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Card 2.

Card 1.

1. Let’s talk about family. What is your family like? Will you introduce it to us?

My family is not big. I’ve got a mother, a father (a sister, a brother). My mother is _____________________, she is ___ years old. She is a tall \ short woman with _____________________hair and ___________ eyes. She is a _______________________. By the character she is energetic and talkative woman.

My father is _____________________, he is ___ years old. He is a tall \ short man with _____________________hair and ___________ eyes. He is a _______________________. By the character he is calm and reasonable man.

My family is a happy one.


2. Do you agree that you take after your mum or dad? Why (not)?

Of course, I do. I agree, I take after my mum\ dad. I’ve got the same colour of eyes (_______________) and the same colour of hair (______________) and I like to _______________________ very much, as my mum\ dad.


3. What questions would you like to ask your peer if you want to know more about his\her family?


1. Is your family large or small?

2. Have you got siblings?

3. Where do your parents work?


4. What can you advise your friends to be happy in a family?


To be happy in a family you should respect and love your parents, you should be frank and honest with them and help them about the house.


5. What are your sweetest childhood memories?

My sweetest childhood memory is visiting the circus, when I was only 6. For the first time I’ve seen wild animals: lions and tigers, monkeys and elephants. They impressed me greatly. It was unforgettable.



Card 2.


1. Let’s talk about family traditions. Each family is a unique one. What is your family like? Will you introduce it to us and tell about family traditions?

My family is not big. I’ve got a mother, a father (a sister, a brother). My mother is _____________________, she is ___ years old. She is a tall \ short woman with _____________________hair and ___________ eyes. She is a _______________________. By the character she is energetic and talkative woman. My father is _____________________, he is ___ years old. He is a tall \ short man with _____________________hair and ___________ eyes. He is a _______________________. By the character he is calm and reasonable man.

My family is a happy one. There are some traditions in my family: 1) We like to discuss and solve problems together. 2) Usually we spend our weekends out of town. 3) We celebrate our birthdays at home together.

2. Do you agree that helping mum in a general cleaning about the house is a good tradition? Why (not)?


Of course, I do. Helping mum about the house is a very good tradition. Every Saturday I clean my room, vacuum the carpets and wash the floors. Working together unites the family and mum is happy.


3. What questions would you like to ask a British teenager about his\her family traditions?


1) Have you got any family traditions?

2) Is Christmas celebration a tradition in your family?

3) Do you have a tradition in your family to present gift to your mum on Mother’s Day?


4. What tradition can you advise your friend to keep, to have a close and happy family?

I can advise my friend to keep tradition of having recreational activities together. Fishing, playing sports and so on make your family close-knit.


5. Do you think it is important to follow our grandparents traditions? Why (not)?


Of course, I do. It is important to follow our grandparents traditions. For example, on the 9th of May we celebrate the Victory Day. We remember those who gave their lives for the independence of our motherland. Thanks to them we have a peaceful and happy life nowadays.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 87 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Экзаменационное задание № 8| Card 5.

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