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Вид Причастие I Действительный залог Причастие II Страдательный залог
Неопределенный Non Perfect возрастающий increasing возраставший возрастая увеличиваемый increased увеличенный возросший который возрос
Перфектный Perfect having increased увеличив  
Страдательный залог  
Неопределенный Non Perfect Being increased который увеличили  
Перфектный Perfect having been increased после увеличения  

The boiling water changes into steam.- Кипящая вода превращается в пар.


They are applying these methods.- Они применяют эти методы.

Being a good conductor of electricity copper is used in electrical devices.- Являясь хорошим проводником электричества, медь применяется в электроприборах.

The problem so explained was easily understood.- Проблема, которую объяснили таким образом, была легко понята.

When cooled oxygen liquefies.- Когда кислород сжижается, он сжижается.

Ф у н к ц и и:

Определение Переводится с суффиксами –ущ, -ющ, -вш, -ш, определительным придаточным предложением Часть сказуемого переводится глаголом в личной форме Обстоятельство переводится деепричастным, придаточным предложением


I. Определите формы причастия:

having been made, being made, having made, making,;

being lost, having been caught, finding, doing, being broken, built, cut, prepared, having been prepared.


II. Образуйте все формы причастия от следующих глаголов:

(см. таблицу) to choose, to cut, to know, to finish, to help.


III. Переведите предложения с причастием I в функции определения. Помните, что оно переводится с суффиксами –ущ, -ющ, -ащ, -ящ, -вши.


1. People beginning to study languages often say that it is difficult to memorize words. 2.The boiling water changes into steam. 3. The water boiling in the vessel changes into steam. 4. We need devices improving the accuracy of measurements. 5. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms. 6. The boiling solution has neither colour nor odour. 7. The ocean surrounding this land gave birth to wonderful flora and fauna. 8. The engineers constructing the natural gas pipeline came across many difficulties.


Переведите на русский язык. Помните, что страдательное причастие I переводится часто определительным придаточным предложением.



1. The plant being built in our district will produce radio sets. 2. The natural gas pipeline being constructed lately by all European countries is one of the most important projects. 3. The man being sent into outer space is a highly qualified and experienced pilot. 4. The tools being tested once more showed accurate characteristics. 5.The tests being performed by our researches are very important. 6. Depending on the method being used for solving this problem, there exist several types of energy converters. 7. The speed of sound is affected by temperature, being increased in air by about 11 feet per sound for every degree rise in temperature on the Fahrenheit scale.


IV. Переведите предложения с причастием I в функции обстоятельства. Помните, что причастие I переводится деепричастием, придаточным предложением. Причастие I перфектное переводится деепричастием совершенного вида, оканчивающемся на –в; -вши.

1. Being very light, strong and noncorrosive, aluminum is an ideal construction metal. 2. Having released the energy in the form of radiation, man learned to use it for detecting various defects in metals. 3. When heating a magnet we lessen its magnetism. 4. While analyzing the quality of the alloy the engineer showed its negative properties. 5. Being offered no post in Russia, Kovalevskaya went abroad. 6. Having been insulated the wire may be used as conductor. 7. Being cooled in the air the metal hardened. 8. The metal cooled in the air, having been heated to a definite temperature in the furnace. 9. Having finished the test he put down the results.


V. Определите формы и функции причастия I. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. The assistant preparing the solution does it very carefully. 2. The main thing manufactured in Britain up to the 17th century was woolen cloth. 3. The engineer delivering a report gave many interesting examples. 4. The house being built in this street will be our new hotel. 5. The metal being used in that experiment was titanium. 6. The performing this task is working successfully. 7. The electromagnetic theory being discussed by the scientists describes light as sound waves.


VI. Переведите предложения с причастием I в роли части сказуемого.

1. They were making this experiment from 11 to 3 p.m. 2. The pace of outer space research is growing rapidly. 3. Scientists are successfully developing quantum generators called lasers. 4. The students were being asked many questions. 5. Large centers are being set up for research in physics of elementary particles. 6. This apparatus is receiving telegrams. 7. Who is running this factory?


VII. Определите формы и функции причастия I в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. The student was asking an interesting question when the dean of our faculty came in. 2. The films being shown are of American production. 3. Having been typed the report was handed to the engineer. 4. The house being built in our street will soon be ready. 5. Having typed the report, the typist asked the engineer to see if there were any mistakes. 6. The man producing these parts is our best worker. 7. While delivering the lecture a famous scientist stressed some points in it. 8. Having used the appliance improved by a group of workers of our shop, we mechanized a number of operations. 9. When producing these articles the shop acquired a good reputation. 10. Having been produced these parts were sent to various factories. 11. While moving in space any object does work. 12. The flight of any object moving through the air depends upon the laws of aerodynamics.


Переведите предложения с причастием II в роли определения.

1. You have to repair the broken parts of that engine. 2. The part broken by you should be repaired at once. 3. We shall use instruments of improved design. 4. The method of work improved by this young worker will increase the output of our plant. 5. The plans proposed did not meet the requirements of our plant. 6. The method used depended upon the material selected. 7. In England the weight of luggage allowed varies with different railways. 8. The techniques applied must be discussed once more. 9. The results obtained are very good. 10. The substance heated changed its properties. 11. The results of the experiment achieved in the lab must be checked once more. 12.The data supplied by the “Cosmos” sputniks have enabled us to solve many technological problems.

VIII. Переведите предложения с причастием II в роли:

а) обстоятельства;

б) части сказуемого


1. When asked, the worker answered that he knew the subject very well. 2. Unless discussed, this new method must be used. 3. Ice melts when heated. 4. The instructions became perfectly understood, if translated. 5. If frozen, water becomes ice. 6. Subjected to high temperature, aluminium loses its strength rapidly. 7. Cooled the solution will be ready. 8. When mounted, the new device will help to mechanize a number of operations.


1. The lecture in physics was followed by a film. 2. The film has been followed by the lecture. 3. In this shop closed at 7 a.m.? 4. This laboratory work has been done successfully. 5. The plan was fulfilled in advance. 6. Transfer machines are considered to be the backbone of automation. 7. “A metal” is a bright solid that can be forged as has been formulated by M. Lomonosov. 8. We have provided our plants with various safety devices.


IX. Переведите предложения с причастием II с союзами. Помните, что такие предложения переводятся при помощи придаточных предложений с соответствующими союзами в функции обстоятельства:

when, while, unless, if, where, unless, though.

When hot the body emits infra-red radiation. – Когда тело раскалено, оно испускает инфракрасные лучи.

1. While translating the article I did not use the dictionary. 2. Unless wet wood burns well. 3. While in prison and exile V. Kuibyshev studied philosophy, the German language. 4. If applied in construction plastics offer advantages over other materials. 5. Though built the atomic power station required another thorough investigation of its technological parameters. 6. Ice melts if (it is) heated.

X. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что слова с суффиксом -ed, могут быть частью сказуемого, а также выступать в роли определения, обстоятельства.


1. When dissolved in cold water, the acids reacts very slowly. 2. The principal materials affected by magnetism are iron and steel. 3. The increased concentration of the ions of the water increases the effects caused by these ions. 4. Many of the metallic products, used extensively, are not single metals but alloys. 5. The energy lost by the hot water is equal to the energy transferred to the cold water.


1. When heated water changes into an invisible gas. 2. When evaporated water forms clouds. 3. Physical properties of water are used to define many physical constants and units. 4. Ice placed in a kettle over a fire expanded a little and melted. 5. Everybody knows that the Sun is the source of all energy stored in fuels.



1. Being asked to put down his ideas on paper, Newton did it in a very short period of time. 2. An external force applied to a body sets it in motion. 3. Having been published in 1687 the three laws of motion are still the basis for many scientific achievements. 4. Any applied force sets the body in motion. 5. It is known that some early satellites were burned up in flight having been set on wrong orbits. 6. The validity of the new theory is proved by the examples given below.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 91 | Нарушение авторских прав

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