Читайте также:
1. Syphilis is caused by:
1) Blue-pus bacillus;
2) Streptococcus;
3) Staphylococcus;
4) Escherichia coli;
5) Treponema pallidum.*
2. The basic signs of syphilis are:
1) Chancroid;
2) Hard chancre;*
3) Polyadenitis;*
4) Regional scleradenitis;*
5) Negative serum reactions;
6) Positive serum reactions;*
7) Syphilids.*
3. The most reliable method of diagnostics of tertiary syphilis is:
1) Examination of material taken from the bottom of ulcer;
2) Examination of neurolymph;
3) Blood examination (Wassermann's reaction);
4) T. pallidum immobilization test;*
5) Precipitin reactions.
4. The most specific serological reaction for syphilis is:
1) The fluorescence test;
2) T. pallidum immobilization test;*
3) Wassermann's reaction with the treponemal antigen;
4) Wassermann's reaction with the cardiolipin antigen;
5) Microreaction.
5. Who must be inspected (serological test of blood) in case of suspicion of congenial syphilis?
1) Father;
2) Mother;*
3) Child;*
4) Brothers and sisters of child;
5) Mother’s relatives;
6) Father’s relatives.
6. Select multiplicity and terms of examination of pregnant for syphilis (Wassermann's reaction):
1) Examination is carried out not less than twice, during the first and second periods of pregnancy;*
2) In each 2 monthes;
3) Single examination before childbirth;*
4) Single examination in the II trimester of pregnancy.
7. A 22 years old woman complains of appearance of ulcer on a large vulvar lips. The subjective feelings are absent. In anamnesis – there was a sexual contact with a little known man month ago. What examinations must be done first of all for determination of diagnosis?
1) Examination for T. pallidum;*
2) Examination for gonococci;
3) Examination for trichomonads;
4) Examination for fungi;
5) Examination for Chlamydia.
8. The serological reactions of pregnant in the first and second half of pregnancy is conducted in:
1) Skin and venereal dispensary;
2) Maternity ward;
3) Gynaecological department;
4) Maternity welfare centre;*
5) Out-patients' clinic.
9. After contact with a syphilitic patient Wassermann's reaction becomes positive in:
1) 1 week;
2) 2 weeks;
3) 4-5 weeks;
4) 6-8 weeks;*
5) 9-10 weeks.
10. After appearance the hard chancre Wassermann's reaction becomes positive in:
1) 1 week;
2) 2 weeks;
3) 3-4 weeks;*
4) 5-6 weeks;
5) 8-9 weeks.
11. What serological reactions for syphilis can be positive in the case of the primary seronegative period of syphilis?
1) IFT;*
2) Wassermann's reaction;
3) IFT, TPI;
4) TPI;
5) Classical, serological reactions.
12. What method of diagnosing is used in everyday practice for the reveal of T. pallidum?
1) Cultivation on nutrient mediums;
2) Staining by the Romanovsky-Giemsa;
3) Staining by methylene blue;
4) Examination of native preparations in dark field illumination of the microscope;*
5) Silvering by the Morozov.
13. After an infection with syphilis, usually, the Wassermann's reaction becomes positive in:
1) 3-4 weeks;
2) 6-8 weeks;*
3) 9-12 weeks;
4) 3-4 months;
5) 2-4 years.
14. What physiological secretion and excreta can be contagious in syphilis?
1) Saliva;*
2) Sweat;
3) Urine;
4) Milk;*
5) Sperm.*
15. What serological reactions for syphilis can be positive in the case of the primary seropositive period of syphilis?
1) Express-method;*
2) IFT;*
3) Wassermann's reaction;*
4) TPI;
5) Classical, serological reactions.*
16. What serological reactions can be positive in the case of secondary recurrent syphilis?
1) Express-method;*
2) IFT;*
3) Wassermann's reaction;*
4) TPI;*
5) IFT, TPI.*
17. The positive results of the followings tests are needed for diagnosis of primary seropositive period of syphilis with typical clinical picture:
1) IFT;
2) TPI;
3) Microreaction;
4) Wassermann's reaction.*
18. What serological reactions will be positive in the case of secondary early syphilis?
1) Express-method;*
2) IFT;*
3) Wassermann's reaction;*
4) IFT, TPI;*
5) All of reactions are negative.
19. The diagnosis of syphilis always is based on signs:
1) Clinical manifestation;
2) Information of anamnesis;
3) Laboratory examinations;
4) All above-listed.*
20. The laboratory methods of diagnostics of syphilis are distinguished:
1) Detection of causative agent of disease in lesions;
2) Serological reactions for syphilis;
3) Microprecipitation test;
4) Immunofluorescence test;
5) T. pallidum immobilization test;
6) All above-listed.*
21. The T. pallidum immobilization test is used with a purpose for:
1) Making the diagnosis of primary syphilis;
2) Making the diagnosis of early syphilis;
3) Making the diagnosis of latent syphilis;*
4) Appraising the efficacy of antisyphilitic therapy;
5) Taking off the record completely cured patient.
22. What reaction is used for express-diagnostics of syphilis?
1) RW;
2) Microprecipitation test;*
3) IFT;
4) TPI.
23. Criteria of cure of syphilis is considered:
1) Quality of the conducted treatment;
2) Data of clinical inspection (skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, nervous system, organs of sense);
3) Data of laboratory examinations (CSR, IFT, TPI);
4) All above-listed.*
24. Wassermann's reaction is based on:
1) Hematolysis;*
2) Yellow-green fluorescence of T. pallidum;
3) Recognition of false positive non-specific results of standard serum reactions.
25. The basic specific antisyphilitic medicines are considered all from following, except for:
1) Penicillin;
2) Bicillin;
3) Retarpen;
4) Extencilline;
5) Tetracycline.*
26. Nonspecific medicines for treatment of syphilis are considered:
1) Immune preparations (Thymogen, Thymalin, Laferon, Methyluracil);*
2) The group of stimulating preparations (Pyrorenal, Aloe, FIBS, Plasmol, extract of placenta and others like that);*
3) Vitamin therapy;*
4) The group of reserve.
27. What can be taken excretions for laboratory examination from?
1) Lesions;*
2) Aspirate of a regional lymph node;*
3) Serum;*
4) Neurolymph;*
5) Scales from papular shyphilids.
28. Criteria of cure of syphilis are:
1) Patients who have completed antisyphilitic treatment are kept under dispensary care;*
2) The patient visits the physician once in three months during the first two years;*
3) The patient visits the physician once in six months during the third year for medical examination and serological tests and then they are taken off the record;*
4) During 3 years;*
5) During 5 years.
29. Basic medicines for treatment of patients with syphilis are:
1) Preparations of penicillin;*
2) Preparations of tetracycline;
3) Preparations of erythromycin;
4) Macrolids.
30. What is characteristic for latent early syphilis with sharply positive Wassermann's reaction:
1) Low titre of reaginic antibodies;
2) High titre of reaginic antibodies;*
3) The titre of reaginic antibodies does not have any value.
31. Such complications can be during the treatment of syphilis with penicillin except for:
1) Anaphylactic shock;
2) Toxicodermia;
3) Hives;
4) Candidiasis;
5) Alopecia.*
32. The second recurrent syphilis is suspected in a patient. CSR are weakly positive. It is necessary to apply the followings reactions:
1) Kolmer's test;
2) The fluorescence test;
3) T. pallidum immobilization test;*
4) Microreaction;
5) Wassermann's reaction with the cardiolipin antigen.
33. Patients with a gonorrhoea with the unrevealed source of infection, but having a permanent address and work:
1) Preventive antisyphilitic treatment is conducted;
2) Preventive antisyphilitic treatment is not conducted;
3) Clinical and serological control is carried out during 3 months;*
4) Clinical and serological control is carried out during 6 months;
5) Right 2) and 3).
Дата добавления: 2015-11-13; просмотров: 93 | Нарушение авторских прав
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