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Symposium venue and accommodation

Читайте также:
  1. Accommodation is provided at Varley Halls which is part of the University of Brighton.
  4. Competition Venue
  5. Ex.8 Fill in the gaps with the words: Assimilation, Accommodation, Adaptation, Environment
  6. Impact of demand elasticity on price and total revenue
  7. Letter of Accommodation

For carrying out the V Symposium in 2014 we chose the Irkutsk State Technical University (IrSTU). The planned opening and plenary session will be held in its conference room. The participants who have arrived to Irkutsk a day before opening will be placed at hotel Vega (near IrSTU).

The first part of a symposium (1-3 days) will be carried out at the hotel Pribaykalskaya located in 62 km from Irkutsk in a picturesque place at a source of the Angara River.

View from the Pribaykalskaya hotel window

The second part will take place at the holliday hotel on the island of Olkhon (4-6 days) which is the geographical, historical and sacral center of the Lake Baikal. There are all variety of natural landscapes concentrated in that place. These steppes with gulfs are well warmed up in the summer, aeolian sand with dunes, the mixed forests, fossil landscape, picturesque cliffs.


The Olkhon Island


Please sent your registration form to these addresses: rudykh@istu.edu, sidorov.vladimir@gmail.com with the following information:

Фамилия, имя, отчество     Full name  
Место работы, должность     Job, post  
Адрес, телефон, электронный адрес     Address, phone, email    
Название и тип доклада (устный или стендовый)     Name and type of presentation (oral or poster)  
Тезисы доклада     Report theses  
Дата и номер квитанции об оплате организационного взноса     Date and number the receipt of payment organizational fee  

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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