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One pint of used oil can cover one acre of water surface and kill sensitive marinecreatures. . .

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Products containing toxic ingredients, such as degreasers, will dry the natural oil fish need for their gills to take in oxygen. Remember, if the product is hazardous to human health, it is likely hazardous to our environment. Carefully read product labels, and avoid using products that do not list ingredients.

This chart is a guide to assist responsible boaters i n identifying better alternatives and practices which will improve and protect our fragile environment.



1) Use paint containing vinyl, silicone, Teflon, or organic ingredients such as cayenne pepper. Protect the paint surface regularly with a coat of slick bottom wax. Avoid paints containing toxic metals such as copper, mercury, arsenic, or tributyltin (TBT banned by federal law), pesticides, or biocides.

2) Use low-toxic propylene glycol-type antifreeze. Avoid antifreeze containing ethylene glycol.

3) Properly maintain the engine; use non-toxic bilge cleaners and/or bilge pillows that digest hydrocarbons.

4) Avoid cleaners or detergents that emulsify or contain phosphates, ammonia, chlorine, caustic soda, surfactants, degreasers, or potassium hydroxide or cleaners that break down oil into microscopic fragments (dispersants).

5) Borax or hydrogen peroxide.

6) Apple cider vinegar to clean; baby oil to polish.

7) Lemon or lime juice in salt.

8) Use citrus or water-based products and properly dispose of wastes. Never use gasoline, and never allow hazardous wastes to enter the water.

9) Boiling water and plunger or plumber’s snake. Never use toxic substances in thru-hull drains.

10) Steam clean the engine in a dedicated service area.

11) Baking soda paste, scrub pad, “elbow grease.”

12) Use environmentally safe products.Avoid products containing chlorine, quaternary ammonia, or formaldehyde. Never discharge to the water.

13) Consider a portable power sprayer; use a high-pressure water wash in a dedicated service area on shore away from surface water. Use plain water. Avoid cleaners that emulsify or contain phosphates, ammonia, chlorine, caustic soda, surfactants, or potassium hydroxide. Never use harsh chemicals that remove protective wax coatings. Vinegar and water.

14) Physically remove old paint without chemical use. Avoid products containing methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, benzene, trichloroethane, xylene, or toluene.

15) Carbohydrate-based oils, such as soy oils.

16) Baking soda and “elbow grease.”

17) Baking soda, scouring cloth, and warm water, “elbow grease,” and a final wipe with lemon or lime juice.

18) Tarps or canvas boat covers.

19) Scrub with bronze wool and use mild soap, if necessary. Never use bleach.

20) Vinegar and lemon juice mixed in lukewarm water.

21) Olive oil or almond oil for interior wood. Use water or borax-based products.

22) Use water-based products derived from natural sources such as shellac, tung oil, and linseed oil.

23) Dispose in a proper container at the marina along with bilge pillows; never pump contaminated bilge water overboard.

24) Steam clean the engine in a dedicated work area.

25) Use drip pans or trays when changing fluids or working on engines.

26) Use suitable facilities for fish wastes. Recycle fish waste by using in compost

27) and gardens. State regulation prohibits the dumping of fish wastes in surface waters.

28) Install a fuel/air separator or whistle in fuel tank vent line. Never top off.

29) Recycle antifreeze, transmission fluid, gasoline, used oil, household batteries, paints, solvents, cleaners, pesticides, lead acid batteries, and used oil filters. Do not mix used oil with fuel, water, paint, or solvents. Never pour these hazardous chemicals down drains. Disposal in dumpsters is unlawful.

30) Look for marine service facilities that use a closed-loop hull-blasting system for hull servicing and a bottom wash recycle system for hull cleaning. Always sand and scrape on shore away from water and drains and in a dedicated area. Use dustless vacuum sanders and/or lay tarps under your work area to collect particulates. Collect the tarp and safely dispose of the scrapings.

31) Eliminate in-water hull cleaning.

32) Work on shore in a dedicated work area and use tarp to capture drips and spills.

33) The live well, propeller, anchor, hull, trailer, motor, and bilge are avenues of transfer for exotic species looking for a ride. Some parasites may live as long as ten days out of water. Thoroughly wash all of these areas away from the water and properly dispose of collected material.

34) Use designated dog runs for pets. Use disposable bags for clean up after pets.

35) Keep disease-carrying bacteria out of the water. Always pump out on shore if you have a holding tank. It is illegal to discharge untreated (deodorizers are not treatment) sewage into the surface waters of the state.

36) Boat wakes contribute to shoreline erosion and can stir up bottom sediments, reducing light essential to submerged aquatic vegetation. Avoid wakes and propeller washes by reducing boat speed before reaching speed buoys.

37) Reduce, reuse, and recycle papers, metals, glass, plastics, cardboard, and other recyclables.

What is a pesticide?

A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for:

· preventing,

· destroying,

· repelling, or

· mitigating any pest.

Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests.

Under United States law, a pesticide is also any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.

What is a pest?

Pests are living organisms that occur where they are not wanted or that cause damage to crops or humans or other animals. Examples include:

· insects,

· mice and other animals,

· unwanted plants (weeds),

· fungi,

· microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, and

· prions. (578 kb, 8 pgs, PDF)

Do household products contain pesticides?

Many household products are pesticides. All of these common products are considered pesticides:

· Cockroach sprays and baits

· Insect repellents for personal use.

· Rat and other rodent poisons.

· Flea and tick sprays, powders, and pet collars.

· Kitchen, laundry, and bath disinfectants and sanitizers.

· Products that kill mold and mildew.

· Some lawn and garden products, such as weed killers.

· Some swimming pool chemicals.

What is the balance between the risks and benefits of pesticides?

By their very nature, most pesticides create some risk of harm - Pesticides can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment because they are designed to kill or otherwise adversely affect living organisms.

At the same time, pesticides are useful to society -Pesticides can kill potential disease-causing organisms and control insects, weeds, and other pests.

Are some pesticides safer than others?

Biologically-based pesticides, such as pheromones and microbial pesticides, are becoming increasingly popular and often are safer than traditional chemical pesticides. In addition, EPA is registering reduced-risk conventional pesticides in increasing numbers.

What about pest control devices?

A pest control "device" is any instrument or contrivance (other than a firearm) intended for trapping, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. A black light trap is an example of a device.

Unlike pesticides, EPA does not require devices to be registered with the Agency. Devices are subject to certain labeling, packaging, record keeping, and import/export requirements, however. In addition, the establishment where a device is produced must be registered with EPA who will assign an Establishment Number.

For more information on devices, see Pest Control Devices.

What substances are not regulated as pesticides?

The U.S. definition of pesticides is quite broad, but it does have some exclusions:

· Drugs used to control diseases of humans or animals (such as livestock and pets) are not considered pesticides; such drugs are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

· Fertilizers, nutrients, and other substances used to promote plant survival and health are not considered plant growth regulators and thus are not pesticides.

· Biological control agents, except for certain microorganisms, are exempted from regulation by EPA. (Biological control agents include beneficial predators such as birds or ladybugs that eat insect pests.)

· Products which contain certain low-risk ingredients, such as garlic and mint oil, have been exempted from Federal registration requirements, although State regulatory requirements may still apply. For a list of ingredients which may be exempt, and a discussion of allowable label claims for such products, see EPA's Pesticide Registration Notice 2000-6, "Minimum Risk Pesticides Exempted under FIFRA Section 25(b)" (33 KB, PDF)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 93 | Нарушение авторских прав

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