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Thank you, Mr. President.

Читайте также:
  1. Thank you.

This text is packed with words and phrases which can be condensed or omitted, and many clauses require rephrasing. It also includes some useful and very common ecological terms which the student is well advised to learn.


1) уважаемый господин председатель — since the speaker is addressing the President of the UN General Assembly, this is "Mr. President" and not "Mr. Chairman." Уважаемый should always be omitted when addressing the Chairman/President at the beginning of a speech.

2) общий настрой на продуктивную работу сессии — to save time, the
interpreter can simply say, "Hopes our session will be successful" or
"productive," which is all this basically means.

3) вашей ответственной миссии — "mission" should be avoided, and the
literal translation "responsible" does not work for ответственной.
"Important task" or "agenda"
gets the point across.

4) в целом позитивно оценивает ход осуществления решений — "has a
positive assessment" is cliched and awkward. "Approves of is what is
meant. "Ход" does not have to be translated as "course;" the idea is one
of developments or continuation of implementation.

5) приоритетные направления — "high priority" is clearer than "priority"
here, and nine times out of ten направление is "area" rather than
"direction." Актуальные as а "ложный друг переводчика" should be
rendered as relevant or pressing, rather than "actual." В области can
easily be omitted.

6) устойчивого развития — while устойчивый often means "stable,"
устойчивое развитие has become the accepted rendering of "sustainable
development," and
is always translated as such.

7) укрепления роли женщин — since this is the last clause in the sentence
it needs "and" before it. If the interpreter fails to insert that, he can always
say, once he realizes that the sentence has come to an end, "enhancing
the role of women, — etc./and other issues."

8) заложена солидная основа — a good or reliable foundation has been
is what is meant.


9) по обеспечению — can easily be omitted — "for sustainable
development" is sufficient.

10) сделано немало — antonymic translation is needed: "much" or "a
good deal"
or "a lot" has been done,


11) об этом свидетельствует — this required "thinking nominative,"
turning the об этом into a nominative subject: "This demonstrates/proves..."

12) в последнее время — often can simply be rendered as "recently,"
which is idiomatic and saves time.

13) в условиях — can easily be omitted.

14) ставит технологическое обновление — this needs a compound tense,
since it involves description of a continuing process: "The challenge...is
being posed by..."

15) призван — the idea here is either "is being called on," or, simply,

16) сосредоточиться на... — this is best translated by being turned into a
subject: "It must focus on..."

17) среди них — another example of how "thinking nominative"
simplifies the English syntax: "These include..." rather than the clumsy
construction, "Among them are..."

18) указом — yet another "think nominative:" "An edict of the
Be sure to say "Boris Yeltsin" and not "B.N.Yeltsin," since
English does not ordinarily use initials with last names.

19) мы неукоснительно выполняем — this needs a continuous compound
tense: We have been/we are unswervingly/strictly complying with our
since there is obviously a process involved here.

20) претворить в жизнь идеологию и практику — a literal translation is
very clumsy. "To bring to life," "to implement in word and deed" get the
idea across.

21) кардинальные усилия — кардинальные is best rendered as
"fundamental" or "radical," but definitely not as "cardinal."

22) борьбе с истощением — истощение of the ozone layer is "depletion",
and борьба
can be omitted since the meaning of the sentence is clear from
the verb "counteract" or "resist."

23) драматические последствия — while "dramatic" often but not always
works as a translation for драматические, "tragic" is sometimes a better

24) у России есть — another clear case of "think nominative:" "Russia
is interested/wishes to..."

25) практические шаги в этом направлении — "realistic measures" is just
as good as "practical steps," and gets rid of the ever-present "practical."
"В этом направлении" can easily be rendered as "here" or "in this field."

26) как лесная держава — "a forest power" sounds slightly odd, and "as
a country with forests" will solve the problem.

27) чреваты угрозами нестабильности климатической системы — here
the ubiquitous "fraught with" can safely be dispensed with and replaced
by "threaten to."


28) принципиально важным — this constantly recurring adjective is
universally detested by Russian-English interpreters, for "principled"
almost never works. "Fundamental" is a much better choice.

29) комплексное развитие — this can only be "comprehensive,"
definitely not "complex." The idea is of all-round, full-coverage
development, not of a "complicated" development.


30) непременным и самым тщательным учетом — "taking into account"
for учет will complicate this sentence. "Concern" (see above translations)
works much better.

31) реальных возможностей — don't forget "potential" as a translation of

32) благодарю за внимание — don't spoil the impression created by an
excellent interpretation by mumbling something about "for your
attention." This is not a first grade classroom of students "paying
attention" to the teacher, and "thank you for your attention" does not
work in English. Just "I thank you" is fine.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 77 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Разоружение: выступление представителя Казахстана | Disarmament: Statement by the Delegate of Kazakhstan | Текст 10 | Текст 11 | Отнюдь нет, напротив.Только интенсивная, всесторонне | Certainly not/no way: Quite the contrary/opposite/The opposite is true.Only intense, varied/all-round, harmonious and useful activity | Форсированными темпами разрабатываетсяновое антинарко­тическое законодательство. В ГосударственнойДуме принят в | Интервью с профессором Сергеем Мироновым | Interview with Professor Sergei Mironov | Окружающей среды, 1997 |
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Благодарю за внимание.| Protection, 1997

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