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Comparative estimation of element analysis results obtained by INAA method with published data of domestic and international standards

HISTORY OF KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT ABOUT BIOSPHERE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND SCALE OF ITS TRANSFORMATIONS | KEY APPROACHERS TO CLASSIFICATION OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS | Content of some elements in plants, animal and human organisms, mg/kg | Biogenetic classification of elements | Fig. 5 Classification of elements depending on their role in structure formtion of organic and inorganic compounds | FACTORS AND PROCESSES ELEMENT COMPOSITION FORMATION OF LIVING MATTER | REGIONAL ASPECTS OF BIOGEOCHEMISTRY | Rare earth element in human organs and tissues | Element content in children hair samples | Comparative data of children hair composition (mg/kg, dry weight) from different regions of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan |

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Element ЭК – 1 (Russia) БИЛ – 1 (Russia) SD-M2/TM (МАГАТЭ)
паспорт ЯГЛ паспорт ЯГЛ паспорт ЯГЛ
Na (%) 0,69 0,64 1,93 1,74 1,35 1,35
Ca (%) 2,9 2,9 1,86 6,76 11,2 7,9
Sc 0,38 0,41     10,3 10,5
Cr 5,2 5,6     77,2 79,0
Fe (%) 0,26 0,29 7,01 7,13 2,71 2,87
Co 1,5 1,6 18,5   13,6 14,4
Sb 1,5 1,52 0,99 1,19
Rb 3,48 3,17     99,7  
Cs 0,11 0,12 5,9 6,7 8,05 8,3
La 2,05 2,03     26,2 27,2
Ce 3,4   81,5   54,3 50,3
Sm 0,31 0,38 7,9 6,79 4,27 4,78
Eu 0,045 0,05 1,65 1,96 0,85 0,92
Tb 0,04 0,05 0,95 0,94 0,52 0,58
Yb 0,11 0,15   2,44 1,62 1,69
Lu 0,019 0,015 0,44 0,46 0,243 0,26
Ta 0,9 0,9 0,84 0,95
Hf 4,1 5,13 2,83 2,95
Th 0,4 0,4   12,5 8,15 8,2
U 1,4 1,3   10,7 2,49 2,76

Note: CWW– Canada water weed, БИЛ-1 – Baikal silt, SD-M2/TM – offlap.


The first obtained results on element composition of organs and tissues of Tomsk region residents are presented in Table 3. The general quantity of organ and tissue samples makes 48, 22 of which are from men and 26 – from women. The concentration and accumulation of 56 components, among which there are both macroelements necessary for living functions of organism, and microelements, ultramicroelements that are presented by heavy metals, rare, radioactive and rare-earth elements (according to Bowen’s classification (1966) (Fig.1).

Among all investigated elements in the levels of minimal and maximal occurring elements (Fig.1) the following groups can be distinguished:

1. The group of the main elements (Na, P, Ca), with concentration in ash more than 1000 mg/kg

2. The group of the main elements (S, Fe, Zn) with accumulation level in ash from 100 and more mg/kg.

These two groups of the elements along with Н, С, О and N are structure forming elements for all components of LS.

3. The group of the elements with concentration in ash from 10 to 100 mg/kg: Al, Ti, Mn, Cu, B, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, the physiological role of which has been studied well enough.

4. The group of the elements, concentration of which is nearly or lower 1 mg/kg of ash. To this group belong Be, Sc, Ge, Sb, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hg, Au, U.

Of particular interest is the fact that a number of elements (Na, P, S, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs, Br and some others) has a comparatively narrow range of fluctuations, that shows their constant and comparatively regular presence in human organs and tissue as well as their apparently important role in organism functions. One can distinguish three associations of the elements characterized by close ranges of variations and estimating average levels of accumulation:

1. Na, P, S, Ca, Fe, Zn

2. Ti, Mn, Cu, Br, Rb, Sr, Ba

3. V, Co, Ni, Ga, Se, Cs

At the same time there is a group of elements with extremely high ranges of concentrations: Be, Сr, Sc, Zr, Cd, La, W, Bi, Th etc. These are microelements which accumulate selectively in definite organs and tissue.


Fig. 1. General picture of element distribution in the ash of human organs and tissues according to their minimum and maximum values

Note: the number in the graph corresponds to an organ or tissue: 1- f. brain, 2- m. brain, 3- f. esophagus, 4- m. large intestine, 5- f. small intestine, 6- f. duodenum, 7- m. duodenum, 8- f. stomach, 9- f. liver, 10- m. liver, 11- f. trachea, 12- f. bronchi, 13- m. bronchi, 14- m. lungs, 15- f. aorta, 16- m. aorta, 17- f. cava, 18- f. thyroid gland, 19- m. thyroid gland, 20- m. pancreas, 21- f. adrenal body, 22- f. skin, 23- f. muscular system, 24- m. muscular system, 25- m. bladder, 26- f. kidney, 27- f. mammary gland, 28- f. ovary, 29- f. uterus; (f – female, m – male).

The analysis of the obtained geochemical data in LS indicates the fact that distribution of the studied elements in all organs and tissue of a man correlates to the geochemical laws of Klark and Oddo-Garkins that demonstrates again their universal character of distribution in all objects of the material world.

It is particularly visually seen in rare earth elements. As an example one can consider the data on spleen (Fig. 2).


Fig. 2. Concentration of rare earth elements in human spleen


It is stated that the elements from the first part of the Periodical Table up to barium are mainly concentrated in all organs and tissues of women, whereas the elements after barium are accumulated mainly in men such organs as stomach, duodenum, and skin. An opposite picture is observed for small intestine.

It is seen from the analysis of the general picture of element distribution in LS that there are organs and tissue that concentrate chemical elements at maximum. They are ovaries (concentrates 38 elements out of 56 examined), adrenals, esophagus, lungs (8, 3, and 2 elements respectively). Thus, the part of hormonal organs (ovaries and adrenals) makes approximately 83 % of all maximum occurring elements.

Toxic elements of the 1 risk class accumulate maximum in female ovaries (Be, Pb), liver, kidneys (Cd, Hg).

There is a selective accumulation of all studied elements only in female organs, such as trachea, large intestine, aorta, spleen, pancreas, kidneys.

In male they concentrate in lungs, bronchi, brains, skeleton muscular system, that can be considered as an individual feature of human organism.

Attention is drawn to the principal difference in microelement composition of male and female bronchi. In the former the accumulation level, for instance, of rare earth elements is significantly higher. This is explained first of all by the fact that the man was a smoker.

Approximately similar concentration of elements is observed in tongue, thyroid gland, and bladder that suggest the stable properties of organs regardless of sex.

Comparison of the obtained results with average estimating data for chemical composition of human organs and tissue included in reference book (“Human-being …”, 1977), shows that organs and tissues examined by us in average values for men and women have some differences. One can distinguish the elements concentration of which is higher in organs of the Tomsk inhabitants than the data from the reference book. These are Li, Al, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Zn, Sr, Ba. Approximately the same concentration of elements is observed for Co, Ni.

Similar distinctions are found when compared human organs and tissue – inhabitant of Tomsk region in sea water composition (Horn, 1972), recognized a cradle of LS, composition of which is close to human blood composition, that was pointed out by V.I.Vernadskiy in due time (1954). Living substance is accumulated in a man along with chemical elements with respect to their concentration in sea water, which was underlined by one of the founder of biogeochemistry А.P.Vinogradov (1932). The exception is Br, to some extend, Na. There are some elements, concentration of which is higher in sea water as compared to LS in a man. This is true for B, Na, S, Ca, Br, Sr. One can distinguish the elements, concentration of which is approximately close to this – Li, U. Concentration of the rest of 44 examined elements in human organism is higher in comparison with sea water.

It is of interest to compare the obtained estimating data in levels of chemical element accumulation in human organs and tissue – inhabitant of Tomsk region with so-called klark of noosphere (biosphere) suggested by N.F. Glazovskiy (1982) and is widely used by us in working with ecological-geochemical information. Such elements as P, Cd, Au, Pb are characterized by elevated concentration in human organism with respect to klark of noosphere. Approximately close accumulation levels are noted for Sr, Zn, Bi. Concentration of the rest of 44 elements in human organism is lower than noospheric klark. So, the main peculiarity can be considered concentration of highly-toxic elements of cadmium and lead in LS, which is likely to reflect the features of technogenesis geochemistry of today.

It should be noted that in the accumulation levels of some elements there are a number of regional variations. So, our data on the concentration of chemical elements in one and the same organs and tissues of people living in different natural-climatic and landscape conditions indicate the differences. For example, inhabitants of seaside cities in Krasnoyarsk territory have sufficiently high concentration of Br in their organism (Fig. 4), whereas inhabitants of Tomsk region have more essential accumulation of Sb, Au, La, U (Baranovskaya et al, 2008).

Comparative analysis of accumulation level for one of the poorly known microelements in LS – uranium in the examined biological material with that from the other regions, for example, inhabitants of Moscow region (Moiseev, Ivanov, 1984) points to higher concentration of this element in organs and tissues of an inhabitant from Tomsk region (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3. Comparison of uranium concentration in human organism (mg/kg of living substance) with its concentration in different natural environment and regions

Note: 1–26 – corresponds to the previously presented organs and tissues


Thus, we can say that:

1. Application of the two high-precision methods of analysis: instrumental neuron-activation and induction-connected plasma and permits for determination of accumulation levels and characteristics of distribution over the human organs and tissue – inhabitant of Tomsk region – 56 chemical elements.

2. Distribution of these elements in human organism is extremely irregular and their variations in concentration range up to several orders.

3. Element accumulation in human organs and tissues follows the general geochemical laws of Klark and Oddo-Garkins for distribution of chemical elements in the Universe.

4. Accumulation level of elements in human organism is determined by not only biochemical and biophysical properties of their functions in living tissue but also sexual and presumably age characteristics, pathological changes as well as the factors of natural environment of a man.

5. Information on accurate quantitative element composition of a man in terms of the regional and some other characteristics could contribute to more efficient correction of human health and prophylaxis of different diseases.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 89 | Нарушение авторских прав

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