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Disadvantages of a Corporation

Читайте также:
  1. An S-corporation is not always best.
  2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.
  4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
  5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
  6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car.

Ø A corporation is difficult and expensive to create and organize. This process requires higher start-up capital and the services of a lawyer to obtain a government charter.

Ø Corporation is subject to double taxation. As a legal entity it pays a corporate income tax. Then, if the corporation distributes some of its net income to the stockholders as dividends, they are taxed again on the stockholders’ individual income tax returns.

The shareholders do not directly manage the corporation's daily operations. Instead, the shareholders meet at a corporation’s annual meeting to elect a board of directors whose job is to make general business decisions. Their decisions are then implemented by the corporation's officers, who are appointed by the directors.


Exercise 1. Read, translate into Ukrainian in written form and memorize the definitions of the following economic terms and concepts.

1. Board of directors:elected representatives of corporate stockholders. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
2. Corporation: a business organization created under a government charter. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
3. Dividends: payments made from the earnings of a corporation to its stockholders. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
4. Liability: any claim on, or debt of, a business or individual. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
5. Limited liability: an advantage of a corporation allowing a stockholder no legal responsibility for the debts beyond the sum he or she has invested in the corporation. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________
6. Partnership: an unincorporated business organization owned by two or more persons. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________
7. Sole proprietorship: a business that is owned by one person. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
8. Stock: a share in the ownership in a corporation. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
9. Stockholder: an owner of stock in a corporation _____________________________________ _____________________________________
10. Unlimited liability: a requirement that the owner or owners assume full responsibility for all losses or debts of a business. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


Exercise 2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following.

1. a key factor to success of any business organization _____________________________________ _____________________________________
2. a sole proprietor  
3. all the obligations of the business  
4. to assume the burden of any losses or liabilities _____________________________________ _____________________________________
5. the owner’s personal financial resources _____________________________________ _____________________________________
6. to operate it for profit  
7. to benefit a partnership by his/her knowledge _____________________________________
8. their portion of earnings  
9. to pay off all the business’s debts  
10. to put great efforts into the management _____________________________________ _____________________________________
11. a new partnership agreement must be drawn up _____________________________________ _____________________________________
12. its legal independence  
13. not to be liable for the debts of a company _____________________________________ _____________________________________
14. to enter or leave a corporation at will  
15. the corporation’s power of succession  
16. to obtain a government charter  
17. to be subject to double taxation  
18. to elect a board of directors  


Exercise 3. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases from the text.

1. організаційна форма бізнесу організація бізнесу; _____________________________________ _____________________________________
2. брати до уваги  
3. підприємство, що знаходиться у приватній власностідприємицтва _____________________________________ _____________________________________
4. найменш дорога та найпростіша для того щоб засновувати та керувати форма підприємництва _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________
5. будь-який прибуток отриманий від підприємства/компанії _____________________________________ _____________________________________
6. особисте майно  
7. діяти як співвласники  
8. особливий податковий режим  
9. участь у прибутках  
10. спричиняти конфлікти в управлінні  
11. вихід або смерть партнера  
12. як окрема юридична особа  
13. власність корпорації  
14. підприємство банкрутує  
15. мати тривале існування  
16. більший початковий капітал  
17. свій чистий прибуток  
18. щоденна/повсякденна діяльність корпорації  

Exercise 4. Match these nouns/noun phrases and nouns/noun phrases as they occur together in the text: translate the expressions they make into Ukrainian.

1. the amount   tax return
2. a form   agreement
3. a partnership   capital
4. the disagreements from one’s bank account
5. a level between business organization
6. the money of control
7. an income   the partners
8. the corporation’s power   succession



Exercise 5. Match these verbs, prepositions and nouns/noun phrases as they occur together in the text: translate the expressions they make into Ukrainian.

1. to set   a corporate income tax
2. to be entitled   its business activity
3. to be free to make   additional funds
4. to state   all the profits
5. to specialize for any business decision
6. to excite to certain activities of the business
7. to harm up a privately owned enterprise
8. to pay on to higher start-up capital
9. to pass in controversy
10. to raise   the shares of stock
11. to require   the terms of the partnership
12. to pay   their heirs

Exercise 6. Copy out from the texts the sentences containing the following words and word-combinations and translate these sentences into Ukrainian.

expected profits or losses of the business: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

the owner pays: ____________________________________________________________


can be taken to pay: ________________________________________________________


the terms of the partnership: __________________________________________________


are likely to harm: __________________________________________________________


a business that is authorized by law: ___________________________________________


but under their total control: __________________________________________________


additional funds: ___________________________________________________________


they are taxed again: _______________________________________________________


Exercise 7. Find in the box the English equivalents to the words listed below. More than one is possible.

1. акція (3)  
2. брати до уваги (2)  
3. відповідальний (2)  
4. відповідальність (2)  
5. діяльність (2)  
6. єдиноосібний власник (2)  
7. заради когось (3)  
8. засновувати підприємство (3)  
9. керувати підприємством (3)  
10. кредитоспроможність (2)  
11. надходження (2)  
12. підприємство (3)  
13. припиняти діяти (2)  
14. розподіляти (2)  
15. суперечка (3)  
the stock to bear in mind a share asole trader an enterprise
responsible for the benefit of liable proceeds to distribute
liability to start a business to share operation a controversy
activity to manage a business a conflict receipts responsibility
a business one’s ability to borrow to establish a business
to terminate a sole proprietor to end in behalf of a company
to take into consideration for one’s benefit to run a business
borrowing power to operate a business a disagreement
to launch a business a share of stock

Exercise 8. Pair the halves of the sentences and write the completed sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. If a sole proprietorship fails the creditors have the right a) his or her personal assets and liabilities.
2. The more partners there are, b) manage daily business policies.
3. At will, a sole proprietor may expand operations or contract them, c) the amount of investment in the corporation and no more.
4. There is no distinction between the sole proprietor’s business assets and liabilities and d) the management of the business, business's debts and liabilities.
5. The business failure or death of a partner e) the primary advantages of partnership.
6. All of the partners are equally responsible for f) the more start-up capital they can put into the business.
7. The stockholders elect a board of directors to make the major business decisions and g) to start and achieve success through their individual efforts.
8. A stockholder's personal liability is limited to h) two separate legal entities.
9. A corporation and its shareholders are i) sell his or her business or liquidate it.
10. Sole proprietorships are the easiest form of businesses for people j) usually leads to the end of the partnership.
11. The availability of more financial resources and ease of shared management are k) to recover the total amount of the debt by selling off the owner's assets.


____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


Exercise 9. At least one word or word-combination has been omitted from each of these sentences. Rewrite the sentences filling in the blanks from the list of missing words below and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. What distinguishes __________________________ from other forms of business organizations is that one person owns the firm and he is free to make _________________ _____________.


2. All the profits of a sole proprietor are reported on _________________ and taxed as _____________________________.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Most corporations ___________ imposed on their income, and corporate shareholders, in turn, pay taxes on ____________ ______________________ that they receive as dividends.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. A partnership is an enterprise established and owned by more than one person who ______________________________ to manage the firm.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. By selling its stock, a corporation ___________________________ needed to establish the business and ________________________.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Liability refers to legal responsibilities _____________________ of a business.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Shares of stock issued and sold by the corporation represent ________________________________________.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. In general, the partnership shares the same _________________________________ as the sole proprietorship.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. A sole trader often ________________________ in raising funds and is limited by the personal financial resources and his or her _____________________.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. ______________________ of a sole proprietorship depends on the borrowing power of the owner and his abilities ______________________.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. A partnership is ____________ between two or more persons to combine their assets, knowledge and skills to manage a business _______________.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Because __________________ in a large corporation is separated from those who own it, the death of one or more owners does not cause a __________________________.


ability to borrow management raises the capital a corporation’s failure
suffers difficulties the tax return pay taxes a sole proprietorship
to pay for debts for profit success or failure to finance its growth
have equal rights and powers an agreement to operate a business
whatever changes he wishes the owner’s personal income the ownership of a corporation
the share of the corporation's income advantages and disadvantages


Exercise 10. Match each term in column A with its definition in column B.

1. Corporation a. A business organization in which owners share the profits and are jointly responsible for any losses.
2. Dividend b. If the company goes into liquidation because of debts, each stockholder has to pay his full share of the debts of the company.
3. Liability c. A group of people authorized by law to act as one person and have liability separate from its owners
4. Limited liability d. A form of business organization in which the assets and liabilities of the firm are the owner's assets and liabilities without limit.
5. Partnership e. A part of a corporation's profits which is divided among the stockholders.
6. Sole proprietorship f. If the company goes into liquidation because of debts, each stockholder may have to lose the cost of his or her shares of stock.
7. Unlimited liability g. The legal obligation to make some payment or to pay debts


Exercise 11. Translate into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Усі форми організації бізнесу створюються і існують, щоб отримувати прибуток. _______________________________________ _______________________________________
2. Одноосібний власник особисто і повністю відповідальний за усі заходи, які він вживає заради свого підприємства. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
3. Як одноосібна власність, так і партнерство - це організаційні форми бізнесу з необмеженою відповідальністю. _____________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
4. Партнерська угода складається кожного разу, коли один з партнерів залишає справу. _______________________________________ _______________________________________
5. І одноосібна власність, і партнерство не є юридичними особами. _______________________________________ _______________________________________
6. Партнерська угода складається, щоб обмежити відповідальність кожного партнера та уникнути конфліктів керування. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
7. На відміну від корпорації, яка існує незалежно від своїх власників, існування партнерств залежить від їх власників. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________
8. Кожний партнер відповідаль-ний за щоденну діяльність, вкладаючи свої зусилля, знання та уміння у розвиток підприємства. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
9. Корпорації можуть продавати свої нові випуски акцій громадськості, щоб збільшити фінансові ресурси. 1. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
10. Корпорація – це організаційна форма бізнесу, яка створюється за дозволом уряду. _______________________________________ _______________________________________
11. Акціонери як власники корпорації мають обмежену відповідальність. _______________________________________ _______________________________________
12. Обмежена відповідальність означає, що якщо корпорація припиняє діяльність або банкрутує, акціонери можуть втратити лише те, що вони заплатили за свої акції. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
13. Акціонери мають право на частину чистого прибутку корпорації, розподіленого їм у вигляді дивідендів. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Exercise 12. Answer the following question.

1. What must be taken into consideration before starting a business organization? 2. What are three different ways that a business can be privately owned? 3. What is a sole proprietorship? 4. What are the advantages of this form of business organization? 5. What are the disadvantages of a sole proprietorship? 6. What is a sole proprietor responsible for? 7. What does preferential tax treatment mean? 8. What does unlimited liability mean? 9. What is a partnership? 10. What does a partnership agreement state? 11. What are the advantages of a partnership? 12. Are there any advantages of a partnership over a sole proprietorship? What are they? 13. What are the disadvantages of a partnership? 14. Why can management conflicts occur? 15. What is a corporation? 16. What is the essential feature of a corporation? 17. Who owns a corporation? 18. What are the major advantages of a corporation? 19. What is limited liability? 20. What is the advantage of limited liability? 21. What liability do the shareholders have? 22. Who can become a shareholder? 23. Why does a corporation have a continuous existence? 24. Why is it much easier for a corporation to increase additional capital? 25. What are the major disadvantages of a corporation? 26. What does the process of creating a corporation require? 27. What does double taxation refer to? 28. What are dividends? 29. What is the role of the board of directors?


Questions for economic reasoning and discussion

1. The three types of business ownership - sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation - each has several advantages and disadvantages. Classify each of the characteristics of the different forms of business as advantages or disadvantages. Some characteristics may be used more than once.

1. Unlimited liability. 1. Business ends with death of one owner unless other arrangements are made.
2. Stockholders can buy and sell their shares without ending the business. 2. Combines capital resources of more than one person.
3. Do not have to pay corporate income tax on profits. 3. Ownership is relatively easy to transfer.
4. Must pay a special tax on profits. 4. No limit on size.
5. It is necessary to hire a lawyer to organize a business. 5. Ownership is relatively difficult to transfer.
6. Limited liability. 6. Can continue operations indefinitely.
7. Management is separate from ownership when they get very large. 7. Easiest kind of business to operate.
8. Limits on size 8. Owner can always be the "boss".


  Advantages Disadvantages
Sole proprietorship ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Partnership ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Corporation ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Would you like to own your own business? Why or why not? If so, would you prefer to buy an existing business or start from the first? Explain your choice. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



a. What product or service would you provide?


b. What talents, interests, skills, and abilities do you have that can make you successful in this business?



c. Where would you want to locate the business and for what reasons? ______________________________________________________________________


d. What type of business organization would you prefer? (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation)? Explain you choice.



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Advantages of a Partnership| PART THREE Questions 23—30

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