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Chapter 13

Читайте также:
  5. Chapter 1
  6. CHAPTER 1
  7. Chapter 1



Tess went stock-still as the woman brushed against her. “So, how about it?” the brunette husked.

“Chill out, Lyds,” Adonis said, disgust marring his features. “You don’t need to scare her off. She’s not one of my groupies.”

“And I was just getting warmed up,” the woman pouted. Tess’s airway reopened as the dubiously bi-curious woman retreated to his side. “So who are you? Don’t tell me my little brother has gotten over his commitment phobia and found a girlfriend?”

Tess’s jaw slackened. “You’re his what?”

“Half-sister,” Adonis glared at both of them. “And she’s not my girlfriend.”

“So you are open to having one, right? Because I have two girls who’d be perfect for you.”

“Get in the car. I have better things to do than chauffeur your ass.”

Lydia stuck out a quivering, lower lip and grappled for his hand. “Does that mean you aren’t excited to see me? Is my visiting not a good surprise?”

He wrested his hand back. “It would’ve been better if you’d given me more than fifteen minutes’ notice.”

“But it’s funnier this way.” Giggling, she stood on her toes to ruffle his slickened hair. “You weren’t sleeping were you?”

Baffled, Tess gawked at the odd pair. She had to squint to find the familial resemblance. Without the stilettos, Lydia roughly stood at five foot three, compared to Adonis’s six three. Whereas his bone structure was all dramatic angles, her features provided a cherubic, feminine counterpoint. Her hair draped her back in a silken, chocolate cape. Encompassing elements of boldness and reticence, her eyes were dynamic sapphires, sparkling with mischief.

“Can’t we at least hit up a bar first?” she complained.

“There’s booze at the house. And I know you always carry a flask. Drink from that and let’s go.” Adonis withdrew his keys and walked to his car.

“He can be such a baby sometimes,” Lydia sighed and fished a silver flash from her inner coat pocket. “He’s lucky I like him enough to step foot in this armpit of a town.”

“Do you live in the city too?” Tess asked, not quite sure whom the brunette had been talking to.

His sister scrutinized Tess a tad too intently for someone who’d made such a theatrical display of airheaded harmlessness. The perusal didn’t last more than a handful of seconds, but apparently it was enough for the woman to gather what she needed. “How silly of me. I haven’t properly introduced myself. I’m Lydia Rousseau, Adonis’s big sister.” She presented a dainty hand tipped by flawlessly manicured nails. “And to answer your question, yes, I do live in the city.”

“Um, Tess. I’m-” What was she to him exactly?

“Nobody important,” Adonis supplied as he opened the passenger door.

Lydia knifed her brother with a scathing look. “She has to be someone important if you haven’t told her to get lost yet.”

“Lydia,” he seethed. “Car. Now.”

She spun on her heel, the tail of her pearl-white day coat fanning grandiloquently behind her. “You are going to give your precious friend a ride too, aren’t you? I’d hate to leave her out.”

“I don’t care what you fucking do!” Adonis stalked to the driver’s side. The door shut loudly behind him.

“What a prima donna.” Lydia seized her wrist and drew her towards the car. “Come, come.”

Tess tried to wiggle away. “That’s really not necessary. I appreciate the offer, but I can just walk-”

“Oh, no, I insist.” She slipped into the miniscule back seat and patted the headrest. “Get in, darling. You’re letting out the heat.”

Great. She’d given her shotgun. This wouldn’t be weird at all.

“Get in the car or shut the door!” Adonis barked.

“Don’t rush me!” The fight melted from her the moment she sank into the heated leather seat. It was enough to make her want to curl up and fall asleep.

“I’ll do what I want. It’s my car. Put your seatbelt on.”

“Campus is like two seconds away.”

“I don’t care.”

“Whatever,” she muttered and complied with the directive.

Adonis gunned the engine, whipping the car into an illegal U-turn. Even with the seatbelt snapped in place, the impetus hurled her into the door.

“What the hell!” Tess peeled her face from the window as the car straightened. “Are you trying to kill us?”

“Aren’t you glad I told you to buckle up.” A sneer belied his words.

“Why? So you could show off. We get it. You and your dick like to go fast.”

His teeth flashed. “Didn’t hear you complaining, baby. On either occasion.”

A trill shot down her back and smoldered between her legs. “Only because it was over before I could get in a word,” Tess replied, trying to conceal the hitch in her voice.

His gaze swept sensually over her, leaving her body sticky hot with awareness. Heat boiled in the silence like a storm cell, gathering energy, filling the air with pockets of electricity. Eyes still burning through her, he switched gears and tapped the gas, producing a fresh burst of speed that jolted through her chest and sent her stomach flying. Although he said nothing, she heard his mocking censure all the same. He didn’t have to condescend to address the lie.

Lydia’s head emerged from the back seat like a turtle wary of its surroundings. “Just so you know, if you guys want to drop me off at the corner and boink this out of your systems, I’m totally ok with waiting.”

A flush crawled up her neck. She’d forgotten all about their company. Nothing like airing their dirty laundry in front of a family member to make a good impression.

“Sorry,” she mumbled to the girl.

“Oh, don’t mind me darling. You two are too cute. How long have you guys been dating?”

“We’re not dating,” Adonis corrected stiffly.

“Ok, since you want to parse, how long have you two been hooking up?”

Tess’s face couldn’t have felt any hotter than if she stuck it over a gas burner and turned the flame on high. “It was only a few times. Ages ago. I’m actually seeing someone else.”

“Where am I dropping you off?” he asked quickly to derail his sister’s inquisition.

Tess provided him with turn-by-turn directions until the Ferrari prowled into the side parking lot with a throaty growl. “Thanks for the ride.”

He didn’t look at her. “You’re welcome.”

Tess promptly took her leave. “Lydia, nice to meet you. I hope we meet again.”

“Bet on it.” Lydia watched as the girl darted inside the building. “So, what was that?”

Although he’d anticipated the question, he felt ill equipped to answer it. Adonis revved the engine and peeled out of the lot. “What was what?”

“Don’t bullshit a bullshitter. Who is she, really?”

“Cameron’s girlfriend,” he said, throwing her a pointed look in the rearview mirror.


His fingers dug into the steering wheel’s leather. “We hooked up before they got together.”

“So, he’s with her even though you had first dibs?”

“Yes. No! Look, it’s a long fucking story and I don’t want to get into it,” he said agitatedly.

“Ok.” She looked out the window. “She just seems like someone special.”

“She’s not,” he swiftly shot down the notion.

Her secretive smile indicated that she hadn’t missed a thing. “Whatever you say.”

Adonis pounced on the opportunity to change the subject. “I cannot believe you came out here. And used public transportation of all things,” he scoffed.

“Well, you wouldn’t pick up your phone or answer your texts,” she sulked. “What’s a big sister supposed to do when her little brother storms off in a rage in the middle of dinner and doesn’t let me know if he’s ok?”

He hesitated. “About that-”

“Don’t sweat it,” she interrupted, her tone purposefully blasé. “I was more upset that you left before I could introduce you to my friend. You would’ve liked her.”

Adonis didn’t challenge the excuse. “How long are you staying?”

“Just the weekend. I want to see how my baby brother lives out here in the sticks.” Lydia innocently inspected her cuticles. “And to see if you need a little intervention. I’m more than willing to offer my services.”

He glared at her through the mirror. “Lydia. Stay out of it. I don’t need anything from you.”

She dipped her head forward to hide a wicked grin. “We’ll see about that.”






Tess winced as the syncopated noise thumping from the ceiling’s speakers clapped against her skull. God, she hated techno. She’d hoped consuming more alcohol would nullify her hatred. So far all it’d done was ruin a perfectly good buzz. “Why are we here?”

Jade swung around, the contents of her martini glass spilling over the rim. “What’re you talking about? This place is great! Half off martinis all night!”

“Because there’s only half the alcohol.”

“Better here drinking crappy booze than in the dorm moping over your fight with Cam,” she jabbed an accusing finger at her, “which by the way you never told me about.”

“It was nothing.”

“God, everything is nothing with you.”

The undercurrent of annoyance made Tess flinch. Well, now she could add shit friend under shit girlfriend on her list of character flaws. The only reason she’d agreed to come out tonight was to spend time with Jade. They hadn’t talked-talked in months. Tess knew she was hoarding more secrets than the Vatican, but telling her would only complicate things. “Really, J. It’s something stupid.”

“Whatever,” she muttered and drained the rest of her martini. “Let’s tab out. Lance said the others are looking for us.”

She didn’t argue as they paid their tabs and squeezed through the gyrating bodies for the exit.

Jade linked their arms. “I’m not trying to be a bitch. I just worry about you. You never talk to me anymore.”

“I know. I just don’t want to make you choose sides,” Tess lied.

“Because you already know whose side I have.” Jade bumped into her.

“See, and that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you.” Tess pulled her closer for warmth. “Don’t worry about Cam and I. We’ll be fine.”

Eventually, maybe. Although he pretended like the argument of sorts never happened, Tess couldn’t readily forget it. It stung that her best friend of all people thought her capable of being so malicious.

“Just know I’ve always got your back.”

Tess hugged her. “I heart you.”

“I heart you more.”

Several minutes later, they trampled into the boys’ house. Though not quite as flashy or packed as their usual soirees, the party was far from dead.

Her stomach dropped when she saw Adonis across the den. What was he doing here?

Arms latched around her waist. “Tess, you made it!”

“Lydia, you’re here,” she tried to mimic her enthusiasm.

“Of course I am. Wouldn’t be a successful weekend without a party. Who’s your friend?”

“Jade, this is Lydia.” She hesitated. “Adonis’s sister. Lydia, my friend and roommate, Jade.”

Jade gave her a one-over. “God, you’re all beautiful. You wouldn’t happen to have another brother, would you?”

If Tess hadn’t known what to look for, she would’ve missed the minutest of flinches from the girl.

“Are you really that desperate?” Lance cut in for the unsuspecting rescue.

Jade tossed her hair over her shoulder. “What’s it to you?”

A red Solo cup materialized in front of Tess. “Um, thanks.” She accepted the cup from Lydia.

Like the cat that got the cream, she smiled slyly. “No problemo. Consider it a favor amongst friends.”

Something told her it was one she would pay for dearly later. “Have you seen Cam?”

“He’ll be in later,” she brushed off. “Come smoke with me.”

“I don’t smoke.”

“Good for you. Come with me.” Wielding more strength than someone her size should’ve been capable of, Lydia shepherded her out.

Shivering, Tess wrapped her arms around herself as they stepped onto the deck. “Aren’t you cold?” she asked the shorter woman, whose only protection from the freezing clutches of winter was a thin camisole.

“Don’t worry. I run hot.” Lydia lit her cigarette. “So, what’s the deal with you and my baby bro?”

And there was her angle. “Deal? There is no deal.”

“You know, it’s never a good thing to base a relationship off of lies.”

Tess could drink to that. “We messed around a few times. It wasn’t anything serious.”

The other girl took a contemplative drink. “Even so, my brother needs someone like you in his life.”

“What makes you say that?”

Lydia dropped the flashy pretenses and polished glamor. The transformation was startling. Aged pain and exhaustion reflected mutely in her eyes. Faint worry lines wrinkled the otherwise smooth skin of her forehead. And suddenly her emotions seemed more authentic. “Because of the way he looks at you. You may not see it, but I do. Believe it or not, he trusts you. And that’s more than I can say about most of the people in his life.”

Tess shifted, uncomfortable with the conversation’s deviation.

“Just hear me out,” Lydia pressed on urgently. “He needs someone who can put him in his place and see through his shit. I’ll sleep better at night knowing that he has someone who actually cares about him instead his fly-by-night hoes. And before you say it, I know you’re with Cameron, who I love like a brother. All I’m asking is that you watch his back. He’s more vulnerable than he lets on.”

Before Tess could say her piece, a large figure blocked her line of sight. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Adonis growled at his sister, looking a great deal harassed and markedly sober.

Lydia brightened. “Oh, there you are. We were just looking for you.”

“Bullshit you were. Didn’t I tell you to leave her alone?”

Lydia adapted an expression of bewilderment. “Did you? No matter. I need another drink. Tootles darlings.” She flounced back inside.

“What’d she say?” he asked, eyes narrowed.

“Nothing bad.” Tess smiled. “Your sister really cares about you.”

“Half-sister,” he corrected automatically. “And she’s a nosey busybody.”

A pregnant pause infiltrated the conversation. Even with Cam’s dubstep playlist grinding disjointedly in the background and the drunken rambling of other smokers, she felt the acute awkwardness of the moment.

“Sorry about the other night,” she blurted. “I didn’t mean to put what happened out there like that in front of Lydia.”

His mouth flattened. “It’s fine. I’m sure she would’ve found out anyway.”

Cue another awkward silence.

“Did you decide what you’re doing? Medically,” she said for lack of anything better to say.

He spared her an indecipherable look. “I set up an appointment. To see a shrink,” he muttered, digging out his Marlboros and unloading one with his teeth.

“That’s good.” Tess downed more of her drink. “Why didn’t you mention you had a sister?”

“Half-sister. And it’s complicated.” Smoke billowed in front of him. “Her mother is my father’s side piece.”

That didn’t sound so complex. “How much older is she than you?”

“Four years. She’s in grad school.”

Tess frowned as she mulled over their ages. “So was he with Lydia’s mother before he met yours?”

The cigarette sailed over the deck’s balustrade as he headed back in. Guilt rolling, Tess grabbed the tail of his shirt. “Adonis, wait. How about for tonight we forget everything for once and enjoy ourselves?”

His wolfish grin unfurled slowly. “You know what I’d really enjoy.”

Tess knew he was deflecting. She’d take it over being frozen out. “Feel free to hold your breath on that one.”




Sometimes Riley hated that he attended such a small school. He huddled over the counter as one of his former one night stands sauntered past unhurriedly, not so subtly studying the lay of the land. Probably in search of him.

He extinguished a breath as she moved on.

Crisis averted, for the time being.

Cameron fell next to him. “Hey.”

“Where’ve you been?”

“Don’t ask. I just spent the past hour listening to my lab partner nitpick through one of our papers.”

“The bird you turned down?”

“Yeah. And apparently she won’t ever let me live it down. I miss anything?”

“Not if you discount Hurricane Lydia,” Riley groused.

“She’s not bad. A little pushy.”

“Then you and I have completely different definitions of little. Y’know she demanded I scrub down the shower until I could see my reflection.”

Cameron laughed as he poured himself a drink. “She’s used to a different standard of living.”

“Then next time tell her to bring her handmaid.”

“You’ll survive until tomorrow.”

Before Riley could further lament the infuriating presence that was Lydia, a flash of coppery curls outside the sliding glass door held him up.

Although embroiled in a heated argument with her companion, their usual acid-spitting hostility was missing. His stomach revolted as Adonis grabbed the hand she’d been waving in front of his face and angled his body closer to whisper something in her ear. Riley didn’t miss the intimacy of the action. Any person with half a brain could see the sexual tension thrumming between the two.

“How’re you and Tess gettin’ along?” he couldn’t help but ask.

Cameron grimaced. “Good enough, I guess.”

“You guess, eh? Wouldn’t have to do with the guy she slept with?” Riley rinsed the distaste from his mouth with more beer.

“No. We already talked about it. As far as we’re both concerned, we’re starting on a clean slate.”

His brow jumped. “So you’re ok with it?”

“It’d be a little hypocritical if I wasn’t.”

Riley was impressed. “I just don’t get how those two got mixed up together. Out of all the guys on this campus she had to pick Adonis. The lass could’ve done better. I know he’s your friend but…” He cut himself off as the blood drained from the other man’s face.

Aw, fuck.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 92 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Prob hanging out around the house. | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Is everything ok? |
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