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Human trafficking

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  3. Humaniora
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  5. Что такое «Human Design» - «Дизайн Человека»?

Interpol Notices

An Interpol notice is an international alert used by police to communicate information about crimes, criminals and threats to their counterparts around the world. They are circulated by Interpol to all member states at the request of a member or an authorised international entity. The information disseminated via notices concerns individuals wanted for serious crimes, missing persons, unidentified bodies, possible threats, prison escapes and criminals’ modi operandi. Interpol publishes notices either on its own initiative, or based on requests from its member states' National Central Bureaus or authorised international entities such as the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. All notices are published on Interpol's secure website and extracts of notices may also be published on Interpol's public website if the requesting entity agrees. Interpol can only publish a notice that adheres to all the proper legal conditions. For example, a notice will not be published if it violates Interpol's constitution, which forbids the organisation from undertaking activities of a political, military, religious or racial character. Interpol can refuse to publish a notice that it considers unadvisable or a potential risk. Notices can be issued in any of the four official languages of Interpol: English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.

Human trafficking

Human trafficking (or Trafficking in human beings) is a way to exploit people. People are sold, bought, and traded much like slaves.Trafficking victims typically are recruited by using force or because they are deceived, or fraud is used, power is abused, or they are simply abducted. Threats, violence, and economic problems can often make a victim consent to exploitation.Exploitation includes forcing people into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. For children exploitation may also include forced prostitution, illegal international adoption, trafficking for early marriage, or recruitment as child soldiers, beggars, for sports (such as child camel jockeys or football players), or for religious cults.The norms based on international human rights law, such as Vienna Declaration and the Yogyakarta Principles prohibit human trafficking and Council of Europe and Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union also prohibit them and do effort to save the victims.

Transnational crimes Transnational crimes are crimes that have actual or potential effect across national borders and crimes which are intra-State but which offend fundamental values of the international community.The term is commonly used in the law enforcement and academic communities. The word "transnational" describes crimes that are not only international (that is, crimes that cross borders between countries), but crimes that by their nature involve cross-border transference as an essential part of the criminal activity. Transnational crimes also include crimes that take place in one country, but their consequences significantly affect another country and transit countries may also be involved. Examples of transnational crimes include: human trafficking,people smuggling, smuggling/trafficking of goods (such as arms trafficking and drug trafficking and illegal animal and plant products and other goods prohibited on environmental grounds (e.g. banned ozone depleting substances), sex slavery, terrorism offences, torture and apartheid. Transnational organized crime (refers specifically to transnational crime carried out by organized crime organizations.

Crime Scene Investigation (Расследование места преступления)

Crime Scene Investigation is a very critical step or process in the investigation of a crime. A crime scene investigator has the responsibilities like identifying the criminals, collecting data or information about the criminals or suspects, collecting evidences and submission of the collected details to the Criminal Justice system.

Evidence collection is the important phase of Crime Scene Investigation process and it can be classified into two main types such as Testimonial Evidences and Physical Evidences. Testimonial evidences are the evidences that are collected from the victims or the witnesses which may be in spoken or written form. Physical evidences like the evidences around a crime scene such as footprints, hand prints, hair, narcotics, impressions and all types of biological materials are considered as silent witnesses of the crime and it plays an important role in the investigation process.

First step of the Crime Scene Investigation starts from the first information or the first responder related to the crime such as the first person who informed the police or the ambulance driver who helped the victim, etc. First responder is given importance in investigation because the criminal who committed the crime may be there when the first responder reaches that location of crime. Law enforcement agencies such as the police force take care of securing the crime scene with the procedures like keeping public away from the scene, hanging yellow tapes around the scene to declare as restricted area, etc. Police or the Initial Investigation Officers record the testimonial evidences from the public to get the clues on the people involved in the crime scene.

Searching the criminals around the area of the crime scene is the important phase in investigations. Strip wise, grid wise and zone wise searches are done in the crime scene area to find the criminals. Evidence collection processes like collecting blood samples, biological materials, impressions, glass, paint chips, etc., are the first step in the investigation process. Markings and photographing, videotaping, and written notes are the next steps of the crime scene investigation and they take part in the investigation process and can be used as evidences in later investigations. Investigation officers provide first-aid to the injured victims found in the crime scene and they will gather the evidences from them and provide proper protection to the victims and witnesses of the crime.

Crime scene investigation provides the permanent records of the crime and the materials that are collected at the crime scenes are packaged and labeled, and then submitted to the criminal justice system as evidences. Crime scene is the place of the “real” justice if it is investigated properly using the evidences and resources by an efficient investigator.


Penalties and punishment (Штрафы и наказание)

Punishments and penalties can seem very alike. Both stem from wrongdoings or faults; however, punishments are typically consequences of misbehavior, while penalties stem from breach of a rule or law. Parents often struggle with punishing children or establishing firm penalties.

Criminals must endure consequences for crimes committed. A range of punishments and penalties exists for the realm of criminal acts. For instance, in many states, the most heinous crimes result in the death penalty. Jail time is a common punishment for criminals. Penalties generally refer to consequences for specific crimes, whereas punishment is considered as the group of consequences experienced by a convicted criminal.

Punishment is the authoritative imposition of something undesirable or unpleasant upon an individual or group, in response to behaviour that an authority deems unacceptable or a violation of some norm. The unpleasant imposition may include a fine, penalty, or confinement, or be the removal or denial of something pleasant or desirable. The individual may be a person, or even an animal. The authority may be either a group or a single person, and punishment may be carried out formally under a system of law or informally in other kinds of social settings such as within a family. Negative consequences that are not authorised or that are administered without a breach of rules are not considered to be punishment as defined here. The study and practice of the punishment of crimes, particularly as it applies to imprisonment, is called penology, or, often in modern texts, corrections; in this context, the punishment process is euphemistically called "correctional process".

Penalty sanctions (law) imposed by a court, judge or public administration.


Intercultural Competence (Межкультурная компетентность)

It is very important to have knowledge about the cultural differences that may be on the international market. This knowledge is more important today than ever before, because companies have got endless opportunities of distributing their products on many foreign markets. Knowing the culture of the chosen market is vital in order to make a business succeed.
Cultures can be divided in man categories such as deal-focused vs. relationship-focused, formal vs. informal and cultures. Having a knowing about these variables is very important when dealing with foreign markets. For example, conflicts can easily occur when a company from a deal focused country as USA having plans on launching a product in India, which is a relationship focused country. In the states, businessmen are very determined in what they want. The keyword for deal-focused cultures is directivity. Deal-focused people use direct contact, direct language and are comfortable in making contact to strangers. This will not be accepted in India, where people don’t make business with strangers and where the communication is indirect. This means that everything must be “decoded” in order to get the real message. Relationship-focused people may even answer a yes, even if their real answer is no. They will never say anything that may offence you. Therefore, a conflict in communication can easily occur.
For example; during a business meeting with a possible customer from India, you offer him something to eat. The customer politely says no thank you. Later in the meeting you offer something again, and the customer again thanks with a no.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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