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Reading and developing speaking skills

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  1. Answer the questions after reading the text.
  2. B) Record your reading. Play the recording back immediately for your teacher and your fellow-students to detect your errors. Practise the dialogue for test reading.
  3. I. Before reading work in groups of two and speculate on possible answers.


Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.


Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:

Mainten_nce; leu_ocyte; er_throcyte; enz_me; s_rum; plasm_; _lot; ma_or; fibr_nogen; mi_roorganism; infec_ion.

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Connective tissue; corpuscle; pale yellow fluid; clot-producing; platelet; fluid matrix; remaining fluid; average adult; however; waste products; maintenance; suspended molecules; to protect against; remove; site of infection; slightly; more than half; body’s total weight.


Ex. 9. Read the following words enunciating them clearly:

Total blood volume; approximately; to be classified; corpuscles; platelet; hormone; enzyme; leukocyte; thrombocyte; erythrocyte; plasma; dissolved component; nutrient; maintenance; formed elements; major category.

Ex. 10. Read the following text:


Blood is classified as a connective tissue, consisting of cells and cell fragments surrounded by a liquid matrix. The total blood volume in the average adult is approximately 4 to 5 L in females and 5 to 6 L in males. Blood makes up approximately 8% of the body's total weight.

The cells and cell fragments are the formed elements, and the fluid matrix is the plasma. The formed elements of the blood include several types of highly specialized cells and cell fragments. They are grouped into three major categories. Approximately 95% of the volume of the formed elements consists of erythrocytes (red blood cells or corpuscles). The remaining 5% consists of leukocytes (white blood cells or corpuscles) and platelets (cell fragments), which are also called thrombocytes.

Plasma is a pale yellow fluid accounting for slightly more than half the total blood volume and consisting of approximately 92% water and 8% dissolved or suspended molecules. Plasma contains proteins such as albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen. When the proteins that produce clots are removed from the plasma, the remaining fluid is called serum. In addition to the suspended molecules, plasma also contains a number of dissolved components such as salts, nutrients, gases, waste products, hormones, and enzymes. Water enters the plasma from the digestive tract, from interstitial fluids, and as a by-product of metabolism. Excess water is remived from the plasma through the kidneys, lungs, intestinal tract, and skin. Solutes in the plasma come from several sources such as the liver, kidneys, intestines, endocrine glands, and immune tissues such as the spleen.

The functions of the blood can be placed into the categories of transportation, maintenance, and protection. Blood transports gases, nutrients, waste products, and hormones. It is involved in the regulation of homeostasis and the maintenance of pH, body temperature, fluid balance, and electrolyte level. Blood protects against diseases and blood loss.


Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Розчинені компоненти; вага тіла людини; загальнй об’єм крові; утворювати згустки; міжклітинний матеріал; ферменти; сироватка; складатися з; включати кілька типів; поділятися на; червоні кров’яні тільця; кров’яні пластинки; білі кров’яні тільця; поживні речовини; транспортувальна функція; захисна функція; білки; видаляти.


Ex. 12. Translate the text “Blood” into Ukrainian.

Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences:

1. Blood is a type of _ tissue whose cells are suspended in a liquid intracellular material. 2. Blood consists of a liquid portion called _ and a solid portion. 3. This portion also named as the cellular fraction includes _, _, _. 4. _ are essential for the clotting of blood. 5. _ are the most numerous blood cells. 6. The blood plays an important role in _ homeostasis.

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions:

1. What type of tissue is the blood? 2. What is the total blood volume in an average adult? 3.What does the blood consist of? 4. What is the plasma? 5. What does the plasma contain? 6. What is blood serum? 7. What major categories are the formed elements grouped into? 8. What blood cells are the most numerous? 9. What are the major functions of the blood?


Ex. 15. Read the following terms and try to match them with the Ukrainian equivalents. Memorize the meaning of the term-element “h(a)emo-” from Greek “blood”.

Hemoglobin, hemoconcentration, hemorrhage, hemocyte, hemocytometer, hemodiagnosis, hemogram, hemology, hemomediastinum, hemopathy, hemophobia, hemodynamics.


Крововилив, кровотеча; гематологія; гемодинаміка; гемофобія (патологічна боязнь кровотечі чи виду крові); гемопатія; гемоглобін; гемоцитометр; гемодіагностика (діагноз, що ґрунтується на вивченні крові); гемограма (формула крові); витікання крові у середостіння; гемоконцентрація (згущення крові); клітина крові.

Ex. 16. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:

Biconcave подвійноввігнутий; spherical кулястий, сферичний; stain забарвлення; release вивільняти; histamine гістамін; promote сприяти, допомагати, підтримувати; inflammation запалення; heparin гепарин; prevent попереджувати, запобігати; worm черв’як; parasite паразит; de­bris [‘debrI:] залишки органічних речовин; plug пробка.


Ex. 17. Read the information the table represents. Having familiarized yourself with the table, compose the information on the blood, types of blood cells and their functions, using the given data. Draw up the plan and key words to each its item.

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