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The Mechanism of Synchronization in Interpreting

Cultural patterns of discourse. Source language influence | Context. Word Choice | Polysemy in translation | Background knowledge as a prerequisite for quality translation | Speech Personality. Precedent Texts | Academia in the process of globalization. Its intercultural nature | Specifics of translating academic terms. Subject matter | The correlation between sex and gender | Translation as a process and a product | Style and Register in Translation. Formal language vs Informal language |

Читайте также:
  1. Ch.6 – Process Synchronization
  2. Chapter 4. Defense Mechanisms, the Aims of Psychoanalysis, Dreams
  3. Consecutive Discourse Interpreting
  5. Ethics of Translation & Interpreting
  6. Forms of interpreting
  7. Globalization mechanism

This is a hierarchically organized mechanism of regulation which ensures parallel and simultaneous flow of the three processes (message comprehension, processing and delivery into the target language). Prof.Shvachko gave a thorough analysis of its algorithm (2004: 21-22).

Simultaneous interpreting is distinguished among the other translation activities by its structure, speed of translation actions delivery, and by the type of linguistic transformations of lexical and grammatical organization of utterances during the translation process.

The most important distinctive feature of the structure of SI lies in parallel management of listening to a speech in one language while making translation choices and speaking in another language. Under the conditions of SI these processes are defined as orientation in a source text, searching and making translation choices and their realization.

Coordination of these processes is reached by various means pending on proficiency of an interpreter and particular conditions such as speech rate of a speaker, complexity degree of a source text, and some other factors.

Interpreting is claimed to be a specific kind of speech behavior given the fact that it an efficient balance of both verbal and non-verbal language including body language, eye contact, and voice quality. Consecutive interpreting can be compared to the format of a presentation. Along with language (verbal) skills non-verbal behavior is to be self-controlled. It is essential to establish a rapport (agreement and understanding) between the interpreter and the target audience.

Ethical behavior is to be given a special attention. Some very useful hints are given in The Protocol for Interpretes by an American expert who worked in Russia and Ukraine and hired interpretes to handle her work (emphasies added):

Over time some interpreters slip into their desire to speak for themselves, rather than serve as the mouthpiece for another person. I have encountered interpreters, who after repeated conversations, were eager to demonstrate their familiarity with the subject and sometimes pre-guessed what was about to be said. This is not the purpose of an interpreter and can only lead to inaccuracies; words will literally be put into your mouth, and if you don’t speak the language well, you may never know it. As authoritarian as it may sound, one needs an interpreter who speaks only when spoken to and then translate as accurately as possible.

Some interpreters tend to sanitize more awkward conversations, and this is not desirable either. You may want to work with several interpreters to identify one with whom you have a better rapport.


This dimension employed in Lecture Notes investigates communicative and cultural contexts of translation and interpreting. The purpose is to study how translation balances between the wish to be faithful to the original and the wish to fit into the new cultural context of the target language. The question of what happens when a text is imported from one cultural context to another is central to the study of this aspect. Theories of norm systems and translation critics are used to study together with methods such as text analysis and comparative readings.




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Нойберт А. Прагматические проблемы перевода.– В кн.: Вопросы перевода в заруб. лингвистике. – М: Междунар. отношения. - 1978.

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Anderman G. and Rogers M.(eds.) Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2003.

Baker M. In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. London and New York: Routledge, 1992.

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Dodd C. Dynamics of Intercultural Communication. Brown and Benchmark. 1985.

Duff A. Translation. Oxford University Press, 1989.

Fuller F. The Translator’s Handbook. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1984.

Gentzler E. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge, 1993.

Gudynkust W. & Kim Y. Communicating with Strangers: An Approach to Intercultural Communication. New Your: Random House. 1994.

Hatim B. and Mason I. The Translator as Communicator. London and New York: Routledge, 1997.

Kramsch C. Context and culture in the language teaching. Oxford University Press, 1993.

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Tannen D. You Just Don’t Understand.Ballantine Books. New York. 1990.

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Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (2004)

Longman Advanced American Dictionary (2004).



This glossary provides a definition to many of the terms frequently used in relation to translation and interpreting.

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