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Regulation of use of firearms (force)
Each State Party shall take such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish the rules of use of firearms (force) by the personnel of private military and security companies considering that:
a) Employees may carry firearms in providing military and security services;
b) In providing military and security services employees may use weapons in the following circumstances:
- To ensure their own security and protection from any encroachment on their life and health as exercising the essential right for self-defense:
- In case of attempts of coercive removal from performing their direct functions or attempt of disarmament;
- To repulse armed attacks of illegal including terrorist armed groups and formations as well as to detent and disarm them;
- To protect citizens from the coercive encroachments on their life and health at the place of service;
c) In case of using firearms the personnel has to strictly follow the rules of preliminary warning of combat use of firearms; in this case all possible measures for the protection of elderly people, women, children and other persons should be taken except for the situation of their armed resistance or attacks that threaten the life of the personnel and other citizens if it is impossible to cease such attack by other means;
d) In using the personnel as officials and experts by the United Nations firearms (force) should be used in accordance with the procedures set out in the respective mandate of the UN operation and orders of the international command of the operation;
e) When private military and security companies and their personnel provide military and security services acting under the agreement as a part of armed forces or military units of the State Party the use of force is regulated by the norms of its military and other respective legislation.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав