Читайте также:
a specially designed vessel that provides
a range of safety and support facilities on
an offshore field
Supply boat
a specially designed vessel to ferry supplies,
material and equipment to and from
offshore structures
Multiservice vessel (MSV)
a support vessel designed to provide a
variety of construction, fabrication,
diving, emergency and other services to
offshore installations
Sedco Phillips SS
a specially designed semi-submersible
safety and maintenance vessel deployed
in the Ekofisk complex of fields - the first
such vessel to be built
Ship's articles
the agreement between the master and
his crew, giving details of conditions
and terms
Polyphenylene sulphide
an engineering plastic with excellent
resistance to most chemicals
a cyclic aliphatic compound containing
sulphur that is used as a selective solvent
for the separation of aromatic and
aliphatic compounds
a cyclic addition compound of butadiene
and sulphur dioxide which can be hydrogenated
to produce sulpholane
Ultra-large crude carrier (ULCC)
an extremely large ocean-going tanker of
over 300,000 metric tons deadweight
used to transport crude oil from its
source to a transhipment storage facility
or directly to a refinery
Dry tree
a sub-sea wellhead where the equipment
is enclosed in a water-tight chamber
Dry bole
a well drilled without finding gas or oil in
commercial quantities
Dry natural gas
natural gas which is low in associated liquids,
mostly methane
Pressure gauges
devices for the measurement of pressure
Crude oil
the oil that is produced from a reservoir
(after any associated gas has been removed),
often referred to simply as crude
a range of distillates covering the heavier
end of the gaseous fuel and the lighter
end of the kerosene range
see crude oil
Raw material
one of the chemical ingredients of a
process Basic raw materials are those
which are present wholly or in part in the
product, that is, they have reacted chemically
Often referred to as feedstock
Time charter
the charterer has the use of the vessel for
a specified period, the shipowner supplies
the crew and provisions
the process whereby a well that is no
longer (and never likely to be) needed is
filled with concrete and abandoned
a ship or vehicle used to transport oil,
refined products or liquefied gas
Plate column
a distillation column consisting of a number
of equally spaced, perforated, horizontal
plates which may be used in
place of a packed column
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Exploration phase | | | Tectonic process |