крен), the little figures of her crew plunging, turning and twisting toward the ground a thousand feet below (и крошечные фигурки его экипажа полетели вниз, переворачиваясь и крутясь, по направлению к земле в тысяче футов внизу; to plunge — нырять; круто опускаться); then with sickening velocity she tore after them (затем он /корабль/ с вызывающей дурноту скоростью понесся вслед за ними; to tear — рвать; нестись стремглав), almost completely burying herself in the soft loam of the ancient sea bottom (и почти полностью зарылся в мягкую глину древнего морского дна; loam — суглинок /clay loam/; крупный песок; плодородная земля; глина и песок с перегноем; грунт).


altitude ['xltItju:d], broadside ['brO:dsaId], lurch [lWtS], sickening ['sIkqnIN]


At first the two forces circled at the same altitude, pouring broadside after broadside into each other. Presently a great hole was torn in the hull of one of the immense battle craft from the Zodangan camp; with a lurch she turned completely over, the little figures of her crew plunging, turning and twisting toward the ground a thousand feet below; then with sickening velocity she tore after them, almost completely burying herself in the soft loam of the ancient sea bottom.


A wild cry of exultation arose from the Heliumite squadron (дикий крик ликования раздался от эскадры гелиумцев; exultation — ликование, торжество; to arise — возникать; раздаваться), and with redoubled ferocity they fell upon the Zodangan fleet (и с удвоенной яростью они накинулись на зодангианский флот). By a pretty maneuver two of the vessels of Helium gained a position above their adversaries (благодаря удачному маневру два из кораблей Гелиума заняли позицию над своими противниками; pretty — миловидный, милый; хороший), from which they poured upon them (из которой они обрушили на них) from their keel bomb batteries (из своих бомбовых батарей у киля) a perfect torrent of exploding bombs (настоящий град: «ливень» взрывающихся бомб).


exultation ["egzAl'teIS(q)n], redouble [ri:'dAbl], pour [pO:]


A wild cry of exultation arose from the Heliumite squadron, and with redoubled ferocity they fell upon the Zodangan fleet. By a pretty maneuver two of the vessels of Helium gained a position above their adversaries, from which they poured upon them from their keel bomb batteries a perfect torrent of exploding bombs.


Then, one by one, the battleships of Helium succeeded in rising above the Zodangans (затем, одному за другим, боевым кораблям Гелиума удалось подняться над зодангианцами), and in a short time a number of the beleaguering battleships (и вскоре множество осаждавших /город/ военных кораблей; to beleaguer — осаждать, окружать) were drifting hopeless wrecks (дрейфовали /в виде/ беспомощных обломков) toward the high scarlet tower of greater Helium (по направлению к высокой алой башне большего Гелиума). Several others attempted to escape (несколько других попытались спастись бегством), but they were soon surrounded by thousands of tiny individual fliers (но вскоре они были окружены тысячами крошечных одноместных самолетиков), and above each hung a monster battleship of Helium ready to drop boarding parties upon their decks (и над каждым из них завис гигантский корабль Гелиума, готовый сбросить абордажные команды на их палубы; boarding — взятие на абордаж).


succeed [sqk'si:d], beleaguer [bI'li:gq], flier ['flaIq]


Then, one by one, the battleships of Helium succeeded in rising above the Zodangans, and in a short time a number of the beleaguering battleships were drifting hopeless wrecks toward the high scarlet tower of greater Helium. Several others attempted to escape, but they were soon surrounded by thousands of tiny individual fliers, and above each hung a monster battleship of Helium ready to drop boarding parties upon their decks.


Within but little more than an hour (прошло немногим более часа) from the moment the victorious Zodangan squadron (с того момента, когда победоносная зодангианская эскадра) had risen to meet us from the camp of the besiegers (поднялась навстречу нам из лагеря осаждавших /город/) the battle was over (как битва была окончена), and the remaining vessels of the conquered Zodangans (и оставшиеся суда побежденных зодангианцев) were headed toward the cities of Helium under prize crews (направились к городам Гелиума под управлением победивших экипажей).

There was an extremely pathetic side to the surrender of these mighty fliers (был чрезвычайно патетический момент при капитуляции этих могучих летающих судов; side — аспект, черта; surrender — сдача, капитуляция), the result of an age-old custom (результат векового обычая) which demanded that surrender should be signalized (который требовал, чтобы капитуляция была обозначена; to signalize — ознаменовывать, отмечать) by the voluntary plunging to earth of the commander of the vanquished vessel (добровольным прыжком на землю командира побежденного судна). One after another the brave fellows (один за другим эти храбрецы), holding their colors high above their heads (держа свои знамена высоко над головой), leaped from the towering bows of their mighty craft to an awful death (прыгали с высокой носовой части своих могучих судов навстречу ужасной смерти; towering — высокий, возвышающийся).


surrender [sq'rendq], signalize ['sIgnqlaIz], awful ['O:ful], towering ['tauqrIN]


Within but little more than an hour from the moment the victorious Zodangan squadron had risen to meet us from the camp of the besiegers the battle was over, and the remaining vessels of the conquered Zodangans were headed toward the cities of Helium under prize crews.

There was an extremely pathetic side to the surrender of these mighty fliers, the result of an age-old custom which demanded that surrender should be signalized by the voluntary plunging to earth of the commander of the vanquished vessel. One after another the brave fellows, holding their colors high above their heads, leaped from the towering bows of their mighty craft to an awful death.


Not until the commander of the entire fleet took the fearful plunge (и только когда командующий всем флотом совершил ужасающий прыжок), thus indicating the surrender of the remaining vessels (обозначив этим сдачу оставшихся судов), did the fighting cease (сражение прекратилось), and the useless sacrifice of brave men come to an end (и пришла к концу бесполезная трата жизней храбрецов; sacrifice — жертва; жертвоприношение).

We now signaled the flagship of Helium's navy to approach (тогда мы дали сигнал флагманскому кораблю Гелиума приблизиться), and when she was within hailing distance (и когда он был в пределах слышимости; hail — оклик; within hailing distance — в пределах слышимости) I called out that we had the Princess Dejah Thoris on board (я крикнул, что у нас на борту принцесса Дежа Торис), and that we wished to transfer her to the flagship (и что мы хотим пересадить ее на флагманский корабль; to transfer — перемещать) that she might be taken immediately to the city (чтобы ее могли немедленно доставить в город).


sacrifice ['sxkrIfaIs], hailing distance ['heIlIN"dIstqns], transfer [trxns'fW]


Not until the commander of the entire fleet took the fearful plunge, thus indicating the surrender of the remaining vessels, did the fighting cease, and the useless sacrifice of brave men come to an end.

We now signaled the flagship of Helium's navy to approach, and when she was within hailing distance I called out that we had the Princess Dejah Thoris on board, and that we wished to transfer her to the flagship that she might be taken immediately to the city.


As the full import of my announcement bore in upon them (когда до них дошел весь смысл моего сообщения; import — значение, смысл; to bear in — становиться ясным, понятным) a great cry arose from the decks of the flagship (продолжительный крик донесся с палуб флагманского корабля), and a moment later the colors of the Princess of Helium broke from a hundred points upon her upper works (и через мгновение цвета принцессы Гелиума появились в сотне мест на его верхней части; upper works — надводная часть судна; верхняя часть конструкции). When the other vessels of the squadron (когда другие суда эскадры) caught the meaning of the signals flashed them (поняли значение передаваемых им сигналов; to flash — сигнализировать) they took up the wild acclaim and unfurled her colors in the gleaming sunlight (они подхватили бурные крики ликования и развернули ее цвета в ярких лучах солнца; acclaim — радостное восклицание).


arose [q'rouz], acclaim [q'kleIm], unfurl [An'fWl]


As the full import of my announcement bore in upon them a great cry arose from the decks of the flagship, and a moment later the colors of the Princess of Helium broke from a hundred points upon her upper works. When the other vessels of the squadron caught the meaning of the signals flashed them they took up the wild acclaim and unfurled her colors in the gleaming sunlight.


The flagship bore down upon us (флагманский корабль спустился к нам), and as she swung gracefully to us and touched our side (и когда он грациозно развернулся к нам и прикоснулся к нашему борту; to swing — поворачивать) a dozen officers sprang upon our decks (дюжина офицеров прыгнули к нам на палубу). As their astonished gaze fell upon the hundreds of green warriors (когда их изумленный взгляд обратился на сотни зеленых воинов), who now came forth from the fighting shelters (которые теперь вышли вперед из-за боевых укрытий), they stopped aghast (они в ужасе остановились; aghast — ошеломленный, объятый страхом), but at sight of Kantos Kan, who advanced to meet them (но при виде Кантоса Кана, который направлялся им навстречу), they came forward, crowding about him (они вышли вперед и обступили его).

Dejah Thoris and I then advanced (после этого подошли Дежа Торис и я = мы с Дежой Торис), and they had no eyes for other than her (и они уже никого не видели, кроме нее). She received them gracefully (она приняла их любезно), calling each by name (называя каждого по имени), for they were men high in the esteem and service of her grandfather (так как это были люди глубоко почитаемые и занимающие высокое положение на службе у ее дедушки; esteem — уважение, почтение), and she knew them well (и она хорошо их знала).


gracefully ['greIsfulI], shelter ['Seltq], aghast [q'gQ:st], esteem [Is'ti:m]


The flagship bore down upon us, and as she swung gracefully to us and touched our side a dozen officers sprang upon our decks. As their astonished gaze fell upon the hundreds of green warriors, who now came forth from the fighting shelters, they stopped aghast, but at sight of Kantos Kan, who advanced to meet them, they came forward, crowding about him.

Dejah Thoris and I then advanced, and they had no eyes for other than her. She received them gracefully, calling each by name, for they were men high in the esteem and service of her grandfather, and she knew them well.


"Lay your hands upon the shoulder of John Carter," she said to them, turning toward me (положите ваши руки на плечо Джону Картеру, — сказала она им, поворачиваясь ко мне), "the man to whom Helium owes her princess as well as her victory today (человеку, которому Гелиум обязан своей принцессой, равно как своей сегодняшней победой)."

They were very courteous to me (они были очень учтивы со мной; courteous — вежливый, учтивый) and said many kind and complimentary things (и наговорили мне много любезностей), but what seemed to impress them most (но то, что, казалось, поразило их больше всего) was that I had won the aid of the fierce Tharks in my campaign for the liberation of Dejah Thoris (было то, что я заручился помощью жестоких тарков в моей кампании за освобождение Дежи Торис), and the relief of Helium (и снятия осады с Гелиума; relief — снятие осады).


courteous ['kWtjqs], campaign [kxm'peIn], liberation ["lIbq'reIS(q)n], relief [rI'li:f]


"Lay your hands upon the shoulder of John Carter," she said to them, turning toward me, "the man to whom Helium owes her princess as well as her victory today."

They were very courteous to me and said many kind and complimentary things, but what seemed to impress them most was that I had won the aid of the fierce Tharks in my campaign for the liberation of Dejah Thoris, and the relief of Helium.


"You owe your thanks more to another man than to me," I said (вы больше должны благодарить другого человека, чем меня), "and here he is; meet one of Barsoom's greatest soldiers and statesmen (вот он — познакомьтесь с одним из величайших солдат и государственных деятелей Барсума), Tars Tarkas, Jeddak of Thark."

With the same polished courtesy that had marked their manner toward me (с той же безукоризненной вежливостью, которая отличала их манеру по отношению ко мне) they extended their greetings to the great Thark (они распространили свои приветствия на великого тарка), nor, to my surprise, was he much behind them (и, к моему удивлению, он не намного уступал им) in ease of bearing or in courtly speech (в непринужденности манер или изысканности речи; courtly — вежливый, изысканный). Though not a garrulous race (хотя /они/ и не болтливая раса; garrulous — болтливый, словоохотливый), the Tharks are extremely formal (но придают огромное значение этикету: «чрезвычайно официальны»; formal — формальный, выполненный в соответствии с этикетом), and their ways lend themselves amazingly well to dignified and courtly manners (и их обычаи чрезвычайно хорошо подходят для /полной/ достоинства и изысканной манеры поведения; to lend oneself to smth. — приспосабливаться, прилаживаться, применяться; быть пригодным, подходить к чему-либо; to lend — одалживать, давать взаймы).


extend [Iks'tend], garrulous ['gxrqlqs], amazingly [q'meIzINlI]


"You owe your thanks more to another man than to me," I said, "and here he is; meet one of Barsoom's greatest soldiers and statesmen, Tars Tarkas, Jeddak of Thark."

With the same polished courtesy that had marked their manner toward me they extended their greetings to the great Thark, nor, to my surprise, was he much behind them in ease of bearing or in courtly speech. Though not a garrulous race, the Tharks are extremely formal, and their ways lend themselves amazingly well to dignified and courtly manners.


Dejah Thoris went aboard the flagship (взошла на борт флагманского корабля), and was much put out that I would not follow (и была очень огорчена, что я не захотел последовать за ней; to put out — выбивать из колеи, выводить из равновесия), but, as I explained to her, the battle was but partly won (но, как я объяснил ей, битва была выиграна лишь частично); we still had the land forces of the besieging Zodangans to account for (нам еще следовало позаботиться о сухопутных силах осаждающих /город/ зодангианцев), and I would not leave Tars Tarkas until that had been accomplished (и я не оставлю Тарса Таркаса, пока это не будет осуществлено; accomplished — законченный, выполненный).

The commander of the naval forces of Helium (командующий морских сил Гелиума) promised to arrange to have the armies of Helium attack from the city in conjunction with our land attack (обещал организовать /все так, чтобы/ армии Гелиума атаковали из города одновременно с нашей сухопутной атакой; conjunction — соединение, связь; in conjunction — вместе, сообща), and so the vessels separated (таким образом, наши суда разделились) and Dejah Thoris was borne in triumph back to the court of her grandfather (и Дежа Торис была с триумфом доставлена назад ко двору своего дедушки), Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium.


besiege [bI'si:dZ], conjunction [kqn'dZANkS(q)n], separate ['sepqreIt]


Dejah Thoris went aboard the flagship, and was much put out that I would not follow, but, as I explained to her, the battle was but partly won; we still had the land forces of the besieging Zodangans to account for, and I would not leave Tars Tarkas until that had been accomplished.

The commander of the naval forces of Helium promised to arrange to have the armies of Helium attack from the city in conjunction with our land attack, and so the vessels separated and Dejah Thoris was borne in triumph back to the court of her grandfather, Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium.


In the distance lay our fleet of transports, with the thoats of the green warriors (на некотором расстоянии находился наш грузовой флот с тотами зеленых воинов), where they had remained during the battle (где они оставались во время битвы). Without landing stages it was to be a difficult matter to unload these beasts upon the open plain (без плавучих причалов задача выгрузки эти животных на открытую равнину была трудной = нам предстояла трудная задача; landing stage — пристань, плавучий причал), but there was nothing else for it (но ничего другого не оставалось), and so we put out for a point about ten miles from the city and began the task (и поэтому мы отправились в /другое/ место милях в десяти от города и приступили к этой задаче; to put out — отправляться).


difficult ['dIfIk(q)lt], unload [An'loud], landing stage ['lxndINsteIdZ]


In the distance lay our fleet of transports, with the thoats of the green warriors, where they had remained during the battle. Without landing stages it was to be a difficult matter to unload these beasts upon the open plain, but there was nothing else for it, and so we put out for a point about ten miles from the city and began the task.


It was necessary to lower the animals to the ground in slings (было необходимо спустить животных на канатах; sling — канат для подъема груза) and this work occupied the remainder of the day and half the night (и эта работа заняла остаток дня и половину ночи). Twice we were attacked by parties of Zodangan cavalry (дважды мы были атакованы отрядами зодангианской кавалерии), but with little loss, however (но с незначительными потерями, однако), and after darkness shut down they withdrew (а после наступления темноты они отступили).

As soon as the last thoat was unloaded (как только был выгружен последний тот) Tars Tarkas gave the command to advance (дал команду наступать), and in three parties we crept upon the Zodangan camp from the north, the south and the east (и тремя отрядами мы /стали/ подбираться к лагерю зодангианцев с севера, юга и востока).


remainder [rI'meIndq], darkness ['dQ:knIs], withdrew [wID'dru:]


It was necessary to lower the animals to the ground in slings and this work occupied the remainder of the day and half the night. Twice we were attacked by parties of Zodangan cavalry, but with little loss, however, and after darkness shut down they withdrew.

As soon as the last thoat was unloaded Tars Tarkas gave the command to advance, and in three parties we crept upon the Zodangan camp from the north, the south and the east.


About a mile from the main camp we encountered their outposts (примерно в миле от основного лагеря мы наткнулись на их сторожевые отряды; outpost — аванпост; сторожевое охранение) and, as had been prearranged (и, как было заранее запланировано; to prearrange — заранее подготавливать, планировать) accepted this as the signal to charge (приняли это как сигнал атаковать). With wild, ferocious cries and amidst the nasty squealing of battle-enraged thoats (с дикими, ужасающими криками и среди мерзкого визга разъяренных битвой тотов) we bore down upon the Zodangans (мы ринулись на зодангианцев).

We did not catch them napping (мы не застали их врасплох; to nap — дремать; to catch napping — застать врасплох), but found a well-entrenched battle line confronting us (и наткнулись на хорошо укрепленную линию фронта; entrenched — укрепленный траншеями; trench — ров, канава; траншея; to confront — столкнуться). Time after time we were repulsed until, toward noon (раз за разом нас отбрасывали назад, пока к полудню), I began to fear for the result of the battle (я не начал опасаться за исход сражения).


prearrange ["pri:q'reIndZ], napping ['nxpIN], entrench [In'trentS]


About a mile from the main camp we encountered their outposts and, as had been prearranged, accepted this as the signal to charge. With wild, ferocious cries and amidst the nasty squealing of battle-enraged thoats we bore down upon the Zodangans.

We did not catch them napping, but found a well-entrenched battle line confronting us. Time after time we were repulsed until, toward noon, I began to fear for the result of the battle.

The Zodangans numbered nearly a million fighting men (численность зодангианцев доходила до миллиона воинов), gathered from pole to pole (собранных от полюса до полюса), wherever stretched their ribbon-like waterways (отовсюду, куда достигали их похожие на ленты каналы), while pitted against them were less than a hundred thousand green warriors (при этом им противостояло менее ста тысяч зеленых воинов; to pit against — противостоять /в битве/). The forces from Helium had not arrived (войска Гелиума еще не прибыли), nor could we receive any word from them (и мы не могли получить от них никаких сообщений).

Just at noon we heard heavy firing all along the line between the Zodangans and the cities (ровно в полдень мы услышали интенсивную стрельбу по всей линии между зодангианцами и городами), and we knew then that our much-needed reinforcements had come (и мы поняли, что пришло столь необходимое нам подкрепление).


number ['nAmbq], firing ['faIrIN], reinforcement ["ri:In'fO:smqnt]


The Zodangans numbered nearly a million fighting men, gathered from pole to pole, wherever stretched their ribbon-like waterways, while pitted against them were less than a hundred thousand green warriors. The forces from Helium had not arrived, nor could we receive any word from them.

Just at noon we heard heavy firing all along the line between the Zodangans and the cities, and we knew then that our much-needed reinforcements had come.


Again Tars Tarkas ordered the charge (снова Тарс Таркас отдал приказ наступать), and once more the mighty thoats bore their terrible riders against the ramparts of the enemy (и снова могучие тоты понесли своих ужасных всадников на вражеские бастионы; ramparts — опорный пункт,бастион). At the same moment the battle line of Helium surged over the opposite breastworks of the Zodangans (в то же мгновение боевой строй гелиумцев ринулся на брустверы зодангианцев с противоположной стороны) and in another moment they were being crushed as between two millstones (и еще через мгновение они были раздавлены, как между двумя жерновами). Nobly they fought, but in vain (доблестно они сражались, но тщетно; nobly — благородно; самоотверженно).

The plain before the city became a veritable shambles ere the last Zodangan surrendered (равнина перед городом превратилась в настоящую бойню, пока не сдался последний зодангианец), but finally the carnage ceased (но, наконец, резня прекратилась; carnage — резня, кровавая бойня), the prisoners were marched back to Helium (пленных отвели назад в Гелиум), and we entered the greater city's gates (и мы вошли в главный город через ворота), a huge triumphal procession of conquering heroes (огромной триумфальной процессией победивших героев; t o conquer — завоевывать, покорять; побеждать).


rampart ['rxmpQ:t], breastwork ['brestwWk], millstone ['mIlstoun], conquer ['kONkq]


Again Tars Tarkas ordered the charge, and once more the mighty thoats bore their terrible riders against the ramparts of the enemy. At the same moment the battle line of Helium surged over the opposite breastworks of the Zodangans and in another moment they were being crushed as between two millstones. Nobly they fought, but in vain.

The plain before the city became a veritable shambles ere the last Zodangan surrendered, but finally the carnage ceased, the prisoners were marched back to Helium, and we entered the greater city's gates, a huge triumphal procession of conquering heroes.


The broad avenues were lined with women and children (вдоль широких улиц стояли женщины и дети), among which the few men were (среди которых было несколько мужчин) whose duties necessitated that they remain within the city during the battle (обязанности которых вынуждали их оставаться внутри города во время битвы). We were greeted with an endless round of applause (нас встречали нескончаемыми взрывами аплодисментов; round — ряд, цикл; round of applause — взрыв аплодисментов) and showered with ornaments of gold, platinum, silver, and precious jewels (и осыпали украшениями из золота, платины, серебра и драгоценных камней). The city had gone mad with joy (город обезумел от радости).

My fierce Tharks caused the wildest excitement and enthusiasm (мои свирепые тарки вызвали чрезвычайное возбуждение и бурный восторг; excitement — возбуждение, волнение; enthusiasm — энтузиазм; бурный восторг). Never before had an armed body of green warriors entered the gates of Helium (никогда раньше вооруженный отряд зеленых воинов не входил в ворота Гелиума), and that they came now as friends and allies (и то, что они пришли сейчас как друзья и союзники), filled the red men with rejoicing (наполняло красных людей радостью; rejoicing — веселье, радость; to rejoice — ликовать, торжествовать; бурно радоваться).


excitement [Ik'saItmqnt], allies ['xlaIz], rejoicing [rI'dZOIsIN]


The broad avenues were lined with women and children, among which were the few men whose duties necessitated that they remain within the city during the battle. We were greeted with an endless round of applause and showered with ornaments of gold, platinum, silver, and precious jewels. The city had gone mad with joy.

My fierce Tharks caused the wildest excitement and enthusiasm. Never before had an armed body of green warriors entered the gates of Helium, and that they came now as friends and allies filled the red men with rejoicing.


That my poor services to Dejah Thoris had become known to the Heliumites (о том, что мои скромные услуги Деже Торис стали уже известны гелиумцам), was evidenced by the loud crying of my name (свидетельствовали громкие выкрикивания моего имени), and by the loads of ornaments that were fastened upon me and my huge thoat (и груды украшений, которые надевали на меня и на моего огромного тота; to fasten — привязывать, крепить) as we passed up the avenues to the palace (пока мы проходили по улицам ко дворцу), for even in the face of the ferocious appearance of Woola (так как, даже несмотря на свирепый вид Вулы; in the face of — несмотря на, вопреки) the populace pressed close about me (толпа обступала меня со всех сторон; populace — простой народ; толпа).

As we approached this magnificent pile (когда мы подошли к этому великолепному зданию; pile — куча, груда; огромное здание) we were met by a party of officers (нас встретила группа офицеров) who greeted us warmly (которые тепло поприветствовали нас) and requested that Tars Tarkas and his jeds with the jeddaks and jeds of his wild allies, together with myself (и попросили, чтобы Тарс Таркас и джеды его диких союзников, вместе со мной), dismount and accompany them to receive from Tardos Mors an expression of his gratitude for our services (спешились и пошли вместе с ними во дворец, /чтобы/ принять от Тардоса Мора изъявления его благодарности за наши услуги).


crying ['kraIIN], populace ['pOpjulqs], service ['sWvIs]


That my poor services to Dejah Thoris had become known to the Heliumites was evidenced by the loud crying of my name, and by the loads of ornaments that were fastened upon me and my huge thoat as we passed up the avenues to the palace, for even in the face of the ferocious appearance of Woola the populace pressed close about me.

As we approached this magnificent pile we were met by a party of officers who greeted us warmly and requested that Tars Tarkas and his jeds with the jeddaks and jeds of his wild allies, together with myself, dismount and accompany them to receive from Tardos Mors an expression of his gratitude for our services.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 30 | Нарушение авторских прав

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