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At the Surgical Department

Читайте также:
  1. At the Cardiological Department
  2. At the Gastroenterological Department
  3. At the Gynecological Department
  5. The funds __________ among various departments two weeks ago.
  6. VIII. Speak about the English Department at your University (usе Essential Vocabulary on the topic).

1. Pre-reading activities

1. 1Read and memorize the words

Surgical instruments

wound сlip - скріпка (для з'єднання рани)

scalpel – скальпель forceps – пінцет

syringe – шприц needle - голка

scissors – ножиці gauze - марля

overall – халат blood circulation – кровообіг

to dress wound - перев'язувати рану

gauze drain - марлевий тампон

to perform an operation проводити операцію, оперувати

cabinet for dressings шафа для перев'язувального матеріалу

suture material - шовний матеріал

dressing - перев'язувальний матеріал

rules of aseptic - правила асептики

special device - спеціальний прилад

artificial respiration – штучне дихання


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

surgical department стерильні халати

operating-table давати наркоз

prepare instruments приділяти значну увагу

suture material хірургічне відділення

sterilized overalls призначати дієту

to give narcosis операційний стіл

prescribe diet готувати інструментарій

pay much attention шовний матеріал

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


A surgical department is on the firsl floor of this hospital. This department houses 50 staffed beds. One can see patients with surgical diseases, such as appendicitis, ulcer of abdomen, tumour, carbuncle, phlegmon and others. Operations are performed in a special operating room.

There is a large operating room in this department. Here one can see two operating-tables, instrument tables, a few small cabinets for suture material, dressings and instruments.

Before the operation the nurses prepare surgical instruments fol­lowing the rules of aseptic. After sterilizing them they put the instru­ments on a special table covering them with sterile material.

There are different instruments here. They are scalpels, syringes, surgical needles, scissors, wound clips, pincettes and sterilizing drum.

Before the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rules of surgery and put on the sterilized overalls, caps and special face masks.

The patient is put on an operating-table and is covered with a steri­lized cloth. Then a doctor or an assistant begins to give the patient narcosis. When the patient has fallen asleep the surgeon disinfects the skin of the region to be operated on and begins to perform the operation. One assistant helps the surgeon during the operation. Other assistants listen to the heart, feel the pulse and look at the pupils. They use dif­ferent ways of controlling the patient's condition.

During the operation special devices are used for artificial respi­ration and blood circulation. The operation having been over, the patient is moved to the ward.

After the operation special care and attention is paid to the patient. The surgeon prescribes him definite medicine and diet.

Every day the surgeon examines the patients, dresses their wounds and introduces fresh gauze drains into them. He listens to the patients' lungs and hearts, tests their abdomens and others.

The surgeon prescribes the patients proper treatment. Many patients are doing well. Soon they will leave the clinic and return home. Some patients are in their bad condition. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to them.

3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Answer the following questions to the text:

I. Where is the surgical department? 2. How many staffed beds does this department house? 3. What is there in the operating room? 4. What do the nurses do before the operation? 5. What instruments do they put on a special table? 6. What does the surgeon do before the operation? 7. When does the surgeon begin to perform the operation? 8. What do the assistants do during the operation? 9. What kind of devices are used during the operation. 10. Where is the patient moved after the operation?

3.2 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents

this department houses; a special operating room; prepare surgical instruments; fol­lowing the rules of aseptic; put on the sterilized overalls; is moved to the ward; prescribes the patients proper treatment; in their bad condition.

3.3 Find the English equivalents to the Ukrainian word-combinations:

операційна сестра, операційний стіл, дивитися на зіниці, дезинфікувати шкіру, призначати лікування, операційна, операційне поле, вислуховувати легені, робити операцію, досліджувати шлунок, післяопераційний стан, операційна рана;

an operating-room, to test an abdomen, an operative wound, an operating-table, to listen to lungs, an operating field (area), to pres­cribe a treatment, to look at pupils, an operative nurse, post-operative condition, to disinfect skin, to perform an operation.

3.4 Say if it is true or false

1. Operations are performed in a special operating room.

2. Before the operation the surgeons prepare surgical instruments fol­lowing the rules of aseptic.

3. After the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rules of surgery.

4. During the operation special devices are used for artificial respi­ration and blood circulation.

5. The nurse prescribes the patients definite medicine and diet.

6. Every day the surgeon examines the patients and dresses their wounds.

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