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Photography gained the interest of many scientists and artists from its inception. Photography is used to preserve memories of favourite times, to capture special moments, to tell stories, to send messages, and as a source of entertainment. It is thinking made visual.
The word "photography" comes from Greek words phos ("light") and graphis ("drawing"), together meaning "drawing with light."
Photography is the process of recording pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium, such as a film or electronic sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects expose a sensitive silver halide based chemical or electronic medium during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a the image-forming device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically using digital electronic or magnetic memory. Photography has many uses for both business and pleasure. Photography can also be viewed as a commercial and artistic endeavour.
The aphorism "one picture is worth a thousand words" formed an interesting basis for photo design. Magazines and newspapers, companies putting up Web sites, advertising agencies and other groups pay for photography. Commercial advertising relies heavily on photography and has contributed greatly to its development. Many people take photographs for self-fulfilment or for commercial purposes. Hence, the commercial photographic world can divided into various specific branches of photography.
Advertising photography is made to illustrate and usually sell a service or product. These images are generally done with an advertising agency, design firm or with an in-house corporate design team.
Fashion photography is a genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. Fashion photography is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, or Allure. Over time, fashion photography has developed its own aesthetic in which the clothes and fashions are enhanced by exotic locations and story lines. Fashion and glamour photography usually incorporates models. Fashion photography emphasizes the clothes or product, glamour emphasizes the model. Glamour photography is popular in advertising and in men's magazines. Models in glamour photography may be nude, but this is not always the case.
Crime scene photography consists of photographing scenes of crime such as robberies and murders. A black and white camera or an infrared camera may be used to capture specific details.
Still life photography usually depicts inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made.
Food photography can be used for editorial, packaging or advertising use. Food photography is similar to still life photography, but requires some special skills.
Editorial photography illustrates a story or idea within the context of a magazine.
Photojournalism can be considered a subset of editorial photography as the photographs made in this context are accepted as a documentation of a news story.
Portrait and wedding photography are usually bespoken with the customer and sold directly to the end user of the images.
Fine art photography is made to fulfil a vision whereas landscape photography represents different locations made to be sold to tourists as postcards. Wildlife photography in its turn demonstrates life of the animals.
Photographers can also specialize in other subjects unique to photography, including street photography, documentary photography, fashion photography, wedding photography and commercial photography.
IV Answer the questions:
1. What is the origin of the word "photography"?
2. What is photography?
3. What storage media can be used?
4. What was the basis for photo design?
5. Why do people take photographs?
6. What specific branches of photography are mentioned in the text? Add to the list.
7. How can you describe fashion photography?
8. What is still life?
9. What is preferably used to capture details?
10. How can photographers be often categorized?
V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:
1. Photography is not only the process of taking shots. It is ….
2. People take photographs not only for commercial purposes but for … as well.
3. … photography is made to illustrate and sell a service or product.
4. … photography displays clothing and other fashion items.
5. … photography accentuates on the model.
6. … photography captures the bridal couples during wedding ceremonies.
7. A story or main idea for the magazine is illustrated in … photography.
8. … is similar to still life photography.
9. … is often used to capture specific details.
10. … photography demonstrates life of the animals.
VI Find the English equivalents to the words:
документальні зйомки, художня фотографія, натюрморт, мистецька фотографія, портрет, пристрій для зйомки в інфрачервоних променях, місце натурних зйомок, портретний живопис, модельна фотографія.
VII Make up sentences with the terms:
light patterns, representation, light-sensitive medium, commercial photography, fashion photography, still life, landscape photography, portraiture.
VIII Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:
photo design, fashion photography, glamour photography, still life photography, editorial photography, photojournalism, portrait, fine art photography, wildlife photography.
IX Translate the sentences into English:
1. Фотографія зберігає найкращі спогади, розповідає історії з нашого життя, передає наші думки.
2. Фотографія створюються завдяки відображенню світла, що проходить через лінзу фотокамери, на світлочутливому носії.
3. Рекламний бізнес неможливий без творчих зусиль фото-відео дизайнерів.
4. Натюрморт відображує зображення неживих загальновідомих природних речей.
5. Фотожурналістика дуже близька до поліграфічної зйомки, але її результати стосуються здебільшого матеріалів новин.
6. Модельна фотографія фокусується на зображенні манекенниць і моделей для журналів переважно з чоловічою аудиторією.
7. Фотограф – це той, хто робить знімки за допомогою фотокамери, дизайнер – створює неперевершені картини, кожна з яких варта тисячі слів.
X Speak on the topic using the following words and word combinations:
drawing with light, the process of recording pictures, a film or electronic sensor, a sensitive silver halide based medium, both business and pleasure, artistic endeavour, “one picture is worth a thousand words”, various specific branches of photography, commercial photography, a photographer, to specialize in.
I Read and remember:
1. elaborate
ретельно продуманий, розвинутий
2. sophisticated
витончений, складний
3. elevation
4. movie sequences
послідовність кінофрагментів/кадрів
5. resolution
чіткість зображення, роздільна здатність
6. scale
7. rotation
8. opacity
каламутність відбитку
9. transparency
10. to interpolate
робити вставки
II Read the text and define the main idea of it:
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