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Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word for each space.

Exercise 3. Match the words from column A with their equivalents from column B. | Exercise 3. Find equivalents of the following Russian words in the text. | National Health Service (NHS) | Exercise 2. Answer the questions. | Exercise 2. Correlate words and their definitions. | Exercise 3. Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. | Exercise 1. Read and translate the following text. | Chapter VII. Health and food | Patient-physician-relationship | Exercise 3. Answer the questions. |

Читайте также:
  1. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  2. A) Fill in the blanks with corresponding synonyms.
  3. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  4. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  5. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  6. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  7. A) Read the following text.

Max was awake all night with an awful toothache. In the morning he made (1) _______ with his dentist and went to his office. When he came the dentist asked max to have a (2) _______ and began to (3) _______ his teeth. A tooth on the left side had a filling that was (4) _______. The dentist asked Max to open the mouth wide and to (5) _______ an X-ray. Then he developed the film and looked at the picture. The dentist said that the tooth could not be (6) _______ and he had to (7) _______ the tooth. The dentist (8) ________ an injection of Novocain and told Max to wait for some time. In an hour Max returned home quite happy.


a b c
an appointment a date a meeting
place sit seat
check look see
idle loose unsteady
do make take
cured healed treated
move out pull out take out
did made gave


5. Translate from Russian into English:

21. Она сидит на диете.

22. Он принял одну столовую ложку успокоительного.

23. Доктор осмотрел меня: прослушал пульс и легкие, измерил давление, сделал рентген грудной клетки и сказал, что у меня проблемы с легкими.

24. У моего дедушки был сердечный приступ 3 месяца назад.

25. Что ты делаешь? Я простудился и сижу на больничном.

26. Симптомы воспаления легких: высокая температура, кашель, больное горло, головная боль, чихание.

27. У меня сильно болит живот, когда у меня несварение.

28. Вчера у меня болел зуб, и мне его запломбировали.

29. Твой сын вылечился от скарлатины? Нет, у него осложнения.

30. Холера, дифтерия, тиф – смертельно опасные болезни.

31. Глубоко вдохните через нос. Вы чувствуете тошноту и головокружение?

32. Врач прописал мне лечение от бессонницы.

33. Запишись на прием к врачу. Он тебе поставит уколы.

34. У тебя нервное расстройство. Не волнуйся, иначе (otherwise) у тебя будет сердечный приступ.

35. Следуйте предписаниям врача и у вас не будет отдышки.

36. Сходи в аптеку, чтобы тебе (in order to) приготовили лекарство.

37. Он слег с гриппом.

38. Сделайте анализ крови.

39. Завтра ему удалят больной зуб.

40. Посоветуйтесь с врачом, стоит ли вам принимать эту микстуру и эти таблетки.

Test on the topic: "Illnesses and their treatment"


Variant 2


I. Transcribe the following words and word combinations:

digestive tract orthopedist

dysentery ampoule

pneumonia sedative drug

scurvy physiotherapy


II. Choose the right word and fill in the blanks:

a) disease / illness / condition

1. People with your _______ should not smoke.

2. The business of doctors is to prevent and cure ______.

3. Small pox is an infectious _____ marked by fever and small red spots on the body.

b) to cure/to treat/to heal

1. Many cancer patients can be _____ if the disease is detected early enough.

2. This drug is used to _____heart disease.

3. Fresh air and salty water can ____ you.


III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1. I met Bill... the pharmacy.

2. Nobody has yet found a cure... AIDS.

3. He was treated... flu while he had quinsy.

4. What are you complaining...?

5. I can hardly walk... my rheumatism.


IV. Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column:

1. sedative a) The rapid spreading of a contagious disease.

2. anemia b) Persistent inability to sleep.

3. insomnia c) Medicine given to calm a patient or help him sleep.

4. epidemic d) Condition of the body produced by a wound or injury.

5. trauma e) A disease in which a person has too few red blood cells.


V. Write whether these statements are true or false. If the statement is false, correct it:

1. In the Hippocratic Oath doctors promise (among other things) to maintain the utmost respect

for human life and to respect the confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship.

2. In Great Britain the General Practitioner isn't a very respected member of the community.

3. People have to pay for an ambulance in Great Britain.

4. There is no free treatment in the USA.

5. Cancer is not just one disease. It is a group of more than 100 diseases caused by uncontrolled

growth and spread of abnormal cells.


VI. Translate into English:

1. Я записался на прием к доктору Смиту на два часа предварительно.

2. У тебя жар. Тебе бы лучше измерить температуру и принять таблетку аспирина.

3. Избегайте простуд! Для вас они опасны серьезными осложнениями.

4. Его прооперировали по поводу аппендицита, его скоро выпишут из больницы.

5. Приступы депрессии, беспокойство, утомление, эмоциональная неустойчивость, апатия – наиболее частые расстройства нервной системы.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 184 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Diagnosing and Treatment (Диагностика и лечение).| VII. Compare Medical Care in the USA and Russia.

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