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Television Programming in China

Читайте также:
  1. Foreign Television Stations in China
  2. Television in the United Kingdom
  3. The press, television and radio

Television programming is controlled entirely by the state. Decisions about what programs are shown and censorship are handled by the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television (GARFT). Управления по делам радио, кино и телевидения

Он непосредственно управляет государственными предприятиями на национальном уровне, таких как Центральное телевидение Китая, Китайская национальная Радио, Международное радио Китая, а также других студий кино и телевидения и других некоммерческих организаций. Он также несет ответственность за цензуру любых материалов, которые оскорбляют чувства китайского правительства и китайского культурного уровня.

In 1986 the State Council Ministry of Culture, Film Council and the Department of Radio and Television merged to form the Film and Television Bureau. On 25 June 1998 Film and Television Bureau reorganized as the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

SARFT, непосредственно в рамках Совета государств, является административным органом, отвечающим за вопросы, связанные с радио страны, кино и телевидения промышленности. SARFT одобряет содержание радио-и телевизионных программ и фильмов, следит за фильм импорта, и устанавливает долю времени, отведенного для иностранных телевизионных программ. Он также разрешает создание кабельных каналов и установки головных станций в кабельных сетях. Наконец, SARFT контролирует доступ и контроль за деятельностью спутниковых и кабельных сетей.

In a move to strengthen SARFT's hand in ongoing political battles, the State Council established the China Radio, Film, and Television Group (CRFTG) in December 2001 as part of plan to promote cable network consolidation and the merger of cable, wireless, Internet, and satellite TV systems under SARFT's control.

сформирован медиа-холдинг, который объединит крупнейшие электронные СМИ страны - Центральное телевидение Китая, Радио Китая и Международное радио Китая. Как пишет газета "Чайна дейли", этот государственный гигант призван составить конкуренцию западным медиакорпорациям. Таким как "Виаком", "Уолт Дисней", "Руперт Мэрдок ньюс", "АОЛ тайм уорнер"

SARFT также запретил иностранные инвестиции в свои радио-и кабельных сетей. Хотя SARFT позволяет внутренних инвестиций в магистральной сети и услуги с добавленной стоимостью, она не позволяет подобной практики в своих локальных сетях доступа и базовых услуг передачи данных.

According to the official functions of SARFT are:

§ Research and development of radio and television publicity and video creation policies and grasp of public opinion; guide radio and television publicity and radio and television writing and to coordinate the planning of their subject matter; Steering Radio Film and Television management system.

§ Research and the drafting of the management of Radio Film and Television industry laws and regulations; development of Radio Film and Television management regulations and career development planning; supervision and management of radio and television programs, satellite TV included, and communication to the public through information network of audio-visual programs; responsible for broadcasting radio and TV stations broadcast radio and television programs and is responsible for the content of import management audit.

§ Approval above the county level (including county-level) radio and television organizations and film, radio and television programs, television production units in the establishment and revocation; organizations to review broadcast on radio and television movies, dramas and other programming content and quality; distribution and cancellation of filmmaking, release permits and television production, distribution license.

§ Management of Radio, Film and Television scientific and technological work, formulate the relevant technical policies and standards to guide application of Radio, Film and Television Systems high-tech research and development applications; study of Radio Film and Television in economic policy.

§ According to the state's overall planning and macro-policies and laws and regulations, on the radio and television network dedicated to a specific planning and management; development of radio and television network dedicated specific policies, regulations and technical standards to guide the construction and development work classification to ensure that radio and television programs Safety broadcast; commissioned by the Ministry of Information Industry, the preparation of radio and television-specific bands in the planning, assigning radio and television frequencies (channels) and power and other technical parameters; participate in the development of national information network of the master plan.

§ The leadership of the Central People's Broadcasting Station, China Radio International and China Central Television, its major propaganda coordination and inspection, unified organization and management of the transmission coverage of its programs.

§ Study the establishment of Radio, Film and Television system of foreign affairs of the relevant provisions; management and guidance of Radio, Film and Television of foreign and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region, exchanges and cooperation.

§ Undertake the CPC Central Committee, other matters assigned by the State Council.


In 2011 and 2012 it limited the number of reality television programs and of historical dramas expressing particular disapproval of programs with a plot twist that involved time travel back to a Chinese historical era. This decree resulted in cancellation of a number of planned films with historical drama plots.

In May 2004, SARFT issued guidelines to local stations required TV anchors to refrain from dying their hair strange colors and wearing bizarre clothes, ordered celebrities to not wear trendy clothing and Western fashions and told television station to show less foreign programming that does not fit China’s “social system and national conditions.”

One producer told the New York Times, "Government control is not the main problem for the entertainment business. The main problem is quality. Writers, especially, don’t know how to entertain people. Too many people in China—not just the Government, but producers and directors too—still think that main purpose of television is to 'educate' people. They want to tell people how to live their lives, which is kind of stupid."

In recent years Chinese broadcasters have become increasing freewheeling and independent, pushing the line of what censors have deemed acceptable.

Changsha is main center of the animation industry.

In 2007, the main television regulator, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, instructed CCTV and other networks to limit prime-time programming to ‘ethically inspiring TV series’ that could ‘reflect the reality of China in a positive way. For an eight month period preceding the National Party Congress meeting in the autumn of 2007 the Chinese broadcasting monitor call for only “ethical inspiring” television shows to be broadcast during prime time as part of the effort to promote national harmony and “ensure a better television environment.”

В январе юго-западный город-гигант Чунцин (Chongqing) издал указ, предписывающий городскому каналу Спутникового телевидения Чунцина заменить популярные комедии положений на показ программ с песнями коммунистической эпохи и классическими революционными историями, заявили государственные СМИ.

In 2005, there were 1,000 radio stations. The main radio station in China is the Central People's Broadcasting Station (CPBS) сейчас China National Radio

CNR currently has ten channels, with 198 hours of daily broadcasting through satellite. The Sounds of China Business Radio Music Radio Metro Channel - broadcasting in Beijing only, mainly entertainment and talk, The Sounds of the Chinese - The First Taiwan Service, broadcasting in Mandarin, mainly news, entertainment, talk, Sound of the Divine Land - The Second Taiwan Service, broadcasting in dialects including Amoy, Hakka and entertainment in Mandarin, Huaxia Mandarin, Huaxia Bilingual - The Zhujiang delta, Hong Kong and Macao Service, broadcasting in Mandarin and Cantonese, Sounds of the Nationalities - The Minorities Service, divided into Tibetan Service and Service in Korean, Mongolian, Uygur and Kazakh since 2009. It is said that the Uygur Service will be launched at the end of 2010, Sounds of the Literary, Sounds of the elderly, Entertainment Radio

. China Radio International международное радио китая(CRI) broadcast in 43 languages and has one of the largest broadcasting staff’s in the world.

Many Chinese in the Guangdong Province tune into Hong Kong radio stations. In Fujian residents can easily pick up Taiwanese stations. In other parts of the country Chinese with short wave radios listen to the BBC and the Voice of America, which the government tries to silence by jamming and drowning them out with Chinese broadcasts in the same frequencies.

The Communist government likes pop music that promotes party values and soothes the masses:. Most of the stiff hear in the radio these days is uplifting ballads and gentle love songs. Rock is given only brief moments of air time in the middle of the night. The lyrics of one song often played on state-run radio went in 2007: “Don’t care about loneliness/ I don’t think it really matters.” Another went “Ah, little man, ah, succeed quickly/ Enjoy being poor but happy every day.”

There are no stations that play exclusively rock music. Explaining why one propaganda official told the New York Times, “New radio stations need approval, and regulators would consider whether the content fits with social trends and national policy.” Explaining what these were he said, “It’s about how to oreint the audience, and provide them with a kind of spiritual food.”

С 1 января 2010 года решением государственного управления КНР по делам радиовещания и телевидения, время, отведенное на коммерческую рекламу, не должно превышать 12 минут от часового эфира. При этом каждый рекламный блок не может отныне превышать 90 секунд.

Учитывая коммерческие интересы теле- и радиокомпаний, условные поблажки новый регламент дает лишь рекламному времени в прайм-тайм. Общая продолжительность рекламного времени с 11.00 до 13.00 на радио и с 19.00 до 21.00 по ТВ составит 18 минут.

Помимо этого, Управление постановило, что рекламные блоки не должны нарушать целостность программ, во время которых они транслируются. Отныне трансляция радиопостановок и показ каждой серии "мыльной оперы" может быть прервана рекламой лишь дважды и не больше, чем на 1,5 минуты. В вечернее время телесериалы могут быть прерваны на рекламу лишь один раз и не больше, чем на одну минуту.

Отличительной особенностью китайских рекламных блоков на ТВ также является регулярный повтор одного и того же ролика во время одной и той же рекламной паузы. В отличие от России в КНР на телевидении широко рекламируют крепкие алкогольные напитки, в роликах о которых не запрещено участие людей. Клипы с молодыми и красивыми китайцами, которые нахваливают тот или иной сорт пива, идет в любое время, в том числе во время спортивных трансляций.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 51 | Нарушение авторских прав

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