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Use of the essential vocabulary


Читайте также:
  1. Academic Vocabulary
  2. Active Vocabulary
  4. Active Vocabulary
  5. Active Vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary

Unit 8



Task 1. Discuss the following questions:

· What is research?

· With what purposes is research done?

· Have you ever done any research?

· How do you understand moral and ethical behaviour?

· Does our behaviour depend on ethics and moral? Why?



Task 2. Memorise the essential vocabulary to Text 1 and translate the sentences containing it:

(1) to account for(пояснювати, звітувати) – to give or be a satisfactory explanation for; to provide a satisfactory record, esp. of money received and paid out. The researcher uses theories to account for the forces that caused a certain phenomenon to occur. account (of) – пояснення, звіт accountant – бухгалтер
(2) adverse(протилежний, негативний) – unfavourable; going against, opposing. The research objective and its benefits should be weighed against potentially adverse results. adverse effects –протилежні результати
(3) analysis(аналіз) – an examination of smth. together with thoughts and judgments about it. A thorough analysis of the corporation’s annual activity showed the potential for the further use of innovative technologies. data analysis – аналіз даних financial analysis – фінансовий аналіз to analyze – аналізувати
(4) conclusion(висновок) – a judgment or decision reached after consideration. Researchers presented the main conclusions of their investigation. to come to/draw/reach a conclusion – прийти до висновку to conclude – прийти до висновку  
(5) to conduct(здійснювати, виконувати) – to carry out or direct. The survey was conducted under the guidance of skilled researchers. to conduct research – виконувати дослідження
(6) to enhance (збільшувати, посилювати, підвищувати) – to increase in strength or amount. Revision of the management question enhances the researcher’s understanding of the options available for developing a successful design.  
(7) to evolve(розвивати, розгортати; розкривати, виявляти) – to develop gradually by a long continuous process. The business organisation has evolved in response to the social and political mandates of national public policy and explosive technology growth.
(8) exploration(дослідження) – careful examination (esp. of a subject or question) in order to find out more. Exploration of the problem is done through familiarisation with available data. to explore – досліджувати
(9) facet(грань, аспект) – any of the many parts of a subject to be considered; aspect. Investigative questions present various facets of the problem to be solved. facet of the problem – аспект проблеми  
(10) inference(висновок, виведення, припущення) – opinion or judgment based on smth.; deduction. Reporting study requires little inference or conclusion drawing. to infer – робити припущення
(11) information(інформація, дані) – knowledge in the form of facts, news etc. Further information about the project development will be supplied at the next meeting. information overload – перевантаження інформацією information source – джерело інформації to inform – інформувати informative – інформативний
(12) inquiry(розпитування, наведення довідок, запит) – asking for information; an attempt to find out the reason for smth. usually in the form of official meetings and other actions. Research is an organised inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems. to inquire – робити запит  
(13) to justify(підтверджувати, виправдовувати) – to give a good reason for, explain satisfactorily. Such huge amount of money spent on advertising campaign was justified by the perspective of increasing sales. justifiable – законний justification – виправдання, реабілітація
(14) market(ринок) – 1) an area or country where there is a demand for goods. They sell mainly at the home market. 2) (for) desire to buy; public demand (for a product, service etc.). The potential market for this product is enormous. 3) (the state of) trade in particular goods or goods in general. There is great activity in the tea market. 4) on the market –for sale; available for people to buy. to market – торгувати market research – дослідження ринку protected market – захищений ринок
(15) merger(об’єднання, злиття) – joining together of two or more com­panies or firms to form larger one. A merger of two big oil companies was done last year.
(16) plausible(правдоподібний, імовірний) – seeming to be true or reasonable. Good research has to be purposeful, with a clearly defined focus and plausible goals.
(17) refinement(удосконалення, покращання якості) – an addition or improvement to an existing product, system etc. The system of data storing has many added refinements such as data mining and data warehousing. to refine on/upon – удосконалювати  
(18) research(дослідження) – serious and detailed study of a subject that is aimed at learning new facts, scientific laws, testing ideas. They are carrying out a research into new markets of elite cars. research design – план дослідження research process –дослідницький процес research question – дослідницьке питання research service –дослідницька послуга to research in/into/on – досліджувати reserachable – той, що піддається дослідженню
(19) sample(взірець, приклад, модель, вибірка) – a small part representing the whole; typical small quantity, thing, event etc. Decisions concerning the type of study, the means of data collection, measurement and sampling plans must be made when planning a design. to sample – брати взірці
(20) selection(вибір, добірка) – smth. taken as best, most suitable from a group, chosen. The sequence of the research process is dominated by dilemma-centred emphasis namely, the problem’s origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinement. to select – вибирати, селекціонувати select – вибраний, найкращий
(21) statement(виклад, твердження, формулювання) – expression in words. The problem under consideration requires a clearer statement. to state – висловлювати, повідомляти
(22) strength and weakness(перевага і недолік) – strong and weak point of smth.; pro and con; benefit (merit) and drawback. The reporting of the research procedures, i.e. their strengths and weaknesses should be complete and honest.
(23) survey(опитування, спостереження, огляд) – a general examination or study (of conditions, options etc.), esp. carried out by asking people questions. The latest survey shows a majority in support of company’s trade policy. to survey – досліджувати
(24) to witness(бути свідком, очевидцем) – to see or notice smth. because of being present when it happens. During the last two decades we have witnessed dramatic changes in the business environment. witness – свідок

Task 3. Match each word in section A with its translation in section B:

A. Exploration; facet; plausible; objective; an account; merger; approach; management; statement; adverse; to witness; sequence; information source; inference; survey; marketing research; to forecast; justification; outcome; refinement; selection; to enhance; financial analysis; to evolve; measurement; sample; solution; policy; on the market; to inquire.


B. Вимірювання; злиття; дослідження; звіт; дослідження ринку; мета, завдання; послідовність; протилежний; вирішення; вибір; результат; політика; припущення; прогнозувати; зразок; опитування; розвивати; запитувати; бути очевидцем; посилювати; формулювання; управління; правдоподібний; джерело інформації; аспект; фінансовий аналіз; у продажу; виправдання; підхід; удосконалення.

Task 4. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:

A. To forecast; to state; to account for; to research; to inquire; to enhance; objective; to witness; to solve; to survey; to conduct.

B. To improve; to notice; to decide; to carry out; to examine; goal; to explore; to explain; to express; to ask; to predict.


Task 5. Match each word in section A with the one of the opposite meaning in section B:

A. Drawback; plausible; adverse; justifiable; to refine; conclusion.

B. Introduction; benefit; unreasonable; favourable; false; to damage.

Task 6. Match each word in section A with its definition in section B:

A. Selection; outcome; sequence; approach; merger; survey; inference; facet; to measure; to justify; inquiry.


B. To give a good reason for, explain satisfactorily; a general examination or study; asking for information; smth. taken as best from a group; to find the size of smth. in standard units; methods of doing smth.; aspect; joining together of two or more companies; opinion or judgment based on smth.; an effect, result; the order in which things or events follow one another.


Task 7. Rearrange the following jumbled words into sentences:

1. The business organisation, in response to the social and political mandates, has evolved, of national public policy. 2. The study of research methods, you need, to solve the problems, provides you with the knowledge and skills, and meet the challenges of a fast-paced decision-making environment. 3. Three factors stimulate an interest, to decision making, in a scientific approach. 4. Research, to provide information, is any organised inquiry, carried out, for solving problems. 5. A reporting study, only to provide an account, or summation of some data, may be made, or to generate some statistics. 6. When the information, may be difficult to find, with information sources, calls for knowledge and skills, a reporting study, and gatekeepers of information sources. 7. A descriptive study, the answers to the questions, tries to discover, who, what, when, where, and sometimes, how. 8. A researcher attempts, often by creating a profile, to describe or define a subject, of a group of problems, people or events. 9. An explanatory study, and attempts to explain the reasons, goes beyond description, for the phenomenon that the descriptive study only observed. 10. A researcher, to account for the forces, uses theories or hypotheses that caused a certain phenomenon to occur.

Task 8. Memorise the essential vocabulary to Text 2 and translate the sentences containing it:

(1) adherence(прихильність, вірність, суворе дотримання) – the action of continuing to support or be loyal to smth., esp. in spite of difficulties. Advocating strict adherence to a set of laws is difficult. to adhere to – дотримуватись (правил) adherent – прибічник, прихильник adhesion – прихильність
(2) to adjust(упорядковувати, пристосовувати) – to change slightly, esp. in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose or situation. To attract investors, government decided to adjust the country’s tax and labour laws.
(3) to advocate(відстоювати, виступати на захист) – to speak in favour of, support (an idea or plan), esp. publicly. Executive director of the company advocated increasing production. advocate – адвокат, захисник
(4) afterthought(запізніла думка, пояснення) – an idea that comes later; smth. added later, esp. smth. that was not part of the original plan. Procedures and protocols of good research should be arranged during the planning process rather than treated as an afterthought.
(5) to anticipate(очікувати, передбачати) – to think likely to happen, to expect; to guess or imagine in advance (what will happen) and take the necessary action in order to be ready. In business you’ve got to anticipate how your competitors will act. anticipation – очікування  
(6) bias(пристрасть, упередженість, упереджене ставлення) – a tendency to be in favour of or against smth. or smb. without knowing enough to be able to judge fairly; prejudice. Sometimes the actual purpose of your study must be concealed from respondents to avoid introducing bias. to bias – впливати
(7) clash(зіткнення, розбіжність, суперечливість) – an example of opposition or disagreement; conflict. They are both very determined people, so there is rather a clash of personalities. to clash – стикатися, конфліктувати
(8) coercion(примушування) – act of making do smth. by force, threats, compelling. Inducements to participate in a study should not be disproportionate to the task or presented in a fashion that results in coercion. to coerce – примушувати coercive – змушений
(9) to conceal(приховувати) – to hide, keep from being seen or known. The need to conceal objectives leads directly to the problem of deception. concealment – приховування
(10) consent(згода, дозвіл) – agreement or permission. When dealing with children it is wise to have a parent sign a consent form. to consent – дозволяти
(11) consequence(наслідок, результат) – smth. that follows from an action or set of conditions; result. No one should suffer adverse consequences from research activity. consequent – логічний, послідовний consequently – як результат, у результаті  
(12) constraint(змушення, примус, тиск) – smth. that limits one’s freedom of action. Unforeseen constraint is put on researchers. to constrain – змушувати, зобов’язувати
(13) to debrief(опитувати після виконання завдання) – to find out information from smb. by thorough questioning after an action. Debriefinginvolves several activities following the collection of data.
(14) deception(обман, брехня) – act of causing smb. to accept as true or good what is false or bad, usu. for a dishonest purpose. Deception should not be used in an attempt to improve response rates. to deceive – обманювати deceptive – обманний
(5) deliverance(визволення, звільнення) – act of saving from harm or danger or state of being saved. Some people believe that death is deliverance from a life of suffering and others value life to the point of preserving it indefinitely.
(16) ethics(етика, етичність, мораль, норми поведінки) – moral rules or principles of behaviour governing a person or group. The recognition of ethics as a problem for economic organisations was shown in a survey where 80 per cent of organisations reported the adoption of an ethical code. ethical –етичний ethical code –етичний кодекс ethical dilemma –етична дилема ethical relativism –етичний релятивізм
(17) follow-up(наступний, супутній, додатковий) – a thing done or action taken to continue or add to the effect of smth. done before. In cases where severe reactions occur, follow-up medical or psychological attention should be provided to participants.
(18) to guide(вести, керувати, спрямовувати) – to show the way, be leading; to control. Ethics are norms or standards of behaviour that guide moral choices about our behaviour and our relationships with others. guidance – керівництво, управління
(19) inducement(стимул, спонука) – encouragement to do smth. They offered her a share in the business as an inducement to stay. to induce – стимулювати, спонукати  
(20) to invoice(виписати фактуру, накладну, рахунок, список) – to prepare a list of goods supplied or work done, stating quantity and price. Invoicing irregularities in research is an unethical activity. invoice – виписувати рахунок, фактуру
(21) middle ground(золота середина) – an opinion that lies between two opposite views. A middle ground between being completely code governed and ethical relativism is necessary.
(22) to misrepresent(спотворювати, неправильно висвітлювати) – to give an intentionally untrue account or explanation, esp. an unfavourable one. It is unethical to misrepresent the results of a study. misrepresentation – спотворення (фактів)
(23) morality(мораль, моральність, принципи поведінки) – rightness or honesty of behaviour, of an action etc. Responsible investigator should always question the morality of his actions. moral – моральний moral code – кодекс моральної поведінки moral correctness – моральна коректність, правильність
(24) to overstate(перебільшувати) – to state too strongly, making things appear better, worse or more important than they really are. Whenever direct contact is made with respondent, the researcher should discuss the study’s benefits, being careful to neither overstate nor understate them.
(25) to understate(применшувати) – to cause smth. to seem less important than it really is. She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.
(26) to proceed(продовжувати) – to begin or continue in a course of action or set of actions. Informed consent should be secured from respondents before requesting permission to proceed with the study.
(27) regulation(правило, статут, настанова) – an esp. official rule or order. Codes and regulations guide researchers and sponsors. to regulate – регулювати, давати настанови
(28) superior(найкращий, винятковий) – better in quality or value. Each value system claims superior knowledge of moral correctness. superiority – перевага, старшинство
(29) vigilance(пильність, настороженість) – watchful care, continual attentiveness. Many problems could be avoided by constant vigilance. vigilant – пильний
(30) to violate(порушувати, зневажати, переступати) – to disregard or act against. It is considered immoral to violate nondisclosure agreements. violation – порушення


Task 9. Match each word in section A with its translation in section B:

A. To guide; to eliminate; to violate; afterthought; regulations; to anticipate; to understate; inducement; pervasive; adherence; to debrief; follow-up; to ensure; middle ground; to invoice; to adjust; deliverance; liability; coercion; to misrepresent; vigilance; constraint; deception; to conceal; to overstate; clash; to advocate; consequence; superior; to proceed; bias; consent.

B. Перебільшувати; обман; запізніла думка; гарантувати; упередженість; змушування; продовжувати; золота середина; порушувати; відповідальність; наслідок; спотворювати; вести; поширений; найкращий; стимул; зіткнення; примус; наступний; опитувати; приховувати; усувати; прихильність; визволення; пильність; виписати фактуру; згода; правила; упорядковувати; очікувати; відстоювати; применшувати.

Task 10. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:

A. Constraint; bias; adherence; clash; regulations; vigilant; to deceive; to ensure; superior; pervasive; middle ground.


B. Exceptional; widespread; to guarantee; golden mean; loyalty; restriction; rules; conflict; prejudice; alert; to mislead;

Task 11. Match each word in section A with the one of the opposite meaning in section B:

A. To overstate; consent; to proceed; to eliminate; moral; to violate; to conceal.

B. To admit; to obey; to understate; immoral; disagreement; to withdraw; to reveal.

Task 12. Match each word in section A with its definition in section B:

A. Ethical; to adjust; to debrief; follow-up; to invoice; afterthought; middle ground; to misrepresent; to guide; consequence.


B. To give untrue account or explanation; an opinion that is between two opposite views; to prepare a list of goods supplied; encouragement to do smth.; to show the way of leading, to control; smth. that follows from an action, result; to change slightly; connected with ethics, morally good or right; to find out information questioning; an idea that comes later.

Task 13. Rearrange the following jumbled words into sentences:

1. Research, from its participants, demands ethical behaviour. 2. Ethics, that guide moral choices, are norms or standards of behaviour, about our behaviour and our relationships with others. 3. The goal of ethics in research, or suffers adverse consequences, that no one is harmed, is to ensure, from research activities. 4. Unethical activities, breaking respondent confidentiality, are persuasive, misrepresenting results, deceiving people, invoicing irregularities, and include violating nondisclosure agreements, avoiding legal liability etc. 5. The recognition of ethics, where 80 per cent of organisations, as a problem for economic organisations, was shown in a survey, reported the adoption of an ethical code. 6. There is, to ethics, no single approach. 7. Each value system claims, of moral correctness, superior knowledge. 8. A middle ground, and ethical relativism, between being completely code governed, is necessary. 9. Codes and regulations, and sponsors, guide researchers. 10. Review boards and peer groups, to examine their research proposals, help researchers, for ethical dilemmas.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-13; просмотров: 43 | Нарушение авторских прав

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