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  1. English as a World Language
  2. English Language Centres EC

1. Fill in the articles where necessary.

1.... protocol was signed on this basis.

2. The cost of the documentation is included in the total amount stated in … Protocol No 2.

3. The manufacturers propose to make some modifications to the equipment as per... enclosed Protocol.

4. These expenses are reflected in... above protocol.

5. The plant was operated by... very skilled workers.

6. Can I speak to... workers who assembled the machine?

7.... engineers who worked out this design come from New York.

8. Only... experienced engineers could make these modifications.

9. They detected... minor defects in the instrument.

10.... defects caused a break-down of the line.

11.They undertook to correct... defects right away.

12.They have to buy... raw materials from Mexico.

13.... raw materials delivered under the previous Contract proved to be substandard.


2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions.

1. According … the contract payment is to be made … a Letter of Credit open for the full value … the goods.

2. The Sellers advised us that the goods were ready …shipment.

3. The Buyers will open … fax a Letter … credit … favour … the Sellers … presentation … the following documents.

4. The Buyer has the right to extend the period … validity … the Letter of Credit.

5. The payment … the goods is to be made … US dollars … he full value … the goods … presentation … the Bank … Foreign Economic Affairs… the Republic of Belarus… the shipping documents.

6. … the event … devaluation … the US dollar both parties have the right to renegotiate the price … the goods.

7. The equipment was found defective... design.

8. The goods were insured... marine and war risks.

9. The goods do not conform... the specification of the Contract.

10. All the goods were shipped... full conformity... the delivery schedule.

11. We do not yet know when the damage... the instruments occurred.

12. We cannot give consent... the immediate installation о the equipment.

13. These seemingly minor alterations may entail... radical changes in the design.

14.... our opinion the damage... the machine occurred … transit.

15......................................................... We assure you that the unit will stand very high temperatures.

16. The sum of the expenses involved is equal... $ 2,500.

17. They didn't fulfil the contractual obligations... respect … the delivery dates.

18. The alterations... the design were introduced... mutual consent.


2. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

1. We shall speed up delivery if the supply of the chemicals (to undertake) by the Buyers.

2. He said if the Buyers (to waive) inspection the tests (to carry out) in the inspector's absence in two weeks' time.

3. We are sure that if the inspection (to waive) we (to receive) the goods long ago.

4. They knew that if the inspector (to release) the machines when he was at the plant they (can) ship the goods ahead of time.

5. If the tests (to complete) they (to notify) us of the results.

6. They assured us if any defect (to detect) during the coming test a detailed investigation (to undertake).

7. We now (to pack) such goods into containers more and more often.

8. I think the consignment (to pack) by now.

9. They now (to pack) Unit M-3 in the assembly shop.

10.They (to correct) the defects now and tomorrow another test will be made.

11.Now we always (to install) such equipment with the help of our own personnel.

12.As far as we know they (to carry out) loading now.

13.The plant (to reach) the desired capacity by now.

14.The vessel (to place under loading) by now.


4. Translate into English:

1. Компания Ай Би Эм, именуемая в дальнейшем «Продавец», и компания Джи Эл Си Электроникc, именуемая в дальнейшем «Покупатель», заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем.

2. А почему бы не отправить эти автомобили по железной дороге?

3. Цены по позициям указаны в приложениях 3 и 4.

4. Мы послали вам оборудование в полном соответствии с техническими характеристиками.

5. Цены твердые и изменению не подлежат.

6. Общая стоимость оборудования и запасных частей составляет 60 тысяч долларов США.

7. Цены понимаются «Свободно вдоль борта судна».

8. Доставка без оплаты пошлины (...с указанием места назначения)

9. Стоимость и фрахт (... с указанием порта назначения).

10.Франко-транспорт (... с указанием порта назначения)

11.Продавец продал, а Покупатель купил машины, оборудование, материалы и услуги («Оборудование») перечисленные в Приложении 1, которое является неотъемлемой частью настоящего Контракта.

12.«С завода в указанном месте» - базисное условие поставки, действующее для всех видов транспорта.

13.При заключении договора на условиях ФОБ с американскими партнерами следует оговаривать в контрактах, какие именно условия ФОБ предусмотрены партнерами.

14.Продавец обязуется поставить, а Покупатель принять и оплатить следующие автомобили иностранного производства (марка, год выпуска, пробег).

15.Продавцу, предоставлено право, поставить товар на 3 (три) % больше или меньше количества, указанного в п. 1.1.

16.Цены установлены в рублях на условиях СИФ и включают в себя стоимость упаковки и маркировки.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-10; просмотров: 152 | Нарушение авторских прав

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