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Список використаних джерел

ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ОСНОВИ НАВЧАННЯ КРЕАТИВНОГО ПИСЬМА ІНОЗЕМНОЮ МОВОЮ У СТАРШИХ КЛАСАХ ЗАГАЛЬНООСВІТНЬОЇ ШКОЛИ | Вимоги до базового рівня володіння письмом на старшому етапі вивчення іноземної мови | Поняття креативного письма та його роль у вивченні іноземної мови учнями старшої школи | Види вправ для навчання креативного письма у старших класах загальноосвітньої школи | Зв’язок креативного письма з іншими видами мовленнєвої діяльності | Завдання 1. Написання особистого листа. |

Читайте также:
  1. Ex.24. Продолжите список существительных (из уроков 1-2), с которыми могут сочетаться подчёркнутые прилагательные.
  2. IV. Выдача уведомлений о внесении ребенка в список детей, подлежащих приему в МДОО
  3. NB! Питьевой режим: 2 литра жидкости в сутки (см. список разрешенных напитков).
  4. Quot;Стаття 581. Список присяжних
  5. VI.Список використаних джерел
  6. Аналіз показників структури та ефективності використання джерел фінансування підприємства.
  7. Апаратура для опромінення рентгенівськими та гамма променями. Правила роботи з джерелами іонізуючого випромінювання.

1. Алферов А. Д. Учебное пособие по психологии / А. Д. Алферов. – Ростов: Изд-во ТГУ, 2000. – 384 с.

2. Андрійко І. А. Зарубіжні методичні концепції навчання іншомовного писемного мовлення / І. А. Андрійко. – Тюмень: Изд-во МГУ, 2000. – 25 с.

3. Артемов В. А. Психология обучения иностранным язикам / В. А. Артемов. – Донецьк: Изд-во Освіта, 2003. – 279 с.

4. Бабайлова А. Э. Текст как продукт, средство и объект коммуникации при обучении неродному язику / А. Э. Бабайлова, Е. Е. Бабушис. – СПб.: Саратов, 2001. – 152 с.

5. Балаев А. А. Активные методы обучения/ А. А. Балаев, Б. В. Баляев. – СПб.: Просвещение, 2003. – 227 с.

6. Бим И. Л. Общая методика обучения иностранным язикам / И. Л. Бим. – Харьков: Изд-во ТГУ, 2002. – 96 с.

7. Бухбиндер В. А. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе / В. А. Бухбиндер, И. Л. Бим. – СПб.: Вища школа, 2005. – 56 с.

8. Ветрова З. Д. Развитие творческих способностей учащихся / З. Д. Ветрова, Л. С. Выготський, Н. К. Винокурова. – М.: Лабиринт, 2001. – 238 с.

9. Вишневський О.І. Довідник вчителя іноземної мови / О. І. Вишневський. – Київ: Вид-во МГУ, 2006. – 88 с.

10. Гез А. И. Система упражнений и последовательность развития речевых умений и навыков / А. И. Гез. – Донецьк: Изд-во ТГУ, 2001. – 40 с.

11. Жинкин Н. И. Механизмы речи / Н. И. Жинкин. – Москва: Изд-во АПН РСФСР, 2000. – 370 с.

12. Зимняя И. А. Речевой механизм в схеме порождения речи / И. А. Зимняя. – Москва: Изд-во МГУ, 2002. – 235 с.

13. Иванова Т. В. Обучение письменной речи / Т. В. Иванова. – Донецьк: Изд-во Лабиринт, 2000. – 235 с.

14. Крівчикова Г. Ф. Посібник з розвитку англійського писемного мовлення / Г. Ф. Крівчикова, Г. К. Левицька. СПб.: Просвітництво, 2002. – 139 с.

15. Пассов Е. И. Основы методики обучения иностранным языкам / Е. И. Пассов, В. И. Невская, В. Я. Мельничайко. – М.: Пресс, 2003. – 240 с.

16. Шубін М. П. Обучение иностранному языку в школе: навч. посібник / М. П.Шубін, Л. С. Панова. – 2-ге вид. – К.: Ленвіт, 2000. – 191 с.

17. Anderson Ch.: Scholastic composition. Level 4. / Ch. Anderson, New York; USA: Scholastic Inc, 2006. – 287 p.

18. Barrass R. Students Must Write: A Guide to Better Writing in Course Work and Examinations / R. Barrass. – Lnd., N.Y.; Chapman Hall, 2005. – 176 p.

19. Boardman C. Writing to communicate: Paragraphs and Essays / C. Boardman. – N.Y.: Pearson Education, 2002. – 194 p.

Додаток А

Приклад написання особистого листа


Dear Maria, Thank you for your letter. You asked me about the Lake District. It certainly is a beautiful place to visit. I’m enclosing a map and a postcard. Isn’t it lovely? You can travel to the Lake District by train or coach from London. I think you should take a train, as you have very little time and it’s much quicker and very comfortable. As for the place to stay, I guess you ought to try a Youth Hostel. They’re quite cheap and good places for meeting people. You sleep in single beds but you share a room. Speaking about sights, the Lake District was the home of the famous poet William Wordsworth, who spent most of his life there. It’s a wonderful place for walking. There’s also a very interesting museum, about Lakeland life and industry. Unfortunately, the whole area gets very crowded in summer with people coming visit the Lakes and the poet’s home, so perhaps the best thing to do would be to travel on a Friday morning and come back on Monday or Tuesday to avoid the weekend rush. Concerning the weather, it’s often wet, so bring light, waterproof clothing and it might be an idea to buy an umbrella! Hope this helps. We’re looking forward to meeting you. Love, Sally


Додаток Б

Приклад написання листа-запита


Dear Sir/Madam I am writing with regard to the advertisement of your Language School in The Sunday Mirror dated 26th May. I’m writing to request further information about your school. To begin with, I am to go on business to Spain in two month, so I would like to enquire about the duration of the crash courses you offer. Secondly, I would appreciate your giving me detailed information about the prices you charge and terms of payment. I should be grateful if you would send me your brochure and price list about your language courses. I do hope to become your student. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Jonathan Mellow


Додаток В

Приклад написання есе



Nowadays people of different ages and background education try to get training in different fields in order to improve their chances of getting a good job. Correspondence courses give you an excellent opportunity to get the necessary knowledge and qualifications. I think the main advantage of correspondence courses is a possibility to combine training and a part time job or standard courses at colleges or universities. Moreover, they are not so time consuming and you may have spare time to enjoy yourself. What is more, it is much easier to get into a correspondence course than a university. However, it is student who has to study and work hard at the end of the day. Unfortunately, not everybody can work systematically without constant of the teacher. I strongly believe that correspondence courses are one of the finest options available, especially for people who do not care about attending lectures or have to earn their living.

Додаток Г

Приклад написання статті/опису


Kharkiv is a large city in the north-east of Ukraine. It is a major cultural, scientific, educational, transport and industrial centre of the country, with 60 scientific Institutes 30 establishments of higher education, 6 museums, 7 theatres and 80 libraries. There are hundreds of industrial companies in the city. Among them are world famous giants like the Malyshev Tank Factory and the Turboatom turbines producer. Founded in the middle of 17 century by the near-legendary character called Kharko, the settlement became a city in 1654. Kharkiv became the centre of the Sloboda Cossack legion. The city had a fortress with underground passageways. During the Soviet era Kharkiv was the capital of industrial production in Ukraine and the third largest centre of industry and commerce in the USSR. Among the many attractions of Kharkiv which are worth visiting are the Derzhprom building, Memorial Complex, Freedom Square, Taras Shevchenko Monument, Mirror Stream, Dormition Cathedral, T.Shevchenko Guardens, funicular, Children’s narrow – gauge railroad and many more. The Freedom Square (Maidan Svobody) is known all over the world as one of the largest squares. There are plenty of places to go shopping in Kharkiv, from huge megastore to tiny boutiques. If you feel like enjoying yourself, hundreds of clubs, cafes, restaurants are at your disposal. Kharkiv is a city that has something to offer to everyone. That is why we love our town so dearly and will never exchange it for anything else.


Додаток Д

Приклад написаня розповіді

Have you ever seen a cow on the ice? You could have seen one, if you had been among the guests of Susan Arnold’s birthday party last Saturday. At least, who were skating at the Chateau Ledau that evening, giggled and said something about cows going in for sports. The moment I put on the skates I understood that was going to be the most difficult birthday party in my life. While all the guests made for the ice rink, laughing and chattering cheerfully, I felt my legs shaking and was afraid to make even one step. So the fact that finally I pulled myself together and followed everybody to the ice was a great victory for me. I had never thought ice could be so slippery! Have you? Anyway, among the guests there was a boy whose opinion is important for me. I couldn’t let him think I was a clumsy coward, so I closed my eyes and tried to skate. Luckily I didn’t get too far from the board. That saved me from falling down right away. Gradually my legs got firmer, my heart stopped jumping in my chest, I dared to open my eyes. In my opinion, I did pretty well for a person skating for the first time. Sometimes I even took my hands off the board! Even though for others I seemed to be a skating disaster, I started enjoying what I was doing. I am even thinking of keeping my own birthday on the ice!



Додаток Е

Прикладрекламного оголошення

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