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Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

Специальный вопрос | Императив (приказание) | Разделительный вопрос | Обозначение времени | Глаголы восприятия (to taste, feel, smell) и употребление прилагательных и наречий | Фразовые глаголы | Неправильные глаголы в простом прошедшем времени | Притяжательный падеж существительных. | Настоящее продолженное время (PROGRESSIVE FORM OF THE PRESENT) | А теперь задайте вопрос, употребив будущее продолженное. |

Читайте также:
  1. Б. Составьте несколько ситуаций и объясните, в каком смысле употреблены в них существительные.
  2. Запишите существительные. Обозначьте в них суффиксы.
  3. Существительные.

В английском языке (так же, как, впрочем, и в русском) существует целый класс так называемых неисчисляемых существительных (uncountable nouns). К неисчисляемым существительным относятся те, которые не могут быть измерены "в штуках", например, еда - мы же не употребляем это слово во множественном числе (food), помощь (help), погода (weather). С неисчисляемыми существительными неопределенные артикли a и an не употребляются. Обратите внимание на то, что некоторые существительные, вполне поддающиеся подсчету в русском языке, для английского являются uncountable, например, trouble (неприятность), money (деньги). Постарайтесь запомнить некоторые, наиболее часто встречающиеся:

advice - совет food - еда, пища help - помощь information - информация knowledge - знания equipment - оборудование music - музыка luggage - багаж jewelry - драгоценности water - вода money - деньги news - новости trouble - неприятность work- работа

Некоторые существительные могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми:

We drank some wine. – Мы выпили вина (неисчисляемое)

We ordered three wines. – Мы заказали три вина (т.е. три разных вида вина).

Упражнение 1. Разделите следующие существительные на две группы: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные – university; freedom (the idea); institution; calculator; pollution; machine; machinery; love (the idea); relationship; refrigeration; banana; fruit; apple; peach; water; strawberry; corn; orange juice; orange; lemon



15.4 Наречия "A FEW," "FEW," "A LITTLE" и "LITTLE"

"A few" и "few" употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе:

a few friends, few ideas, a few things to do, etc.

"A little" и "little" употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными:

little money, a little rain, a little wind, etc.

Обратите внимание, что "few" и "little" имеют отрицательный оттенок (отсутствует большая часть):

They have very little money. – У нас очень мало денег.

We have few options remaining. – У нас почти нет выбора.

"A few" и "a little" имеют положительный оттенок, т.е. что-то есть в наличии:

I have a little free time today. -

Do you have a few moments?

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в соответствующие пропуски

little a little few a few

1. ______ learning is a dangerous thing

2. I've had ______ drinks but I'm not drunk.

3. You won't change her mind so there is ______ use in trying.

4. Michael Cane was born in South London, not the East End. ______ people know that.

5. I need ______ help. I'm a bit stuck.

6. There weren't many people there. Just ______

7. Will you have ______ strawberries? They're very good.

8. Will you have ______ more ice-cream? We might as well finish it.

9. There's ______ point in continuing. We're all too tired.

10. Could you spare me ______ minutes?

11. I don't know if we can fit the cupboard into our house. There's ______ space as it is.

12. All this kitten needs is ______ love and attention.

13. There's ______ I can do about this. It's outside my control.

14. Martin is a good student. He has ______ problems with English.

15. Generally Peter is good but sometimes he has ______ problems.

16. I need to borrow ______ dollars. Can you help me out?

17. We made good time because there was ______ traffic on the road so early in the morning.

18. I think Coventry will win the match but ______ people agree with me.

19. I can only speak ______ words of Chinese.

20. I'm going to give you ______ advice. Study harder!

Глава 16

16.1 Каузативные глаголы "HAVE" и "LET"

Для того, чтобы сказать, что кто-то для вас что-то делает, используется конструкция "have" + смысловой глагол”:

Mary had her sister wash the dishes. – Мэри заставила сестру помыть посуду.

The teacher will have the students study gerunds. – Учитель заставит студентов учить герундий.

I'm going to have the mechanic repair my car. (Означает, что вы хотите, чтобы вашу машину отремонтировали механики.)

My English teacher will have me give a speech tomorrow. (Означает, что ваш учитель хочет, чтобы вы сделали доклад завтра.)

Обратите внимание: причастие прошедшего времени используется после "have" для того, чтобы передать пассивность действия.

I'm having my mail forwarded. (Кто-то пересылает почту для вас.)

I had my house painted. (Кто-то покрасил ваш дом.)

Глагол "let" в каузативном смысле имеет значение "позволять" (to permit):

Please let me help you. – Разрешите вам помочь.

Don't let them leave! – Не позволяй им уйти!

После глагола "let" употребляется инфинитив без частицы "to".

Упражнение 1. Дополните предложения каузативной конструкцией "have smb do smth" по образцу.

I'm getting new carpet, so there's a lot of work to be done.

First, I want the workmen to move my furniture.

(Example) First, I'll have the workmen move the furniture.

Next, I want the workmen to remove the old carpet.

(1) Next, I'll the workmen the old carpet.

After that, I want the cleaning lady to vacuum the room.

(2) After that, I'll the cleaning lady the room.

Then I want the carpet installers to install the padding.

(3) Then I'll the carpet installers the padding.

After that, I want the carpet installers to lay the carpeting.

(4) After that, I'll the carpet installers the carpeting.

Next, I want the cleaning lady to vacuum the new carpeting.

(5) Next, I'll the cleaning lady the new carpeting.

Finally, I want the workmen to put the furniture back in the room.

(6) Finally, I'll the workmen the furniture back in the room.

16.2 Употребление "SHOULD"

Одним из значений модального глагола "should" является настоятельный совет:

You should leave right now. – Вам следует уйти прямо сейчас.

They should fill in this form. – Им следует заполнить эту анкету.

Эту же мысль можно выразить с помощью "ought to" или "had better":

You ought to leave right now. (You had better leave....)

They ought to fill out this form. (They had better fill out....)

Глаголы "should" и "ought to" имеют положительный оттенок значения. "Had better" передает более настоятельный совет, подразумевая предупреждение о неприятных последствиях.

Отрицательной формой "should" является "shouldn't." Глагол "ought to" очень редко используется в отрицательной форме. Часто можно услышать как вместо "ought to" произносят "otta".

Упражнение1. Сопоставьте данный совет с соответствующим утверждением.

1.He should talk to the MD.

a) He is on the point of leaving, he's so fed up.

b) Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

2. We should launch a major advertising campaign.

a) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

b) Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) Sales are way down this quarter.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

3. We should cut our prices.

a) Customers are no longer willing to pay a premium for quality.

b) Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

4. You should go for a visit out there to see if you like it.

a) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

b)Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) Do you think I should take up this job offer in New Zealand?

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

5. Perhaps you should go on a training course.

a) Customers are no longer willing to pay a premium for quality.

b) My word-processing skills are not what they should be.

c) Rumour has it they're going bust.

d) Sales are way down this quarter.

6. You should make an effort. If he starts giving you bad reports, you'll never get promoted.

a) He cannot do his job because his English is not good enough.

b) Customers are no longer willing to pay a premium for quality.

c) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

d) Sales are way down this quarter.

7. Well perhaps we should be careful about how much credit we allow them.

a) He cannot do his job because his English is not good enough.

b) Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

8. Somebody should have a quiet word in his ear.

a) My word-processing skills are not what they should be.

b) Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) He smells. Terrible B.O.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

9. Well he should go for intensive lessons.

a) My boss gets on my nerves. I can't stand him.

b) Rumour has it they're going bust.

c) He cannot do his job because his English is not good enough.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

10. You should look for another one. You should look in the Sunday Times, they always have lots of job ads.

a) He cannot do his job because his English is not good enough.

b) Sales are way down this quarter.

c) Customers are no longer willing to pay a premium for quality.

d) I'm fed up to the back teeth with this job.

Упражнение 2. Дайте совет в следующих ситуациях. Используйте в своем ответе глагол “should”.

a) My twenty-year-old son just stays at home all day watching television!


b) My car keeps breaking down.


c) I just can’t get to sleep these days.


d) Since my father retired, he doesn’t know what to do with himself.


e) I just don’t know what to do with my hair. It looks awful!

Глава 17

17.1 Форма прошедшего времени глагола "SHOULD"

Для того, чтобы образовать форму прошедшего времени от глагола "should" следует добавить к нему "have + причастие второе":

I missed my plane this morning. I should have left earlier.

Я опоздал на самолет сегодня утром. Мне следовало выехать раньше

I can't find a hotel room. I should have made a reservation.

Я не могу найти свободной комнаты ни в одном отеле. Мне следовало забронировать ее заранее.

"Should" в прошедшем времени имеет оттенок неудачи, упущения. Обратите внимание, что "should have" обычно произносится как "should've" или "shouda." Отрицательная форма - "should not have," в разговорном ангийском произносится как "shouldn't've" или "shouldn't'a."

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. You __________ seen her in Chicago! I know for a fact that she was right here in Phoenix!

must have

should not have

couldn't have

2. Yes, I know that I __________ studied last night, but I decided to watch TV instead.




3. Where's Jill? She __________ forgotten that we were supposed to meet at 2:00 PM.




5. Look! It's raining and Professor Johnson is all wet. He __________ forgotten his umbrella again!




6. You __________ turned off the computer when you did! You've caused all kinds of problems!

shouldn't have

must not have

might not have

7. She __________ study last night, so she didn't.

didn't have to


didn't ought to

8. Yes, she __________ been here yesterday. I don't think she was, but I can't prove that she wasn't.



couldn't have

9. I'm not sure where Dave is. He __________ taken Benjamin to a movie or to the zoo.

would have

may have

ought not to have

10. You shouldn't have driven so fast! You __________ had an accident!

would have

may have

might have

17.2 Употребление "COULD"

"Could" имеет две сферы употребления:

1.) Возможность сделать что-либо в прошлом:

I can speak English now. I couldn't when I was a child.

2.) Вежливый вопрос:

Could I borrow your car? – Можно мне взять твою машину?

Could you speak slower? – Не могли бы Вы говорить немного медленее?

Could we check out later? – Мы можем выписаться позже?

Обратите внимпние на то, что "could" является формой прошедшего времени для "can". Отрицательная форма - "couldn't" ("could not").

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.

1. Сould you tell me how much it costs?

I'm sorry. I'll try to speak louder.

That model is $100

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

2. Could I use your phone?

I'm sorry. I'll try to speak louder.

Of course. Dial a 9 to get an outside line.

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

3. Excuse me, could I have some information?

I'm sorry. I'll try to speak louder.

0121 658 3659.

Yes, how can I help you? What do you want to know?

4. Could you send me confirmation?

I'm sorry. I'll try to speak louder.

Of course, I'll do it now. You'll get it in the post tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

5. Can I speak to Mr Dupont, please?

Yes, of course, we can start again tomorrow.

Of course, that's H - O - D - G - S - O - N.

Certainly, who's calling?

6. Can I leave him a message?

Certainly, could you wait a moment while I get a pen and paper?

Sorry, I'm off to the airport in a few minutes.

Sure, what would you like me to do?

7. Could you give me your number, please?

0121 658 3659.

Yes I can, 0121 658 3659.

Yes I could, 0121 658 3659.

8. Could I have a receipt, please?

Of course, do you want the VAT separated?

Of course, that's H - O - D - G - S - O - N.

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

9. Could I have a glass of water, please?



No thank you.

10. May I smoke here?

I'm sorry you can't smoke in the building.

No! No! No!

I don't like smoking.

11. Could you get us some coffee please?

No I can't.

No I couldn't.

I'm sorry but there isn't any.

12. Could you call me back?

Sorry, I'm off to the airport in a few minutes.

Certainly. Would you like a newspaper?

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

13. Could you give me a wake-up call at 7.30?

Yes, of course, we can start again tomorrow.

Certainly. Would you like a newspaper?

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

14. Could you speak up, please?

I'm sorry. I'll try to speak louder.

Sorry, I'm off to the airport in a few minutes.

No I couldn't.

15. Could you help me?

I'm sorry. I'll try to speak louder.

Certainly. Would you like a newspaper?

Sure, what would you like me to do?

16. Could you give me a hand?

Of course, what do you want doing?

Of course, that's H - O - D - G - S - O - N.

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

17. Could you spell that, please?

Yes, of course, we can start again tomorrow.

Sure, what would you like me to do?

That's H-O-D-G-S-O-N.

18. Could you repeat that, please?

Of course, what do you want doing?

Of course, that's H - O - D - G - S - O - N.

Sure, what would you like me to do?

19. Could you speak more slowly, please?

Of course, what do you want doing?

Yes, of course, we can start again tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

20. Could we stop now, I'm getting a bit tired?

Of course, what do you want doing?

Yes, of course, we can start again tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I'll try not to speak so fast.

17.3 Выражение необходимости: "MUST"/"HAVE TO"/"HAVE GOT TO"

"Must" и "have to" выражают крайнюю степень необходимости:

You must fill out this form. – Вы должны заполнить эту анкету.

You have to pick up Mr. Roberts. – Вы должны взять мистера Робертса с собой.

В некоторых ситуациях "must" выражает гораздо большую необходимость, чем "have to":

You must be here for your appointment on time. I have a busy schedule today.

You have to take another course next year.

Выражение "have got to" сходно по значению с "must" и "have to", но употребляется только в разговорном варианте:

I have got to study more. (I must study more.)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте нужную форму глагола "have to"

have to has to don't have to doesn't have to

1. When you make pizza, you have some pizza sauce.

2. You also have some cheese on top of the pizza.

3. Youhave peppers on your pizza, but you can if you want to.

4. A good pizza taste good.

5. So, you choose the pizza toppings that you like best.

6. Personally, I love tomatoes, so I always have tomatoes on my pizza!

7. You make your own pizza, you can buy a pizza from a pizza shop if you want to.

8. Pizza tastes best when it's hot, but you eat hot pizza. You can eat it cold too.

9. People eat food to stay alive.

10. People eat pizza and candy to stay alive. They can choose healthy food.

11. A person drink water to stay alive.

12. A person smoke cigarettes to stay alive.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте нужную форму глагола "have to"

have to has to don't have to doesn't have to Do / have to Does / have to Do / has to Does / has to

Help Wanted: Secretary. No experience necessary. Must type 50 words per minute. Work Monday - Friday, weekends off. Answer phones, use computer, file reports.

1. The secretary know how to type.

2. A secretary be a woman. The secretary can be a man.

3. the secretary work Saturdays?

4.. No, he/she go to work on saturdays.

5. The secretary also answer the company's phones....

6....and he/she file reports every week.

7. the secretary use a computer?

8. Yes, He or she use a computer.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте в пропуски "have to", "must not", "don't have to", "must".

Bicycle riders have a driver's license to ride. It's not necessary.

People who ride motorcycles have a driver's license. It is the law.

Drivers on the freeway be very careful because speed kills!

People who ride horses take their horses on the freeway! That would be a stupid thing to do!


Введение 3

Глава 1.

1.1 Спряжение “to be” в настоящем простом времени. 4

1.2 Сокращение “to be ” в настоящем простом времени. 4

1.3 Спряжение глаголов в настоящем простом времени. 5

1.4 Количественные числительные от 1 до 100. 7

Глава 2.

2.1 Общий вопрос в настоящем простом времени. 7

2.2 Местоимения “some/any”. 9

Глава 3.

3.1 Степени сравнения прилагательных. 10

3.2 Специальный вопрос. 13

3.3 Вспомогательный глагол в утвердительном

предложении. 15

Глава 4.

4.1 Императив. 16

4.2 Притяжательные прилагательные. 18

4.3 Количественные числительные от 101 до 1000. 19

4.4 Порядковые числительные. 20

Глава 5.

5.1 Образование отрицания. 21

5.2 Притяжательные местоимения. 22

Глава 6.

6.1 Простое будущее время. 22

6.2 Разделительный вопрос. 24

6.3 Употребление прилагательных и наречий. 26

Глава 7.

7.1 Обозначение времени. 27

7.2 Образование отрицательного вопроса. 28

Глава 8.

8.1 Указательные местоимения “this/that” 29

8.2 Название денежных единиц США. 30

8.3 Глаголы восприятия и употребление прилагательных и наречий. 31

Глава 9.

9.1 Предлоги. 31

9.2 Фразовые глаголы. 32

9.3 Объектные местоимения. 36

Глава 10.

10.1 Порядок употребления местоимений. 37

10.2 Простое прошедшее время. 38

Глава 11.

11.1 Структура вопросов в Past Simple.

11.2 Притяжательный падеж существительных.

Глава 12.

12.1 Глагол "TO GET"

12.2 Неопределенные местоимения "OTHER"

12.3 Переходные- непереходные глаголы.

Глава 13.

13.1 Настоящее продолженное время (Present Progressive)

13.2 Cравнительная характеристика Present Simple и Present Continuous.

13.3 Прошедшее продолженное время (Past Progressive)

13.4 Будущее продолженное время (Future Progressive)

13.5 Правила добавления окончания "-ING"к глаголам

Глава 14.

14.1 Возвратные местоимения (i.e., "myself," "yourself," "herself," etc.).

14.2 Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect tense).

Глава 15.

15.1 Определенный и неопределенный артикль

15.2 Образование множественного числа существительных

15.3 Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

15.4 Наречия "A FEW," "FEW," "A LITTLE" и "LITTLE"

Глава 16.

16.1 Кузативные глаголы "HAVE" и "LET"

16.2 Употребление "SHOULD"

Глава 17.

17.1 Форма прошедшего времени глагола "SHOULD"

17.2 Употребление "COULD"

17.3 Выражение необходимости: "MUST"/"HAVE TO"/"HAVE GOT TO"



Блинова Екатерина Сергеевна – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков НФИ КемГУ

Learn to Speak English: Grammar

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