Читайте также: |
1. involve a person into difficulty
2. get smb. into trouble
3. bring smb. to a pretty pass
4. bring smb. to grief
5. get smb. into a scrape
6. get smb. into a corner
7. put smb. in queer street
8. get smb. into a hole
9. put smb. in the cart
Еле спастись
1. only just escape
2. have a narrow escape
3. have a close shave
4. escape by the skin of one's teeth
5. escape by a hair's breadth
Нуждаться в деньгах
1. be in want of money
2. be in reduced circumstances
3. be out at elbows
4. be in queer street
5. be in low waters
6. be on the rocks
7. be on one's beam ends
8. not to have a shirt to one's back
9. be as poor as a church mouse
10. be hard up
11. be badly off
12. not to have a bean
13. be down and out
14. be stony broke
Уволить кого-либо с работы
1. dismiss smb. from employment
2. give smb. the sack
3. give smb. the bird
4. give smb. the boot
X. Борьба
Искать повода для ссоры
1. seek a cause for a fight/quarrel
2. ask for trouble
3. look for trouble
4. carry a chip on one's shoulder
5. spoil for a fight
Быть наготове
1. be watchful/vigilant
2. be on the watch
3. be on the alert
4. be on one's guard
5. be on the qui vive
6. have all one's wits about one
7. have all one's eyes about one
8. keep one's eyes open
9. keep one's eyes peeled
Застигнуть врасплох
1. take unprepared
2. take smb. unawares
3. catch smb. unawares
4. catch smb. off his guard
5. catch smb. napping
6. take smb. by surprise
Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 51 | Нарушение авторских прав