Читайте также: |
commodity market target market indication market share market leader market niche | товарний ринок цільовий ринок ознака, свідчення; показник частка ринку компанія, яка займає про-відне становище на ринку ринкова ніша, невеликий сегмент ринку для збуту певного товару | market segment dominate (v) respond (v) market-driven / market- led / market-oriented approach desire | сегмент ринку заволодівати, цілком поглинати; панувати відповідати; реагувати, відгукуватися (на щось) з ринковою орієнтацією підхід бажання; прагнення |
A market for a product is the people or organizations who buy it or may buy it, or an area where it is sold. There exist different types of markets: street markets, shops and supermarkets, markets for services (e.g. restaurants), financial markets, commodity markets (e.g. coffee, grain, cotton, etc).
A company's or product's target market is a group of consumers a company aims to sell its products to, for example children, housewives, fishermen, etc.
As an indication for the success of a business market share is often used which is the proportion of sales that a company or a product has in a particular market. The market leader is the company or product with the biggest share.
The part of a market consisting of consumers with similar characteristics is called market segment. Ways in which a market might be segmented include age, income, lifestyle, geographical location.
A market niche is a small, specific segment of the market, often dominated by small firms selling some kind of goods.
Companies quick to respond to the needs of a market are market-driven, market-led or market-oriented. A market-oriented approach to developing a product is one which puts the desires of the consumer at the centre of the decision about what to produce.
To make decisions about products companies do a market research which is the collection of information on markets, products and consumers; on what people need, want, and buy; how and when they buy and why they buy one thing rather than another.
1 What do we call a market for a product? 2 What types of markets do you know? 3 What is a target market? 4 What is a market share? 5 When can the company be called the market leader? 6 What is a market niche? 7 What companies are market-driven? 8 What do companies do a market research for? 9 Imagine you are setting up your own business. What target market would you choose? Why?
1 Match words that have a similar meaning:
share respond market-driven income desire indication housewife aim product |
output target homemaker sign reply wish earnings market-led segment |
2 The words in the box frequently occur after "sector". Find combinations that mean:
1) the company that sells the largest amount of a specific commodity in a particular area; the brand or make of goods that sells the most; 2) the price of a raw material, product, service, etc. that is charged in a free or competitive market; 3) study carried out by a company before launching a new product, into the needs, lifestyles, incomes, etc. of potential buyers; 4) the percentage of the total sales of a certain product in a | ![]() |
particular area or country obtained by one company; 5) that part of a market which consists of consumers with similar characteristics; 6) a pattern or change in buying and selling activities; 7) the act of obtaining a larger market share by increasing advertising, promotion, etc. 8) an economic system in which individuals and firms are free to enter and leave markets at will.
3 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition: 1) a group of consumers for whom a business has designed a product and marketing strategy; 2) the bond markets, stock markets, etc. that accept money and turn it into equity instruments; 3) a course of action, a way of handling a situation; 4) to have the most important place or great influence; to have or use power or command over; 5) a company that produces goods that it said that they need them; 6) a large sell-service store offering food | ![]() |
Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 115 | Нарушение авторских прав