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Use negative questions to confirm the following ideas. Be careful with the tenses.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Read the following speech of Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General. Make up four questions, ask your partner to answer them.
  2. Answer the questions after reading the text.
  3. Answer the questions to the story.
  4. Answer the questions to the text of the article.
  5. Answer the questions to the text of the article.
  6. Answer the questions to the text.
  7. Answer the questions.

1 I think you went to Paris last week. 2 I think you speak German. 3 That looks like Paula in the green dress. 4 I believe you studied at Cambridge. 5 Perhaps this is your coat. 6 I think your father is a doctor. 7 I thought Tony was going to come with us. 8 You'll be in Edinburgh next week, won't you? 9 I think you're making a mistake. 10 Perhaps it would be better to stop now.


• Також заперечні питання використовуються у ввічливих запрошеннях: Won't you come in? – Ви не зайдете? Wouldn't you like something to drink? – Ви хотіли б чогось випити?

• Але ми не використовуємо заперечні питання, коли просимо когось щось для нас зробити:

Can you help me? [NOT Can't you help me? (Звучить як докір.)] або You couldn't help me, could you?

• Ми також використовуємо заперечні питання, щоб перевірити, що щось не сталося, є неправдою, і

т.д.Значення подібне до 'It's true that …not...?'– Це правда, що … не …?

Don't you feel well? – Тобі погано?

Oh dear. Can't they come tomorrow? – Господи, хіба вони не можуть приїхати завтра?

• Заперечні питання можуть виражати здивування, що щось не відбулося, не відбувається і т. д. Такі

питання звучать як докір або критика:

Didn't she tell you she was married? – Хіба вона не казала тобі, що заміжня?

Can't you read? It says 'closed'. – Ти не вмієш читати? Написано «зачинено».

4 Use negative questions to confirm the following ideas:

1 It looks as if he can't swim. 2 Is it true that she didn't pass the exam? 3 I believe you may not havepaid

for your ticket. 4 I think perhaps you didn't lock the door. 5 It seems as if you don't understand English. I said 'No'. 6 I'm afraid you don't like my cooking. 7 Perhaps you didn't get the letter I sent. 8 So you didn't enjoy the film? 9 Is it true that you and John aren't going to get married? 10 It seems that you don't want any more potatoes.

У відповіді на заперечне питання 'Yes' вживається зі стверджувальним дієсловом, а 'No' вживається із заперечним: 'Don't you like it?' 'Yes (I do like it). ' 'Aren't you ready?' 'No (I'm not ready).'

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