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D Similar but different

Печатается по постановлению Редакционно-издательского совета Нижневартовского государственного гуманитарного университета | A Singular and plural forms of nouns | Unit 2. Numerals | Work in pairs or small groups. Agree these statistics for an English-speaking country and your country. | Consolidation of Part 1 and Part 2 |

Читайте также:
  1. A different approach to the job
  2. A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered
  3. A Teacher’s Lot Is Certainly a Different One
  4. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  5. A) Read the text below to find out about using gestures in different cultures.
  6. A. Talking about similarity
  7. Adverbs which have different meanings


Некоторые существительные могут использоваться и как исчисляемые, и как неисчисляемые. Значение при этом меняется. Ср.:

Would you like a glass of white wine?

She is looking for her glasses.

This hand-made vase is made of glass.

I’m going out to buy a paper.

I need to write down a phone number. Do you have a piece of paper?

Remind him to bring all the necessary papers, please.

Pamela has got long dark hair.

There is a hair in my coffee!

We bought a state-of-the-art iron last weekend.

Iron is one of the basic building materials.

If you want to slim down, you have to eat less chocolate.

We gave her a box of chocolates.

My room is twice as large as yours.

There isn’t enough room in the office for all that equipment.

This chair is made of wood.

There are a lot of bears in the woods.


She has a lot of experience in landscape design.

We had a few unpleasant experiences while living together.


I have no time to sit around contemplating the meaning of life.

We saw each other a couple of times when we worked in the same building.





4.1. Use these uncount nouns to complete the sentences below.

information electricity equipment knowledge happiness help advice luggage money traffic

1. We’ve got a lot of … but it’s not too heavy.

2. At that time my … of German was minimal.

3. I’d like some … about trains, please.

4. They exported a million dollars’ worth of stereo ….

5. Do you have any … on you?

6. If you want my …, I think you ought to start all over again.

7. There’s always a lot of … in the rush hour.

8. Do you cook by gas or …?

9. You can always phone me, if you need any ….

10. Money doesn’t always bring ….

4.2. List these words in two columns side by side, one for uncountables and one for countables. Then join the words which have similar meaning.

tip clothing case advice job information trip work baggage fact travel garment

4.3. Put the underlying words under three headings: countable, uncountable, or both.

news, meat, money, star, stairs, person, advice, equipment, politics, information, book, job, pepper, bread, energy, work, orange, sandwich, cake, furniture, snow, fish, literature, window, bottle, country, sleep, time, juice, mouse, glass, word, paper, table, question, salt, loaf, hair

Write two sentences using each of the words in the third column, once as a countable noun and once as an uncountable noun, e.g. I like stuffed red peppers. I always add lots of pepper to my food.

4.4. Decide whether these sentences need the indefinite article a (an).

1. He gave us all … advice on what to take with us.

2. I’m sorry. I can’t come. I have … homework to do.

3. She’s doing … investigation of teenage slang in English for her university project.

4. You’ll need … rice if you want to make a Chinese meal.

5. Paul’s getting divorced? That’s … interesting news!

6. I have to buy … film for the holiday. I think I’ll get about five rolls.

7. We saw … beautiful silk and … cotton in Thailand.

4.5. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. We had such a terrible weather that we left the camp-site and got an accommodation in town instead.

2. In the North of England, most houses are made of stones, but in the South bricks are more common.

3. I love antique furnitures, but I would need an advice from a specialist before I bought any. My knowledges in that area are very poor.

4. Her researches are definitely making great progresses these days. She has done a lot of original works recently.


4.6. Personal qualities and skills use a lot of uncountable nouns. For example, we might say that a secretary should have intelligence, reliability, charm and enthusiasm. These are all uncountable nouns. Choose from the list and say what qualities these people should have. Say whether they need some, a lot or a bit of the quality.

Jobs: soldier nurse teacher explorer actor athlete writer surgeon receptionist

Qualities: patience courage determination goodwill charm stamina reliability loyalty energy experience commitment talent creativity intelligence training imagination

4.7. Could I have…? Practise asking for these everyday items and decide whether you must say a or some.

vinegar duster needle thread sellotape tea-bag shoe polish iron pepper chocolate paper rubber glass water tea coffee butter fish cheese drink

4.8. Odd one out. In each group, one of the nouns is always used in the plural. Which one?

1. sock trouser slipper

2. billiard squash tennis

3. knife scissor razor

4. tracksuit costume dungaree

4.9. Look at the following pairs of sentences. In one the noun in bold is used as a count noun and in the other as an uncount noun. Mark the sentences C for count or U for uncount.

1. Shakespeare’s language is magnificent. ___

It’s easier to work with someone who speaks your own language. ___

2. She has had nine months’ experience as a secretary. ___

The funeral was a painful experience. ___

3. People spend their lives worrying about money. ___

How’s life? ___

4. Are you in San Francisco for business or pleasure? ___

He set up a small travel business. ___

5. She never completely gave up hope. ___

Ken has high hopes of a promotion before the end of the year. ___

6. We hope to come to a general agreement on future action. ___

There was general agreement on the problem. ___


the news about Bill the furniture in the sitting room the traffic in London the advice you gave me the information you need the strength to go on

4.10. Use these phrases with “the” and an uncount noun to complete the sentences which follow.


1. I liked …. I thought it looked very smart.

2. I’d like to thank you for ….

3. I’m tired out. I haven’t got ….

4. You can find … in any good grammar book.

5. … is dreadful – particularly in the rush hour.

6. Have you heard …?


4.11. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. How much / How many pasta have we got?

2. Where is / are my new trousers?

3. I put some / any chocolate somewhere, but where is it?

4. Peter went to buy a / some glass so he could fix the broken windows.

5. I’m afraid we haven’t got much / many time.

6. How much / How many furniture shops are there in town?

7. I found the milk but I can’t find a / some glass.

8. Mary’s advice was / were not very useful.

9. Paul’s knowledge of Ancient History is / are wonderful.

10. Although the town is a popular tourist attraction, I didn’t see many / much people in the streets.


4.12. Put one word in each space. Put a dash (-) if the space should be blank.

1. My trousers need ironing. Have you got … iron?

2. Could you go to the baker’s and buy … loaf, please?

3. I’d like … information about trains to Paris.

4. Louise has … very good health.

5. The war ended … years ago.

6. Vanessa bought … paper and read it on the bus.

7. Could you give me … advice, please?

8. Do you know … people in this village?

9. … wildlife is in great danger nowadays.

10. How … times did you take part in the festival?


4.13. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence and contains the word in bold.

1. Let me tell you what I think you should do.


Let me……………………………………………………………………………..

2. I need a clean pair of trousers.


I haven’t got……………………………………………………………………….

3. There isn’t a lot of water in the pool.


………………………………………………………………….water in the pool.

4. I have to wash my hair.


My hair……………………………………………………………………………


5. The book didn’t contain any information.


The information…………………………………………………………………...


4.14. Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence.

1. The fire is going to go out. Can you go and get a wood / some wood.

2. There was / There were money all over the floor.

3. Lemonade? Sorry, no, we haven’t got some / any.

4. Peter keeps a chicken / some chicken at the bottom of his garden.

5. The information we were given was / were very useful.

6. How many / How much people were there on the bus?

7. Look at Rita’s hair. It’s / They are green!

8. I’ve called the police and they’re / it’s on their / its way.

9. The assembly hall was full of a noise / noise.

4.15. Choose the most suitable word in each sentence.

1. Different countries have different weather / weathers.

2. All areas of the skin are in fact covered in tiny hair / hairs.

3. We’ve looked at the menu and we’d all like chicken / chickens.

4. Jack is a millionaire and owns a lot of business / businesses.

5. Have you got a copy of the complete work / works of Dante?

6. Nine of the passengers insured their baggage / baggages.

7. Students must pass their paper / papers to the front.

8. I’m afraid we can’t find cheap accommodation / accommodations for all of you.


4.16. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.

flight item piece sheet clap head set slice

1. Let me give you a … of advice.

2. There is an interesting … of news in the paper.

3. A … of stairs takes you to the top of the house.

4. Could I have another … of paper, please?

5. Helen has a lovely … of hair.

6. Do you want another … of toast?

7. We bought Mike and Lynn a … of cutlery for a wedding present.

8. The lightning was followed by a … of thunder.


4.17. Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

1. I wanted to have a bath but there wasn’t any hot ….

2. When is the … on? I haven’t heard any today.

3. Tim’s eyesight was bad and he had to have new ….

4. Laura had to pay extra at the airport because she had too much ….

5. If you want to make an omelette there are some … in the fridge.

6. You can’t cut that with a knife. You need some ….

7. We need some bread. Could you go and buy a large ….

8. When the burglar ran out of the house he was arrested by a ….

4.18. Suggest the English for the sentences.

1. Ваши успехи в английском языке просто удивительны.

2. Теоретические знания часто значительно отличаются от практики.

3. Можно попросить у тебя совета?

4. Эта бумага очень плохого качества.

5. У нас много информации, и мы не можем изложить её за 10 минут.

6. Передайте мне листок бумаги, пожалуйста.

7. Деньги очень важны для успеха в жизни.

8. Мне нужен утюг. Мои брюки опять помялись.

9. Купи буханку хлеба на обратном пути, пожалуйста.

10. На полу было много стекла. Кто-то разбил окно.

11. Можно мне стакан воды?

12. В нашем городе много предприятий малого бизнеса.

13. Сейчас трудно найти недорогое жильё в центре столицы.

14. Это интересная новость! Она многое меняет.

15. Её волосы очень красивые.

16. Мы прошли 17 лестничных пролетов. Осталось 5.

17. Из чего эти статуэтки? – Они из дерева.

18. Недалеко от нашего коттеджа есть небольшой лес.

19. У нас осталось мало молока. Сходи и купи немного.

20. Он дал мне один совет. – И какой же? – Наслаждаться жизнью.

21. У вас слишком много багажа. Вам придется заплатить за него дополнительно.

22. Сначала была вспышка молнии, а затем раскат грома.

23. Поначалу знания даются трудно, но затем прогресс происходит достаточно быстро. Главное – не терять веру в собственные силы.

24. Что ты читаешь? – Газету. – Есть какие-нибудь важные новости? – Никаких. – Ну что же, отсутствие новостей – хорошая новость.

25. У неё в квартире очень мало мебели, только самое необходимое. Она любит, чтобы было много свободного пространства.

Unit 5. The imperative and “let”. Emphatic “do / does”





A The imperative (Повелительное наклонение)



Bring me some water, please. Don’t talk so loud, please.
Take your shoes off. Don’t smoke when the children are here.
Remind her to come in good time. Don’t ask themto helpus.

Повелительное наклонение используется для просьб и приказов.

B “let” and “let’s”

Глагольные формы let и let’s являются формами повелительного наклонения. Let используется в значении разрешить, позволить и с точки зрения формы не отличается от других глаголов в повелительном наклонении. Глагольная форма let’s используется при обращении к группе лиц, включая себя (т. е. в 1-м лице множественного числа) для предложения совместной деятельности. На русский язык переводится как давай/давайте сделаем что-либо. Отрицательная форма – let’s not. Русский эквивалент – давай/давайте не будем делать чего-либо. Ср.:

Let them come earlier, please.

Don’t let them phone so late.

Let’s go out and enjoy ourselves.

Let’s not bother them. They are busy.

NB После глагола let (let’s/let’s not) частица to не используется:

Let them to talk to anyone they like.

Let them talk to anyone they like.

Don’t let them to watch the horror film.

Don’t let them watch the horror film.

Let’s to make a cake by ourselves.

Let’s make a cake by ourselves.

Let’s not to give up hope.

Let’s not give up hope.

C Emphatic “do / does”

Эмфатическая конструкция do / does+ infinitive используется для усиления высказывания и придания ему большей экспрессивности. Конструкция может использоваться в повелительном наклонении (только форма do и только в утвердительной форме), а также во временах Present Simple и Past Simple (только в утвердительной форме). В переводе на русский язык используются такие элементы, как на самом деле, действительно, правда, ведь и т. д. (Present Simple и Past Simple), ну же, пожалуйста, наконец, в конце концов (the imperative).

Do tell me anything you want.

He does smoke a lot.

They do like our idea.

She did drive carelessly.




5.1. Rewrite the suggestions and requests in bold using the negative imperative.

1. You shouldn’t touch that. It’s very hot.

2. She is very tired. I hope you won’t wake her up.

3. He’ll be in a hurry. You mustn’t keep him waiting.

4. It’s a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone.

5. You mustn’t bother me now. I’m much too busy.

5.2. Make each of the following sentences into an offer with “let me”, or a suggestion with “let’s”.

1. I’ll take your coat.

2. I think we should go home now.

3. Can I carry that bag for you?

4. We could telephone for help.

5. I’ll help you.

6. I think we should start now.

5.3. Make these polite requests more emphatic by using “do”.

1. Would you like to come in and take a seat?

2. Why don’t you come and see us at the weekend?

3. It would be nice if you could bring the children too.

4. Would you like to have some more tea?

5. Could you write to me when you get home?

5.4. Use “do” to make these sentences into emphatic orders.

1. You should stop making so much noise.

2. You ought to listen carefully.

3. You should be more careful.

4. Please be quiet while I’m talking.

5. Sit down and behave yourself.


5.5. Rewrite the sentences using “do” or “does” for emphasis.

1. I really like the idea of having a holiday abroad.

2. They absolutely hate smokers.

3. I strongly disagree with your opinion on cloning humans.

4. This suggestion is definitely to my liking.

5. Paul likes downhill skiing very much.

6. Laura is a very mild person and she simply detests bad language.

7. We certainly want to help.

8. We all know very well that Helen loves sightseeing.

9. David spends too much time on watching TV indeed.

10. We entirely share your views on public smoking.


5.6. Supply the English for the sentences.

1. Нам действительно очень нравится черно-белое кино.

2. Прекратите курить.

3. Не открывайте окно без моего разрешения.

4. Давайте начнем работать. Уже много времени.

5. Ему на самом деле хочется туда пойти. Не мешайте ему.

6. Приводите с собой детей. И не забудьте взять крем от загара.

7. Я правда терпеть не могу жару.

8. Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут Майкл Ньюман.

9. Мы искренне хотим помочь Вам.

10. Не ходите в этот район одна.

11. Ей действительно нравятся полевые цветы.

12. Пожалуйста, напишите мне, как только получите ответ.

13. Давайте сходим куда-нибудь вместе.

14. Позвольте дать Вам один совет: живите своей жизнью и не мешайте жить другим.

15. Ведите себя тише, в конце концов.


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B Most typical uncount nouns| Unit 6. Word order

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