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Comprehension questions


Читайте также:
  1. A) Look at this extract from a TV guide and the photo and answer the questions.
  2. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  3. A) Try to answer these questions.
  4. A. Comprehension
  5. A. Read the extract below and answer the questions.
  6. A. Read the text and answer the questions below.
  7. A. Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. What does marketing mean? Marketing means all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers.

2. What activities does marketing consist of? Marketing consists of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and, on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the pro­cess of moving goods from producer to user.

3. What do marketing operations include? Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, sell­ing, credit, traffic and marketing research.

4. Why is it so important for the producer to predict the trends? Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what the people will want.

5. How was mass consumption possible in the USA? The trend in the USA has been to high mass consumption.


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen­tence (predict, influence, promote, marketing, trends, distribution, market research, product planning, con­sumer).

1. One of the aims of market research is to indicate new trends among people.

2. Advertising must influence the consumer and make him buy the goods pro­duced.

3. Often marketing is called distribution.

4. In order to sell a new product, a producer has to consider how to promote it.

5. The goods of this company are not sold very well, they must think about marketing.

6. Sometimes it is difficult to influence through advertising.

7. If you want to produce something new, you should start with market research.

8. A producer wants to predict the new trends and then tries to influence them.

9. Product planning includes product development and pricing among other things.


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen­tence (go up, schedule, packaging, competitor, price leader, price sensitive item).

1. If the price on this product goes up nobody will buy it.

2. They should schedule some tests and pass results to R.D.

3. This company is the price leader in this field, they can sell this product at the lowest price.

4. Customers do care about the price on this product, it is very price sensitive item.

5. Packaging influences the desire of a customer to buy.

6. Our competitor has become the price leader in selling computer programmes.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Who is the price leader in your business? Samsung is the price leader in our business.

2. How can you become a price leader? What should you do for this? To become a price leader you need to recognize early trends, to do careful marketing research, and a good promo­tional campaign.

3. How should one start a promotional campaign? To start the promotional campaign one should address to Research and Development.

4. Why is it dangerous to produce price sensitive goods? The price of some ingredient of the price sensitive good can go up and the price of the product will go up too.

5. Why is it important to have competitors in business? Business competition stimulates the competitors to improve their products, product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, sell­ing, credit, traffic and marketing research to become a price leader.

6. What should you do to leave your competitors behind? One should do the marketing research and good promotional campaign, exclude price sensitive item.

7. What knowledge must you have to be good at marketing? You should make careful decisions during the pro­cess of moving goods from producer to user.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1.Маркетинг включає в себе дії, пов'язані з рухом товару від виробника до споживача. Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers.

2.Маркетинг включає в себе транспортування, зберігання, рекламу, калькуляцію цін, продаж. marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing promotional campaign, pricing and selling goods

3.Вивчення ринку допомагає передвіщувати загальні напрямки попиту. Marketing research helps in predicting general trends.

4.Реклама має сильний вплив на покупця. Advertising has a great influence on the customer.

5.Ми не можемо встановлювати саму низьку ціну на цей товар. We cannot set the lowest price for this product.

6.Ми повинні розробити план виробництва нових продуктів. We must schedule the production of new goods.

7.Збут цього товару дуже реагує на зміну ціни. The distribution of this product greatly influences on the price change.


Exercise 1. Transform the sentences of real condition into the sentences of unreal condition.

Model: If we promote this right, we will (we'll) get more sales.

a) If we promoted this right, we would get more sales.

b) If we had promoted this right, we would have got more sales.

1. If we are careful we will leave behind our competitors.

a) If we were careful, we would leave behind our competitors.

b) If we had been careful, we would have left behind our competitors

2. If we phone R.D., we will get the necessary information.

a) If we phoned R.D., we would get the necessary information.

b) If we had phoned R.D., we would have got the necessary information.

3. If we change the ingredients, we will be ready for the price rise.

a) If we changed the ingredients, we would be ready for the price rise.

b) If we had changed the ingredients, we would have been ready for the price rise.

4. If the price of jam goes up, the increase will be passed on the con­sumer.

a) If the price of jam went up, the increase would be passed on the con­sumer.

b) If the price of jam had gone up, the increase would have been passed on the con­sumer.

5. If they work hard, they won't lose any customers.

a) If they worked hard, they wouldn’t lose any customers.

b) If they had worked hard, they wouldn’t have lost any customers.

6. If we schedule the product development in time we will be ready for the change of the demand.

a) If we scheduled the product development in time we would be ready for the change of the demand.

b) If we had scheduled the product development in time we would have been ready for the change of the demand.

7. If we don't lose the chance, the competitors products will stay on the super-market shelves.

a) If we didn’t lose the chance, the competitors products would stay on the super-market shelves.

b) If we hadn’t lost the chance, the competitors products would have stayed on the super-market shelves.

Exercise 2. Make transformations according to the model.

Model: Consumers wish prices would go down. - Consumers hope that prices will go down.

I wish I could work harder. - I hope I can work harder.

1. The head of the department wishes that competition would lessen. — The head of the department hopes that competition will lessen.

2. The Market Research Department wishes the test results would be ready soon. — The Market Research Department hopes that the test results will be ready soon.

3. The Manager wishes that sales would improve. — The Manager hopes that sales will improve.

4. We wish all the departments could fulfill their tasks. — We hope all the departments can fulfill their tasks.

5. Sally wishes that the Packaging Department could hurry up. — Sally hopes that the Packaging Department can hurry up.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1.Наша фірма щорічно бере участь у Лейпцигському ярмарку. Annually our company takes part in the Leipzig trade fair.

2.У вересні цього року у столиці Індії відбудеться виставка українських товарів. Вона розповість відвідувачам про промислове та сільське господарство України, а також про науку та культуру нашої країни. An exhibition of Ukrainian products will be held this year in September.

3.Мені потрібно зв'язатися з фірмою «Браун і Ко» як найшвидше. — I need to connect with the company “Brown and Co” as soon as possible.

4.У цьому році ми збираємося показати на світовому ринку нашу останню модифікацію компресора. This year we are going to show to the world market our last modification of a compressor.

5.Товари цієї української фірми користуються великим попитом на світовому ринку. The products of this Ukrainian company are in popular demand in the world market.

6.Відділ кадрів нашої фірми найняв на роботу багато кваліфікованих спеціалістів.— The personnel office of our company hired many skilled specialists.

Exercise 4. Supply the articles where necessary.

1. This actress has been a success in all performances.

2. All the Ukrainian newspapers wrote about the success of the ex­hibition.

3. We are proud of the progress which is made by our country in the field of heavy industry.

4. The fair was held under the motto: Peace and progress to all na­tions of the world.

5. Ukraine has made much progress in the field of heavy industry.

6. The industry of the western part of Ukraine has grown as compared with previous years.

Exercise 5. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs.

1. The power of the queen of Great Britain is limited by Parliament.

2. "Who controls the power of the Prime Minister's Cabinet?" "It is controlled by Parliament".

3. Lately our company will send an invitation to take part in an ex­hibition of electronic equipment which will be held in London.

4. It givesme a lot of pleasure to read a very interesting book on the history of Ukrainian towns.

5. Mr Bell was appointed a manager of the company lately.


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COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS| Exercise 4. Translate into English.

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