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ROLE-PLAY. Disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Use the formulas of disagreement.

Читайте также:
  1. A formula - formulae (formulas), a crisis - crises, a criterion - criteria, an index - indices, a bacterium — bacteria, an axis — axes
  2. A) Read the following voice mail messages and complete each message using one of the three verbs In the box.
  3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.
  4. Deal with these problems. Brownstock washing following an oxygen delignification
  5. Disagreeing
  6. Ex 11 Change the following sentences using the words in bold type.
  7. Ex 14 Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech following the examples. Notice the changes in the pronouns.


Far from it… I don’t think so…
You are wrong… Quite the opposite…


1. The history of Russia is a short and insignificant story.

2. The history of the Russian Federation is very long, dating back to the Kievan Rus.

3. The modern Russian state is geographically isolated and the most impressive thing about the country is its tiny size.

4. Russia’s climate is very mild, not distinguished by extremes of heat and cold.

5. Russia is one of the most poorly endowed nations in the world in mineral wealth.

6. Russia has a complete range of only extractive industries.

7. St. Petersburg is the capital of Russia, its administrative, economic, political and educational centre.

8. Moscow is not known as the city of numerous places of interest.


42. Read and act out the conversations:


1. At the Bolshoi Theatre


§ Good evening, Ann!

§ Good evening, Peter! This is a small world! How are you?

§ Fine, thanks. How are you?

§ Life is going its usual way. Thanks.

§ Pleased to hear it. Incidentally, where do you have a seat?

§ In the stalls, row C. And where is your seat?

§ In the box, close to the stage.

§ So you don’t have to use opera glasses.

§ That's right. What do you think of the play?

§ The action develops slowly. Some scenes are dull. The cast is not very good. Do you share my opinion?

§ Frankly speaking I do. That happens to be a rather poor performance. Have you been to this theatre before?

§ Haven’t had a chance, you know. I am here for the first time. I like the hall. It is beautifully decorated. The chairs are comfortable and the chandelier is wonderful. To put it in a nutshell everything here is magnificent but the performance.

§ I advise you to see «Othello» by Shakespeare at this theatre. You will be impressed.

§ I have been dreaming of seeing any play by Shakespeare in this country. I’ll do my best to see «Othello».

§ I want to inform you that the best actors are engaged in the performance. The leading man is the famous actor. His name is well-known both in this country and abroad.

§ I hope I’ll enjoy the performance. The lights are going down.

§ We must hurry to the hall. In a minute the curtain will be up.

§ Be seeing you later.


2. At the Cinema


§ Shall we see a film this evening?

§ That would be delightful. I haven’t seen any films for many weeks.

§ There are several movies in my neighbourhood which show the latest pictures.

§ Let’s consult the newspaper to see what movies are being shown in town.

§ A splendid idea.

§ At the nearest cinema house they show a film which is considered the best film of the year.

§ My wife and I have already seen it. We enjoyed it immensely.

§ Here is a good programme. They show two main pictures: a French film and an American. I don’t think you have seen them.

§ I have seen neither of them. Shall we be able to obtain seats? That movie house is always full.

§ Seats are not reserved at that movie house, but I am sure we shall be able to get in. Most likely we’ll have to wait for stall seats. Shall we buy balcony seats, if stall seats are not available?

§ Please don’t. I have seen a film from the balcony. It is too far from the screen. You know my eyesight is rather poor. I wear glasses.

§ The movie starts in ten minutes. There are many comfortable seats in the foyer. We can wait there and enjoy a cigarette in the meantime. After the picture ends there will be many vacant seats.




§ Well, what do you think of the films?

§ I enjoyed both of them. In the French film the actors spoke English with a slight French accent. The acting was faultless. The plot of the English film was extremely interesting.

§ You have said it — I was carried away by the plot, so I didn't see any faults.

§ I liked the newsreel. Actually I had a lovely evening.

§ Thank you for a pleasant evening. I am planning to go to the opera house with you in the near future.

§ I am all for it.


43. Answer the following questions:


1. Are you a theatre/cinema-goer?

2. Are your parents theatre/cinema-goers?

3. How often do you go to the cinema/theatre?

4. Do you prefer watching TV or going to the cinema?

5. What films do you like?

6. Do you often watch horror films?

7. What do you think about horror films?

8. Do you often watch video-films?

9. Who is your favourite film actor, actress?

10. What is the most interesting film you have seen?

11. How many theatres are there in your town?

12. What theatre is the best in your town?

13. Do you reserve seats in advance?

14. Do theatres/cinemas offer a good programme?

15. Do you go to the cinema/theatre alone or with your classmates?

16. Have you ever been to any Moscow theatre?




44. Read the text below and decide what the missing word might be in each case (the most are prepositions). Fill in the missing words where necessary. Read the following text carefully in order to discover the main line of thought and make a plan for writing a summary:


An Expensive Horseshoe


The English king Richard the Lion Heart 1 ___ a tall and strong man. He was very proud 2 ___ his strength and often liked to show people how strong he was. Once as he was riding 3 ___ horseback in the country-side he suddenly noticed that his horse had lost one of its shoes. Luckily, he was not far 4 ___ a little village and soon he found a blacksmith. «Give me a good horseshoe,» he said 5 ___ the man.

The blacksmith chose a horseshoe and gave it 6 ___ him. Richard took it 7 ___ his hands and broke it 8 ___ two. «This horseshoe is no good», he said 9 ___ the blacksmith, «give me a better one». The blacksmith gave him another but Richard broke it almost as easily as the first one. The blacksmith was surprised 10 ___ it, but he did not say a word. He found a third horseshoe and offered it 11 ___ the king. This time Richard seemed to be satisfied 12 ___ it and ordered the Blacksmith to shoe his horse.

When the work was done, Richard offered the man a coin. The blacksmith took the coin, looked 13 ___ it, and, putting it 14 ___ his fingers, broke it in two. Now it was Richard’s turn to be surprised. He took a larger coin 15 ___ of his pocket and handed it 16 ___ to the blacksmith. The man broke it again 17 ___ the same ease, adding: «This coin is no good, give me a better one»! Richard smiled and, handing the man a gold coin, said: «Your horseshoes are rather expensive, my friend, but I am glad to have met a man who is as strong as I am. I should like to have you 18 ___ my army.»

It is said that the blacksmith joined Richard’s army and fought side 19 ___ side with the king 20 ___ many battles.


Pre-Text Exercises: Word Building Active Vocabulary   Text 4A. The United States of America Text 4B. Washington and New York Text 4C. British Parliament Text 4D. London   Text And Vocabulary Exercises Conversational Practice Writing Practice


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 121 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Make up situations using the English equivalents of the words given above.| PRE-TEXT EXERCISES

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