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Change the following into the Future Indefinite.

Comprehension check. | Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word. Translate the sentences. | Make up four types of questions to the following sentences. | Galileo Galilei | Comprehension check. | Read and translate the text. | Comprehension check. | Comprehension check. | THE MODERN ENGINEERING PROFESSION | Translate the following sentences into English using the gerund. |

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A new book predicts that climate change is likely to be abrupt and cataclysmic—and that these sudden shifts could cripple national economies.
  3. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  4. A Theoretical Model of Land Use Change
  5. A View into the Future of eLearning
  6. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  7. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.

1. I translate the artickles very often..

2. We were looking at the man with great surprise.

3. You headmistress sent for the pupil's partners.

4. Has the secretary typed the letters?

5. We turn on the light when it is dark.

6. The students finished their translation in time.

7. Helen washed the dishes.

8. Betty often took her younger brother for a walk.

9. Mother has made some coffee.

10. Have you ironed your dress yet?


Insert the appropriate verbs in Past Indefinite into the right place.

Have, be, be, work, go, be, be, have, be,


1. He______at home.

2. There _______not many students in the library.

3. There _______ many people in the sports good department.

4. Dick_______ there.

5. Jane _______ ill.

6. He ________ in a office.

7. I often _______ to the theatre on Sunday.

8. I _________ on a diet.

9. He ________ his hands full.

10. Jim ________ his French classes two times a week.


Make up four types of questions to the following sentences.

1. Ethical or unethical actions by particular managers do not occur in a vacuum.

2. They most often occur in an organizational context that is conducive to them.

3. The starting point for understanding lies on ethical context of management.



I семестр

Baріант № 9

Read and translate the text.


When the state or condition of a body is such that it can do work, the body is said to possess energy. When we say that something possesses energy, we suggest that it is capable in some way of exerting a force on something else and performing work on it. When work is done on something, on the other hand, energy has been added to it. Energy is measured in the same units as those of work, the foot-pound and the joule.

Energy occurs in several forms. A familiar example is the energy a moving body possesses by virtue of its motion. Every moving object has the capacity to do work. By striking another object that is free to move, the moving object can exert a force and cause the second object to shift its position. It is not necessary that the moving object actually do work; it may keep on moving, or friction may slowly bring it to a stop. But while it is moving, it has the capacity for doing work. It is this specific property that defines energy, since energy means the ability to do work, and so all moving things have energy by virtue of their motion. This type of energy is called kinetic energy.

The statement that energy is the capacity something has to do work is not restricted to kinetic energy but is perfectly general. Many objects possess energy because of their position. Consider a pile driver, a simple machine that lifts a heavy weight ('the hammer) and allows it to fall on the head of a pile, thereby driving the pile into the ground. When the hammer has been lifted to the top, it has only to be released to fall and do work on the pile. The capacity for doing work is present in the hammer as soon as it has been lifted, simply because of its position several feet above the ground. The actual work on the pile is done at the expense of kinetic energy gained during the hammer's fall, but the capacity for working is present before the fall starts. Energy of this sort, depending merely on the position of an object, is called potential energy.

To exert a force приводити в дію
Foot-pound фут-фунт
Joule джоуль
By virtue of на основі, завдяки
Capacity функціональна здатність
To define визначати
A pile driver машина, що забиває сваї
Thereby таким чином
To lift to the top підняти до найвищої точки
At the expense of за рахунок


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 115 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word. Translate the sentences.| Translate the following sentences into English using the participle.

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