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  1. Quality certification

Sharp pain that is intense.

Dull pain that is not as intense or acute as sharp pain, possibly more annoying than painful. It is usually more diffuse than sharp pain.

Diffuse pain that covers a large area.

Shifting pain that moves from one area to another, such as from the lower abdomen to the area over the stomach.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

acute pain; chronic pain; covers a large area; moves from one area to another; severe pain; pain that stops and starts again; a clear cause; motivates the person to get help.


3.2 Give the English equivalents:

триває протягом 6 місяців або довше; біль, що починається раптово; страждати від хронічного болю; біль, що швидко проходить; не такий інтенсивний як гострий біль.


3.3 Answer the questions to the text:

1. How many types is pain divided into? 2. What is acute pain? 3. What is chronic pain? 4. What does acute pain motivates the person to do? 5. How long can chronic pain last? 6. What is shifting pain?


3.4 Say if it is true or false:

1. Chronic pain is pain of sudden onset.

2. Acute pain could result from any illness, trauma, surgery or any painful medical procedures.

3. Acute pain has a clear cause.

4. Continuous pain stops and starts again.

5. Shifting pain covers a large area.

6. Dull pain s not as intense or acute as sharp pain.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав

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