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There is a sort of dental shorthand which makes it easy to designate any particular tooth. The mouth is divided by an imaginational line between the lower jaws and another vertically, in the median line. This divides the mouth into quadrants: upper left and right and lower left and right.
Permanent teeth. Permanent teeth are designated by Arabic
numerals, which represent their relation to the median line.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 UPPER 12 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.Central Incisor.
2. Lateral Incisor.
3. Cuspid or Canine.
4. First Premolar or Bicuspid.
5. Second Bicuspid or Premolar.
6. First Molar.
7. Second Molar.
8. Third Molar.
On designation temporary teeth we use either Roman numerals or substitution them letters of the alphabet. The letter "A" would represent the central incisor, "B" - the lateral one, " C" - the cuspid and "D" and "E" - the first and.the second temporary molars.
Notice particularly that the right side of the chart is on your left and vice versa. The reason for this is that it represents the mouth of a patient, as you look at it. If we wish to note any tooth, it is necessary to draw the whole design. Draw a right angle, in the proper direction and write in it the number of the tooth. For example, if you wanted to note the upper left first molar we would write 6; for the lower right cuspid we would write 3.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions to the text:
1. How do we designate any particular tooth?
2. How many quadrants is the mouth divided into?
3. What are permanent teeth designated by?
4. What numerals are temporary teeth designated by?
5. Is it necessary to draw the whole design if you wish to note any tooth?
6. What will you write if you want to note the upper left first molar (the lower right lateral incisor)?
Exercise 5. Give Russian equivalents:
1.Second Molar. 5. Cuspid.
2. First Premolar. 6. Central Incisor.
3. Lateral Incisor. 7. Second Premolar.
4. Third Molar. 8. First Molar.
Exercise 6. Fill the blanks with either... or, neither... nor:
1. When one healthy... the blood analysis... the urinalysis show abnormal findings.
2. The sick may be given injections... in the morning in the evening.
3. According to the patient's complaints the physician may listen... to his heart... to his lungs.
4.... the X - ray examination... the numerous electrocardiograms showed any changes in the size of the heart and its functions.
5. The dentist reveled... caries of dental enamel... caries of cementum.
6. We have classes... at the University... at a clinic.
7.... hot water bottle... remedies will relieve your toothache.
Exercise 7. Translate into English:
1. Вам потрібно правильно позначити постійні зуби.
2. Ми повинні розділити рот умовною лінією на квадранти.
3. Що, на вашою думкою, спричинило біль?
4. Позначте прямий кут.
5. Вам потрібно замінити штучні коронки.
6. Ми можемо спочатку проконсультуватися у хірурга, а потім у стоматолога, чи навпаки.
7. Діти, особливо молодші, схильні до простудних захворювань.
8. ЇЇ хвороба – просто плід уяви.
Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
1. I was not pleased... him.
2. Look... this new book.
3. We are proud... our University.
4. We arrived... the station late.
5. My brother is interested... Anatomy.
6. Divide the apple... three parts.
7. Examination papers are usually written... ink.
8. After his illness, he returned... his work.
9.... the polyclinic you may consult a surgeon.
10. This disease is particularly dangerous... our health.
Exercise 1. Learn the following words:
Anterior [aæn'tiǝriǝ] передній
To be apt to [æpt] бути схильним до
Buccal ['bΛkǝ1] щічний
То be called [kɔ:ld] називатися
Occlusion [ǝ'klu:Ʒn] прикус
To overlap ['ǝuvǝlæp] перекривати
Posterior [pɔs'tiǝriǝ] задній
Width [wid½] ширина
Exercise 2. Form degrees-of comparison of the following adjectives:
High, interesting, short, good, great, beautiful, bad, large, small, many
Exercise 3. Form nouns with the help of the suffix -th and translate them:
wide, grow, long, warm, deep, true, strong
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:
Teeth may have one, two or even more roots.
Teeth having one root are: central incisors and lateral incisors.
Teeth having two roots are: upper second bicuspids and lower first and second molars. And the teeth having three roots are: upper first molars and lower first molars.
Such teeth as cuspids, first bicuspids and lower second bicuspids have one root. Third molars, both upper and lower are apt to have anywhere from one to eight roots.
Occlusion. The relationship of the upper teeth to the lower when brought together is called occlusion.
Because of the greater width of the upper centrals as compared to the lower centrals, the upper arch is normally larger than the lower one. For this reason, the buccal cuspids of all the upper teeth occlude just posterior to those of the corresponding lower ones; the upper incisors overlap the lowers and the buccal cuspids of the upper posterior teeth also overlap their antagonists in the low jaw.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions:
1.How many roots may teeth have?
2. What teeth have one root?
3.What teeth have two roots?
4. What is called occlusion?
5.Why is the upper arch normally larger than the lower one?
6. What teeth do the upper incisors overlap?
7. Do they also overlap their antagonists in the lower jaw?
Exercise 6. Find the Russian equivalents for each English word:
1. Root a. схильний
2. To overlap b. корень
3. Occlusive c. перекривати
4. Posterior d. боковий
5. Apt e. прикусний
6. Lateral f. задній
Exercise 7. Translate into English:
Задній, верхній, вище, більше, передній, складніше, краще, найкоротший, нижче, раніше, свіжіше.
Exercise 8. Divide the following words into 4 columns- nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs:
Central, normally, corresponding, overlap, occlude, occlusion, together, posterior, antagonist, call, buccal, relationship, upper, cuspid, designation
Exercise 9. Say in one word:
1. Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures forming part of the mouth.
2. One of the posterior teeth in mammals, adapted for grinding.
3. Relationship between the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth when they approach each other, as occurs during chewing or at rest.
4. The part of the tooth by which it is attached to the jaw.
5. One of the canine teeth.
Exercise 10. Make up questions to the underlined words:
1. Upper first molars have three roots.
2. Because of the greater width of the upper centrals, the upper arch is larger than the lower one.
3. Teeth may have one, two or more routs.
4. Third molars are apt to have from one to eight routs.
5. Upper posterior teeth overlap their antagonists in the lower jaw.
1. There is a sort of dental shorthand which makes it easy to designate any particular …
a) crown
b) root
c) tooth
d) jaw
e) tongue
2. The mouth is divided into quadrants: …
a) upper left and right and lower left
b) upper left and right and lower left and right
c) upper left and lower left
d) upper right and lower right
e) upper right and lower left and right
3. Permanent teeth are designated by …
a) Arabic numerals
b) Indian numerals
c) Ukrainian numerals
d) Russian numerals
e) Chinese numerals
4. The letter "A" would represent the central …
a) molar
b) premolar
c) incisor
d) canine
e) wisdom tooth
5. The letter … would represent the cuspid.
a) A b) B c) С d) D e) E
6. Teeth may have …
a) one, two or three roots
b) two, three or even more roots
c) three, four or five roots
d) one, two or even more roots
e) only one root
7. The teeth having three roots are: …
a) upper first molars and lower first molars
b) lower second molars and upper second premolars
c) lower second molars and upper second molars
d) upper first molars and lower first premolars
e) upper first premolars and lower second molars
8. The relationship … the upper teeth … the lower when brought together is called occlusion.
a) in … of
b) of … to
c) of … for
d) for …of
e) in … to
9. Because of the greater width of the upper centrals as … to the lower centrals, the upper arch is normally larger than the lower one.
a) are compared
b) compared
c) compare
d) compares
e) comparing
10. The upper incisors overlap the lowers and the buccal cuspids of the upper … teeth also overlap their antagonists in the low jaw.
a) posterior
b) anterior
c) middle
d) lower
e) upper
Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:
, entail
, plaque
remnant ['remnant], inconvenient
,substitute [sΛbstitju:t], method
, detergent
, alternative
Exercise 2. Learn the following words:
Measure ['me ə] засіб
Remnant ['remnant] залишки
Debris ['debri] відкладення, наліт
Occasion [ə'kei n] випадок
Plain [plein] простий
Raw [
] свіжий, сирий
Rinse [rins] ополіскування
Firm [fə:m] твердий
Substitute [sΛbstitju:t] замінник
Tough [tΛf] жорсткий
Exercise 3. Find the equivalent:
1. Resistance of teeth to disease | 1. Першопричина карієсу та захворювань пародонту |
2. The primary cause of caries and periodontal disease | 2. Стійкість зубів до захворювань |
3. Satisfactory alternative to brushing | 3. Полоскання рота звичайною водою |
4. Plain water mouth rinse | 4. Усунення залишків їжі |
5. Elimination of food stagnation | 5.Утримання зубів чистими від залишків їжі |
6. Keeping the teeth free from food debris | 6.Задовільна альтернатива чищенню |
Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalent to the following word combinations:
Dental disorders, elimination of food stagnation, bacterial irritation, dental health education, resistance of teeth to disease, detergent food, by virtue of…, tough fibrous consistency, to scour the teeth clean of food remnants, a plain water mouth rinse, food particles, a satisfactory alternative to brushing, an additional measure.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian using Active or Passive voice:
1. Every tooth (to insert) into the jaw by its root.
2. Dentine (to occupy) the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain.
3. Because the important tooth comes through at such an early date and (not to replace) a temporary tooth, it (to overlook) and (to permit) to decay.
4. The duct from the parotid gland (to pass forward) through the check to open into the buccal sulcus.
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:
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