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Study of different approaches for analyzing

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Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 200 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: By the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) surface replica technique | Sulfite and alkaline cooking procedures, as well as the heterogeneous distribution | For some of the differences in dissolving properties of acid sulfite and PHK pulps. | Tab. 11.12 Characterization of TCF-bleached beech PHK pulps | Dissolve out of the cell wall during pulping (macropores). The amount of | Thermal treatment has a negligible effect on the amount of nonfreezing bound | Alkaline processing due to limited swelling conditions. The results indicate that | Has been extensively investigated and technologically developed by Fischer | Degradation kinetics can be described by means of zero order, whereby using the | Structure of the cellulosic material and the type of chemical interaction with the |
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Parameters Viscose products Cellulose acetate High-viscosity ether| The prehydrolysis-alkaline sulfite process

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