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Gonorrhoeal and non-gonorrhoeal urethritis in males. Treatment and prevention.

Keratomycoses. Candidiasis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. Classification of mycoses. Laboratory diagnostics of mycoses | Dermatomycoses. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Collagenoses. Lupus erythematosus. Sclerodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Neurodermatoses. Atopic dermatitis. Prurigo. Urticaria. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Dermatitis. Toxicodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Eczema. Etiology, Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Bullous dermatoses. Erytema exudativum multiforme. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. | Primary period of syphilis. | Secondary period of syphilis. | Tertiary period of syphilis. Congenital syphilis. |

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  2. B. Excessive use of force, killings, disappearances, torture and ill-treatment
  3. Bullous dermatoses. Erytema exudativum multiforme. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  4. Collagenoses. Lupus erythematosus. Sclerodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
  5. Corrosion Treatment
  6. Dermatitis. Toxicodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
  7. Dermatomycoses. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.

1. Choose the causative agen of diseases which are transmitted by sexual contact:

1) Syphilis; a) Chlamydia trachomatis;

2) Gonorrhoea; b) Trichomonas vaginalis;

3) Chlamydias; c) Gonococcus;

4) HIV infection; d) Treponema pallidum;

5) Trichomoniasis; е) Human immunodeficiency virus.

*(1d, 2с, 3а, 4е, 5b).

2. Social factors which promote to dissemination of venereal diseases:

1) Unemployment;*

2) Prostitution;*

3) Drug addiction;*

4) Alcoholism;*

5) Doing sports;

6) Tourism;

7) Business trip.

3. What complaints has a patient with acute anterior gonorrhoeal urethritis?

1) An abundance discharge from an urethra;*

2) A scanty discharge from an urethra;

3) There is no discharge from an urethraare;

4) Cutting pain at the beginning of urination;*

5) Cutting pain at the end of urination;

4. The external urethral opening in case of acute anterior urethritis is:

1) Swollen and hyperemic;*

2) Cyanotic;*

3) Everted.*

5. Results of the two-glass test in acute anterior urethritis:

1) The first portion of urine is cloudy, second - transparent;*

2) The first and second portions of urine are cloudy;

3) Two portions of urine with flakes;

4) The first portion of urine with flakes, second, is transparent;

6. What laboratory examinations are conducted in a gonorrhoea:

1) Virological;

2) Bacterioscopic;*

3) Serological;

4) Bacteriological;*

5) Immunofluorescence method.

7. What medicines inexpedient to prescribe for pregnant patients with a gonorrhoea:

1) Benzyl-penicillin;

2) Erythromycin;

3) Levomycetin;

4) Tetracycline;*

5) Sulphonamides.

8. How long does last a latent period in Chlamydias?

1) 3-5 days;

2) 1-2 weeks;

3) 5-30 days;*

4) 14 days;

5) 6-14 days.

9. Laboratory diagnostics of Chlamydias are:

1) Microscopic examination;*

2) Method of direct immunofluorescence;*

3) Bacteriological examination;

4) Skin-allergic test;

5) Gene method of polymerase chain reaction.*

10. Laboratory diagnostics of Trichomoniasis is:

1) Microscopy;*

2) Complement-fixation test;

3) Luminescent microscopy;

4) Reaction of lysis;

5) Reaction of immunofluorescence.

11. What routes of infection with a gonorrhoea do you know?

1) Transfusion of blood;

2) Transmissible;

3) Community acquired;*

4) Transplacental;

5) Sexual.*

12. In case if smears are stained by the Gram-method a gonococcus becomes:

1) Gr(+);

2) Gr(-);*

3) Not painted;

4) Such method in practical medicine is not use;

5) Can be painted, as Gr(+) as Gr(-).

13. What kind of epithelium is affected most often in case of gonorrhoea?

1) Cylinder;*

2) Stratified non-keratinized epithelium;

3) Interjacent;

4) Cubical;

5) Stratified epithelium undergoing keratinization.

14. The causative agent of gonorrhoea - gonococcus belongs to:

1) Gram-negative diplococcus;*

2) Gram - positive diplococcus;

3) Gram – variable diplococcus;

4) Gram-negative coccal bacillus;

5) Gram – variable coccal bacillus.

15. Bacterioscopy authentication of gonococcus is based on the following signs:

1) Twoness of cocci;*

2) Gram-negative;*

3) Gram - positive;

4) Intracellular location;*

5) The form of coffee grains.*

16. Experimental gonorrhoea was induced in following laboratory animals:

1) Subhuman primates;

2) Guinea-pigs;

3) Rabbits;

4) Dogs;

5) No animals.*

17. In the patient’s organism gonococci can spread the following ways:

1) Lymphogenic;

2) Hematogenic;

3) Along the surfaces of the urethral mucosa;

4) Through intercellular spaces;

5) By all enumerated ways.*

18. The following clinical forms of gonorrhoea are distinguished:

1) Fresh acute;*

2) Fresh subacute;*

3) Fresh torpid;*

4) Latent;*

5) Chronic.*

19. What latent period does frequently occur in gonorrhoea?

1) 1-3 days;*

2) 30 - 40 days;

3) 10 -15 days;

4) 21 - 24 day;

5) 3 -4 weeks.

20. What symptoms does diagnose a diagnosis the “Fresh gonorrhoea” by?

1) Pain at the beginning of urination;*

2) Frequent urinations;

3) Discharges are abundant and purulent;*

4) Discharges are scanty and morning;

5) Pain at the end of urination.

21. What signs are characteristic for a fresh acute anterior gonorrhoeal urethritis?

1) Discharges are abundant and purulent;*

2) Pain during an urination;*

3) The lips of the external urethral opening are hyperemic;*

4) Purulent threads are in 1 and 2th portions of urine;

5) Purulent threads are in 1th portion of urine.*

22. Men’s chronic total gonorrhoeal urethritis is characterized:

1) The lips of the external urethral opening are congested hyperemic;*

2) Discharge are scanty and purulent;*

3) Pain at the end of urination;*

4) Presence of small amount purulent threads in 1 and 2th portions of urine;*

5) Purulent threads are in 1th portion of urine.

23. What symptoms does diagnose a diagnosis the “ Chronic gonorrhoea” by?

1) Pain at the beginning of urination;

2) Frequent urinations;*

3) Discharges are abundant and purulent;

4) Discharges are scanty and morning;*

5) Pain at the end of urination.*

24. All clinical forms are characteristic the extragenital gonorrhoea, except for:

1) Vesiculitis;*

2) Arthritis;

3) Proctitis;

4) Pharyngitis;

5) Conjunctivitis.

25. In the case of gonorrhoeal urethritis all medicines are prescribed, except for:

1) Tetracycline;

2) Macrolide;

3) Imidazole;*

4) Fluoroquinolones;

5) Cephalosporins.

26. Which methods are used for examination of patient with a gonorrhoea?

1) Cultures;*

2) Microscopy of smears;*

3) Tompson’s two-glass test;*

4) Histological;

5) Method of provocations.*

27. Which additional methods of examination help in diagnostics of fresh acute gonorrhoeal urethritis?

1) Provocation (with the purpose of exacerbation of process);

2) Tompson’s test;*

3) Bougienage of urethra;

4) Baltser's test;

5) Examination of discharges in dark field illumination of the microscope.

28. What types of provocations are applied in the case of detection of criteria of cure of gonorrhoea?

1) Alimentary;*

2) Immunobiologic;*

3) Chemical;*

4) Mechanical;*

5) Allergologic.

29. What examinations it is necessary to carry out for diagnose of diagnosis „Fresh gonorrhoea. Acute anterior gonorrhoeal urethritis?

1) Microscopy of smears stained by the methylene blue;

2) Microscopy of smears stained by the Gram-method;*

3) Provocation (with the purpose of exacerbation of process);

4) Tompson’s test;*

5) Urethroscopy.

30. What examinations it is necessary to carry out for diagnose of diagnosis fresh acute anterior gonorrhoeal urethritis?

1) Examination of discharges from an urethra on the etiological factor of urethritis;*

2) Examination of the secretions of the prostate;

3) Urethroscopy;

4) X-ray examination of urinoexcretory system;

5) All above-listed examinations.

31. What medicines are most recommended for treatment of fresh gonorrhoeal urethritis?

1) Metronidazole;

2) Penicillin;*

3) Gonococcal vaccine;

4) Tetracycline;*

5) Pyrogenal.

32. A such therapy is recommended to prescribe in case of acute and subacute not complicated gonorrhoea:

1) Gonococcal vaccine;

2) The local methods of treatment;

3) Antibiotics;*

4) Trichopol;

5) Pyrogenal.

33. The complex therapy of chronic gonorrhoeal infection includes:

1) Immune immune;

2) Etiological treatment;

3) Symptomatic treatment;

4) Local treatment;

5) All above-listed.*

34. A 25 years old patient, complains of the discharges from urethra in the morning, cutting pain during urination. During objective examination – there are mucopurulent discharge from the urethra. In the two-glass test urine the urine in the first glass is cloudy, contains many purulent threads and flakes. He is ill the second day and connect the disease with an accidental sexual contact with an unknown woman week ago. What disease is it needed to think about?

1) Fresh acute anterior gonorrhoeal urethritis;*

2) Fresh acute total gonorrhoeal urethritis;

3) Torpid gonorrhoeal urethritis;

4) Chronic gonorrhoeal urethritis;

5) Prostatitis.

35. The main clinical symptoms of oropharyngeal gonorrhoea are:

1) Hyperemia of mucous membranes;*

2) Ulcerous affection of mucous membranes of tonsils;

3) Edema of mucous membranes;*

4) Purulent film on tonsils;*

5) Regional adenitis.*

36. Such methods of mechanical provocation are used for determination of criteria of cure of gonorrhoea in men:

1) A massage of urethra on a bougie;

2) Urethroscopy;

3) Massage of urethra;

4) A massage of urethra on a tube of urethroscope;

5) All above-listed.*

37. Instrumental examination of men’s urethra in case of acute inflammation includes:

1) Examination with straight bougie;

2) Palpation on straight bougie;

3) Urethroscopy;

4) Palpation on Palpation on;

5) Nothing of above-listed.*

38. What therapy is recommend in case of acute and subacute forms of the uncomplicated gonorrhoea?

1) Gonococcal vaccine;

2) Local treatment;

3) Antibiotics;*

4) Trichopol;

5) Pyrogenal.

39. It is advisable to prescribe following groups of antibiotics in urethritis caused by Gram-positive diplococcus, except for:

1) Aminoglycosides;

2) Cephalosporins;

3) Linkomitsin;

4) Polimyxin;

5) Antimycotics.*

40. The clinical symptoms of gonorrhoea of eyes is all listed below, except for:

1) Edema of eyelids;

2) Exophthalmus;*

3) Photophobias, suppuration;

4) Hyperemia of conjunctiva;

5) Disintegrating ulcer in a cornea.

41. The diagnosis of urinogenital trichomoniasis must be confirmed all listed below laboratory methods, except for:

1) Staining by the Romanovsky-Giemsa;*

2) Staining by the Gram-method;

3) Staining by methylene blue;

4) Cultivation on nutrient mediums;

5) Microscopic examination of native preparations.

42. For the prophylaxis of gonoblenorrhoea the newborn must be treated with dripping on mucous membranes of eyes:

1) 30% solution of sodium sulfacil after birth;

2) 30% solution after 2 h. after birth;

3) 2% solution of resorcinis immediately after birth;

4) 2% solution of resorcin immediately and after 3 h. after birth;

5) 30% solution of sodium sulfacil after birth at once, through 2 h..*

43. For treatment of gonorrhoeal-chlamydial-candidial infection all medicines are used, except for

1) Antibacterial preparations;

2) Antifungal preparations;

3) Preparations of group of fluoroquinolones;

4) Antiprotozoan preparations;*

5) Immune corrector preparations.


The basic:

1. Lectures on themes.

2. Guides for self-study of students by preparation for practical lessons.

3. Yu. K. Skripkin and M.V. Milich. Skin and Venereal Diseases, English translation, Mir Publishers, 1981 – 560 p.

The additional:

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