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Характеристика портов захода

Читайте также:
  1. I. Общая характеристика работы
  2. Анатомическая характеристика жировой ткани
  3. Античная философия (общая характеристика)
  4. Базы данных. Модели баз данных. Системы управления базами данных (СУБД). Общая характеристика СУБД MS Access.
  5. Бюджетні права в Україні та їх характеристика
  6. В Глава 12. Характеристика различных чувств
  7. В широком смысле, пассиона́рность, — это наследуемая количественная характеристика, определяющая способность индивида (и группы индивидов) к сверхусилиям, сверхнапряжению.

HO CHI MINH CITY (Sai Gon): 10 ˚ 50' N 106 ˚ 45' E

(See Plan)

OVERVIEW: Capital port of the country handling containers, dry and liquid

bulk cargoes.

LOCATION: 50 n.m. upriver from Vung Tau.

CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1016 and 1261.

Nautical Publications: BA China Sea Pilot Vol. I (NP30).

DOCUMENTS: New regulations stipulate that inward and outward

clearance for foreign vessels shall be conducted at Vung Tau Port Authority

office so Port Officer, Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Officer will not

aboard the vessel. The boarding personnel will normally include:

1 Vietnamese Pilot

1 Agent

Agent: The following documents shall be forwarded as soon as possible to

the Agent prior to arrival at the terminal:

1 Civil Liability Certificate (CLC)

Crew Effects Declaration

Crew List (Vietnam form)

1 Declaration of Articles forbidden to be used in port (Vietnam form)

General Declaration (Vietnam form)

1 International Ship Security Certificate

Maritime Declaration of Health (Vietnam form)

Passenger Effects Declaration

1 Passenger List (Vietnam form)

Ports of Call List (ship’s form)

Ship Stores List (Vietnam form)

The boarding Agent shall collect all the above sent documents and also

the following when he boards:

1 Copy of each crew member’s passport (ship’s stamp and Master’s


1 International Tonnage Certificate (copy)

1 List of Ship’s certificates 1 NIL List / General Declaration List

1 Registry Certificate (copy)

1 Vaccination List

ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.

MAX. SIZE: LOA 230 m., beam 36.0 m., draft 9.5 m. (HW) (semi-diurnal

tidal regime: MHHWL +3.6 m., MWL+2.30 m.). Some vessels of 30,000 d.w.t.

and 11.0 m. draft have been accepted.

Sai Gon New Port: Draft 11.0 m.

DENSITY: 1005.

RESTRICTIONS: Daytime entry only for vessels greater than LOA 160 m.

and draft 9.5 m. and passenger vessels LOA 150 m. Overhead power lines

cross river clearance 36.0 m., airdraft restriction 33.20 m. East Bend limits

LOA 230 m.

Bridges: Inland road transport to/from the port: Tan Thuan Bridge 12 tons

and Khanh Hoi Bridge 25 tons nominal allowable truck load.

APPROACHES: Approach channel length 85 km. from Vung Tau Pilot


PILOTAGE: Compulsory for all foreign vessels 100 g.t. or more arriving

or leaving the ports of Vung Tau. Available throughout 24 hours.

Vessels to request Pilot 24 hours prior to arrival.

Pilot Stations: General pilot station for vessels passing Vung Tau

Anchorage entering the Dinh River, Thi Vai River, Sai Gon River, Dong Nai

River, Vinh Long, Dong Thap and transit to Phnom Penh (Cambodia).

Area 1: Limited by semi-circle radius 1.0 n.m. in the WSW, centred on position

Lat. 10 ˚ 19' 48.6" N, Long. 107˚03' 17.7" E.

Pilotage Corporation of the First Zone (Pilotco 1). Tel: +84 (8) 3940 4152,

3940 4593. Fax: +84 (8) 3940 4422.

ANCHORAGES: On the left side of the channel from Buoys No. 1 –5 for

all vessels over 3,000 d.w.t.

On the right side of the channel from Buoys No. 1 – 5 for all vessels less

than 3,000 d.w.t. only.

All tankers, gas and dangerous cargo vessels or vessels with transit cargo

to anchor in Ganh Rai Gulf if proceeding inwards.

All anchorage positions are marked on the BA Chart

No. 1016 (Vietnam-Song Sai Gon). Each anchorage limited by circle radius

275 – 600 m., centred on positions A1 –SN13.

Vessels must advise Vung Tau Port Control of ETA 4 hours prior to arrival

at Vung Tau Pilot Station in order to be allocated an anchorage. Vung Tau

Port Control listens on VHF Channel 6 and works on VHF Channel 8.

While anchored, vessel must maintain a VHF listening watch on VHF

Channel 16. A strict deck watch must also be kept, especially at night and

in particular to anchors and small craft coming close by.

When the vessel leaves Vung Tau waters, Master must inform Vung Tau

Port Control via VHF reporting anchor heaving time.

Quay Length Depth Type of Cargo

(m.) (m.)

K14 88 7.5 General cargo

K15 265 8.0 General cargo, containers

K15B 175 9.5 Containers (under construction)

Cranes: 1-110 ton, 1-45 ton, 1-30 ton,

1-25 ton, 2-20 ton and 3-15 ton shore cranes

Forklift: 35 tons

Warehouses: 6-1,500 sq.m. 3-700 sq.m.

Container yard: 51,000 sq.m.

Container handling facilities: 12 TEU/gang/hour

Forklifts: 2-42 ton, 1-11 ton, 5-5 ton, 3-2.5 ton and 2-2 ton

Average handling rates:

General cargo 128 ton/gang/day

Cargo in bags 400 Ton/gang/day

Containers 12 TEU/gang/day.

Tan Cang: Distance from Pilot Station: 50 miles.

Floating Crane: 1-100 ton

Container Handling Facilities:

40 ft. container lift truck: 4-45 ton

20 ft. container lift truck: 3-30 ton

Warehouses: 18,200 sq.m.

Average Handling Rates:

General cargo: 400 ton/shift

Containers: 12 TEU/shift.


XIAMEN (Amoy): 24˚30' N 118 ˚ 04' E (See Plan)

LOCATION: On the east coast opposite Taiwan, approximately 260 n.m.

NE of Hong Kong.

CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1767 and 3449.

MAX. SIZE: 80,000 d.w.t., depth 12.6 m. Channel draft 12.0 m.

RESTRICTIONS: The draft limitation in the channel up to the

Pilot/Quarantine Anchorage is 12.0 m. and the limitation in the channel from

the Pilot/Quarantine Anchorage to Dong Du Wharf is 8.0 m.

Also see ‘‘Berths’’.

PILOTAGE: Compulsory and is undertaken in day time only. The pilot

boards the vessel in the Pilot/Quarantine Anchorage.

ANCHORAGES: Pilot/Quarantine Anchorage: The anchorage is

located in position Lat. 2425' N, Long. 11803' E. The depth of water in the

anchorage is 12.0 m. and the bottom is sand and mud. Vessels up to 100,000 d.w.t. may use the anchorage and larger size vessels may use the

anchorage for shelter only.

VHF: Xiamen Radio listens on Channel 16 and works on

Channel 12 and 25 throughout 24 hours.

TUGS: 1 -600 h.p., 2-800 h.p., 2-1,670 h.p. and one salvage tug of 2,640 h.p.


Berth Length Depth Max. Size Cargo Handled Cranes

(No.) (m.) (m.) (d.w.t.) (tons)

Ha Ping District:

1* 64 7.0 3,000 General 2 1.5

2* 100 8.0 5,000 General /Passengers 2 1.5

Dong Du District:

1 142 9.9 15,000 Grain 1 30.5

2 228 12.6 80,000 Bulk 2 10

3 165 12.6 80,000 General 2 10

4 142 9.9 15,000 General 2 10

* Floating Berth.

Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’.

BULK FACILITIES: See ‘‘Agent’s Report’’.

Total area 48 ha., total berth length 640 m., depth alongside 13.3 m.

Equipment: Eight quay cranes, including two super post-Panamak quay

cranes outreach 56 m. (21 row), 45-tonne lifting capacity, lifting height 38 m.

Two general cargo cranes, three mobile cranes, 17 RTGs, eight front loaders

and 15 forklifts.

CRANES: See ‘‘Berths’’.


Storage: Warehouse: 41,000 sq.m.

Open storage space: 354,000 sq.m.

Imports: Wheat, fertiliser, cement, steel, coal and sugar.

Exports: Salt, tea and graphite powder.

FRESH WATER: If vessel requires fresh water alongside, she should

contact Xiamen Waterboat Bureau. If vessel is at the anchorage, she should

contact Xiamen Tug Water Company.

FUEL: Contact China Marine Bunkers Supply Co, Xiamen Branch..

REPAIRS: Repair facilities available.

WEATHER/TIDES: Tidal Range: Maximum: 6.0 m., minimum 4.5 m.


Provisions: Contact China Ocean Shipping Supply Corporation.

DEVELOPMENTS: Eight new container berths planned including five

multipurpose berths accommodating vessels of 10,000 d.w.t. Two LNGberths



Documents: Standard Chinese Forms.

Pilots: Pilots ordered by Agents only if the vessel shifting from working

anchorage to alongside after clearance.

Radio: Xiamen Radio Station used when within range and if the operator is

on watch. Otherwise vessel should use Guangzhou or Shanghai Radio.

VHF: Xiamen Radio. Call on Channel 16, ask for Penavico and the station

will patch through, normally on Channel 12.

Tugs: For berthing two tugs pushing, for sailing one tug pushing.

Cranes: At Dong Du, one standard container crane on rails at Berth No. 1.

A number of standard Chinese two wire grabbing/general cranes. Ship’s gear

also used which may work ashore or overside.

Bulk Cargo Facilities: At Dong Du, two berths equipped for bagging bulk

cargo discharged by grabs. Artificial fertilisers are worked at wharf and


Specialised Cargo Handling Facilities: Full container terminal behind

container crane.

Density: About 1022 at Dong Du.

Fuel: Fuel oil and diesel oil said to be available but details not known.

Repairs: A small local shipyard, and several boat yards but details not


Repatriation: Possible. Local airfield with flights to major cities in China and sometimes to Hong Kong. Twice weekly overnight ferry to Hong Kong.

Time: GMT plus 8 hours.

Telephones: Telephones/Telexes: Recently modernised as part of the

Special Economic Zone centred on the nearby Huli Industrial Estate. Direct

dialling to Hong Kong. Quick operator service to the UK.

Agent: China Ocean Shipping Agency. Cables: ‘‘Penavico’’.


Terminal: Dongdu No. 2.

Distance from sea buoys: 25 miles

Length of dock/Length with dolphins: 254 m.

Draft restriction alongside: 11.7 m.

Commodities handled: Grain (wheat)

Year built/last modified: 1987

Potable fresh water available: Yes

Max. Size: Draft 12.5 m. (HW), LOA 220 m., air draft 53.0 m.

Cargo Handling Facilities: 209 cargo handling machines with lifting

capacity up to 16 tonnes.

Loading Rates:

Bulk: Up to 5,000 tonnes per day

Packaged cargo: Up to 3,000 tonnes per day.

Discharging Rates:

Wheat: Up to 5,000 tonnes per day

Fertiliser: Up to 5,000 tonnes per day

Packaged cargo: Up to 3,000 tonnes per day

Bagged sugar: 1,000 tonnes per day

Steel products: Up to 3,000 tonnes per day

Granite: 6,000 tonnes per day.

PETROPAVLOVSK: 53 ˚ 02' N 158 ˚ 39' E (See Plan)

The port is currently closed to non-Russian flag vessels.

OVERVIEW: The port handles both commercial and deep-sea fishing

vessels. The port is divided into the outer and inner harbour with further

berthing in Mohovaya Bay. The outer harbour is for commercial vessels and

the inner harbour for fishing vessels.

LOCATION: On the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula in

Avacha Bay.

CHARTS: BA Chart No. 4512.

MAX. SIZE: Dry Cargo: Depth 9.2 m.

Containers: Depth 13.0 m.

Cruise: Depth 9.2 m.

RESTRICTIONS: The port is open throughout the year. Ice-breakers

assist vessels entering and departing the port in winter when ice is present.

TUGS: 15 tugs available.

BERTHS: There are 11 cargo berths, totalling length 1.6 km., one auxiliary

berth, one passenger vessel berth.

Berth Length Depth Remarks

(No.) (m.) (m.)

Commercial Seaport Complex No. 1:

2 140 9.2 Timber

3 85 9.2 Steel products

4 100 9.2 Reefer

Commercial Seaport Complex No. 2:

5 130 9.2 Passenger vessels

Commercial Seaport Complex No. 3:

10 184 9.2 Containers

11 126 10.5 Containers

12 126 10.5 Containers

13 278 13.0 Containers

Auxiliary Berths:

Auxiliary 216 6.0 Auxiliary vessels

3A 68 6.0 Port Authority vessels

3B 59 6.0 Port Authority vessels

3C 193 5.0 Port Authority vessels

Fishing Port – Inner Harbour:

N1 Fishing boats

N2 Fishing boats

N6 97 5.6 Fishing boats

N7 96 5.6 Fishing boats

Auxiliary 160 2.5 Port Authority vessels

Fishing Port –Mohovaya Bay:

N10 150 7.5 Fishing boats


Fishing Ports (Inner Harbour and Mohovaya Bay): The port has

13 berths, length totalling 1.5 km.

CONTAINER FACILITIES: The port has four berths in Commercial

Seaport Complex No. 3 that are dedicated to handling containers.

Cargo Handling Equipment: The port has RTGs with capacity up to

30.5 tonnes, front end loaders with capacity up to 30.5 tonnes and side


Also see ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Cranes’’.

TANKER FACILITIES: Fuel oil cargoes are handled at the

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Oil Base.

CRANES: Commercial Port: The port can handle single lift loads up to

80 tonnes.

Gantry Cranes: The port has 40 cranes with capacity up to 40 tonnes.

Caterpillar Cranes: There are several cranes with capacity of 12.5 – 25 tons.

Mobile Cranes: Available.

Floating Cranes: 1-25 ton and 1-100 ton cranes.

Fishing Port: Gantry Cranes: The port has 16 cranes with a load capacity

of 3.2 – 30 tonnes.

Mobile Cranes: 19 cranes available.


Inner Harbour: Storage: The port has 10,700 sq.m. of covered storage and

71,200 sq.m. of open storage.

Commercial Port: Cargoes Handled: Cargoes handled are containers,

reefer, general cargo, timber, minerals, clinker, coal, bagged cement, scrap

and oil.

Barges: The port has 8 barges each 400 g.t. for lighterage operations.

Forklifts: There are approximately 100 forklift trucks with capacity ranging

from 12.5 – 25 tonnes.

Fishing Port: Forklifts: There are approximately 35 auto and 20 electric

forklift trucks.

Storage: The port has 5 warehouses totalling 18,700 sq.m. and 10,000 sq.m.

of open storage, total area 32,100 sq.m. The port also has 32 hulks.

FRESH WATER: Available.

FUEL: Available via barge. There are six fuel barges located in the port.

CHANDLERY: Passenger launch.

NEAREST AIRPORT: Yelizovo Domestic Airport, 24 km

GENERAL: Transportation: There is no railway connection.

AUTHORITY: Petropavlovsk Sea Port, 2 Schedrin Square,

Petropavlovsk 683000, Kamchatsky, Russia. Tel: +7 (4152) 134100.

FAX: +7 (4152) 134419. Telex: 244109 RADH RU.

Email: sea@port.kamchatka.ru Web: www.port.kamchatka.ru

Contact: A Ivanchey, General Director.

AGENT: Elena Shipping, Room No. 810, 11 Aleutskaya Street, Vladivostok

690090, Russia. Tel: +7 (4232) 515575, 515593. Fax: +7 (4232) 413581.

SHANTOU: 23 ˚ 21' N 116 ˚ 40' E (See Plan)

OVERVIEW: The port imports cement, chemical, fertilisers, steel and

containers, and exports general cargo and containers.

MAX. SIZE: Draft limitation in the channel 6.0 m.

Containers: Draft 9.0 m.

PILOTAGE: Compulsory. The pilot station is located in position

Lat. 23 ˚ 17' N, Long. 116 ˚ 48' E.

ANCHORAGES: There are 11 anchorages which are numbered 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14. The depths vary from 4.8 – 12.0 m. The nature

of the bottom is mud and the holding ground is good. Vessels up to

40,000 d.w.t. may use the anchorages.

VHF: The port radio station is on Channel 16 throughout 24 hours. Penavico

is on Channel 11 from 0800 – 1800 hrs.

TUGS: 1-428 h.p. and 1-980 h.p.


District Berth Length Draft Size Cargo

Crane Capacity

No. (m.) (m.) (d.w.t.) (tons)

First 1 250 4.0 5,000 General 1-5

2 250 4.0 5,000 General 1-5

3M 100 4.0 3,000 General

Second Coal 130 7.5 16,000 Coal 1-100

Passenger 133 6.0 5,000 Passengers

Third 1 75 4.2 1,000 General.


Shantou International Container Terminal:

Operator: Shantou International Container Terminals Ltd. Tel: +86 (754)

893 9893, 888 8656. Mobile: +86 13902 746027, (852) 9830 8078..

Location: At Berths No. 7 and 8, with a total berth length of 460 m. and a

max. draft of 9.0 m.

Facilities: 3-50 ton container/cargo gantry quay cranes, capable of handling

28 moves per crane/hr., 6 RTGs, 2 forklifts for the handling of empty

containers, 1 unit truck gear which could handle 40 tons cargo.

Storage 1-4,500 sq.m. warehouse available.


20,401 sq.m., open storage 17,189 sq.m.

FRESH WATER: Contact Harbour Administration.

FUEL: Not available.

CHANDLERY: Contact China Ocean Shipping Agency, Shantou Branch

or Shantou Ocean Shipping Supply Company.

REPAIRS: Repair facilities available.

WEATHER/TIDES: Tidal Range: Max. 2.1 m., min. 0.54 m.

REPORT: June 1998

Max. Size: Draft 9.0 m., air draft 46.0 m.

Cargo Handling Facilities: 151 cargo handling machines with lifting

capacity up to 35 tonnes. 1-35 tonnes floating crane.

Loading Rates: Bulk: 1,500 tonnes per day.

Packaged cargo: 500 tonnes per day.

Discharging Rates: Bulk: 2,500 tonnes per day.

Packaged cargo: 700 tonnes per day.

Coal: 3,000 tonnes per day.

Fertiliser: 4,000 tonnes per day.

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